1) MakaMaka was a social media app for sharing thoughts with close connections that gained over 1,000 beta registrations but then saw user growth drop off suddenly after 30 days.
2) The founder learned that PR is good for investors but not user acquisition, and they should have focused on customers first before partners or business scale.
3) Pivoting the app from consumer to business focus without passion was a mistake, as they needed a sustainable long-term vision balancing profit and customer needs.
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What did you learn from start up business MakaMaka.pptx
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What did you learn from
Start-Up Business
Kazunobu Seto
December, 2013
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MakaMaka is a closed social media networking
app for multi device, developed to share your
inner thoughts with intimate connections.
Fund by Red Brick Ventures.
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2 months before the
release of the service (app)
Over 1K people registered at beta
product version site! Good start!!
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On launch day, Tech media talked
about our service (app) and user
acquisition jumped!
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6 days later, user acquisition still keeps
growing via Tech media!
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But 30 days later, growth stops suddenly
and user acquisition growth falls down
like a valley!
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6 months of trying to solve the market
problem through product improvement.
Also tried to in change direction from
consumer from to business focus…
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What did you learn?
Photo Credit: http://www.upsidelearning.com/blog/index.php/2014/02/06/what-did-you-learn-today/
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Lesson #1.
PR is good for investors and strategic partners,
not user acquisition
Don’t focus PR
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Lesson #2.
Customers first, partners second. We put partners
first, customers second because we wanted to
increase business scale!
Don’t think scale of
business at first.
Customers first!
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Lesson #3.
Pivoted from B2C to B2B. The problem was just
wanted to make a profit, and the business direction
went down a passionless path
I know you need a profit, but
must think both short term and
long term.