The presentation provides information on a survey made to collect information about what the students in Thessaloniki, Greece think about surveys. The analysis of the results is provided as well.
About Your Education & Childhood Life
Parents/Teachers get ready to vibrate your ego
The critical mistake by parent and guider(s)
Why kids do low academic and bad behaviours.
All type/level studys issue starting from kids to tertiary education begin at childhood
Kids, do you have a harmony childhood live?
Kids are not robot, they are biological human with emotion.
You may tell them what to do, how to do, but how to handle it?
By Elanggovan Thanggavilo
Founder & President
Intelligent Society of Malaysia (ISOM)
Critical mistake by parent and guider(s)
Critical mistake of parent, teacher, school, PTA, PIBG, SCB and education authority does which directly trapping kids and students to reduce academic improvement, low sports performance, increase emotional issue, unwanted attitude issue and act beyond age.
You care on moral teaching which will mold behaviors.
But you dont tell them how behaviors change.
You do guide them to study well.
But you dont tell them how to prepare before start study so it gives exam impact.
You do concern on health.
But you dont care what they eat.
You do guide cultural well such as should wear dress before coming out to public.
You ask them to finish homework/school activity.
But you dont teach activity which will prepare brain to do those task.
Do you allow children to smoke? No! Then why you allow them drink cold water which create similar negative effect to body, worse ice will reduce brain performance too.
You do have vision for kids achievement. List goes on.
But you dont get prepare the fundamental biological, psychological and mental preparation for them to start, progress, involve the activities of your wish with ability to achieve your desire high results or rather to say childs deserved excellent performance.
99% of parents do these critical mistake and comfortably blame back kids.
Without you parent make preparation and providing proper support you do not have any rights to get anger of any lower performing results of your kids/children. Do not give any excuse whatsoever!
The National Survey for Wales involves around 12,000 people a year across the whole of Wales. The results are used by the Welsh Government to help make Wales a better place to live.
The document summarizes key findings from the 2017-18 National Survey for Wales. It finds that satisfaction with GP care has declined slightly since 2012-13, though satisfaction with hospital care remains high. Parents' satisfaction with both primary and secondary schools has decreased. 16% of adults in Wales experience material deprivation while loneliness affects 16% overall, rising to 21% of those aged 16-24. Internet access is increasing but Welsh language ability, at 19%, and confidence in its future strength, at 40%, remain relatively low. The survey aims to provide further analysis on topics including health, education, housing, and arts and culture.
The document summarizes survey results from a school district regarding implementing a uniform policy. It finds that while most principals, teachers, and parents support uniforms, students are opposed. Specifically:
- 52% of overall participants were opposed to uniforms while 48% supported.
- 54% of parents supported uniforms while 46% opposed.
- 57% of teachers supported uniforms while 43% opposed.
- 72% of PTA/SAC groups at non-uniform schools supported uniforms.
- 75% of students opposed uniforms while 25% supported.
Este documento presenta el plan de estudios y criterios de evaluacin para una asignatura de Lengua Castellana y Literatura. La asignatura se divide en 9 unidades temticas que cubren desde la comunicacin hasta la sociedad de la informacin. Tambin incluye lecturas obligatorias de varias obras literarias. La evaluacin es continua a lo largo de los tres trimestres y se basa en pruebas escritas y trabajos. Los criterios especifican cmo calcular la nota final y las oportunidades de recuperacin.
L'importanza del feedback e gli strumenti di statistica.
Come funziona Google Analytics? Cos Facebook Insights?
Il corso stato organizzato dal FORUM dei GIOVANI di Castellammare di Stabia (NA) e diretto da Ruggi Giuseppe Alfredo
Global Resources Engineering is a specialist recruitment firm that recruits temporary, contract, and permanent personnel across various industries in the UK and overseas. They have offices in Inverness and Aberdeen and recruit at all levels, from newly qualified candidates to senior executives. Their core sectors include construction, energy, hydro, marine renewables, oil and gas, onshore and offshore wind, production, technology, and utilities. They provide tailored recruitment solutions and additional services to meet clients' needs.
epidemiology report on The Coming Plague by Laurie GarrettJames Nichols
This book review summarizes Laurie Garrett's book "The Coming Plague", which chronicles the efforts of the CDC and other agencies to investigate and contain emerging pathogens since World War II. The book details epidemiological investigations of diseases such as Bolivian hemorrhagic fever, Ebola, yellow fever, and more. It demonstrates how epidemiology is applied in real world disease outbreaks and the challenges investigators face. The book also examines the successful eradication of smallpox and efforts to eliminate polio and malaria.
La tecnologa tiene tanto impactos negativos como positivos en el medio ambiente. Los impactos negativos incluyen la contaminacin por los materiales txicos en dispositivos electrnicos descartados y la sobreexplotacin de recursos naturales para su produccin. Sin embargo, la tecnologa tambin puede usarse para predecir y combatir incendios forestales, reciclar materiales, y desarrollar fuentes de energa renovables. A nivel local, la tecnologa ha simplificado tareas pero tambin ha contribuido a la contaminacin por desechos electrnicos
Este documento explica las conjunciones, incluyendo qu son, ejemplos de conjunciones y/e, o/u, cmo se analizan y actividades de prctica. Las conjunciones son palabras invariables que sirven para unir dos palabras u oraciones. Algunos ejemplos son "y", "e", "o", "u". Cambiamos la "y" por "e" y la "o" por "u" dependiendo de la primera letra de la siguiente palabra. Las conjunciones se analizan por su categora gramatical, tipo y ejemplo.
El documento discute los efectos positivos y negativos de la ciencia y la tecnologa. Entre los efectos positivos se encuentran los avances mdicos que han curado enfermedades, la creacin de nuevos modelos para optimizar procesos productivos, y el desarrollo de herramientas que simplifican el trabajo en el hogar. Sin embargo, la ciencia tambin ha sido utilizada para fines negativos como el desarrollo de armas qumicas y nucleares, la manipulacin de avances tecnolgicos para satisfacer intereses particulares como
Jet Blue Airway: Case Analysis (Strategic Audit)Anna Osmanay
The presentation analyses a case of Jet Blue Airway. Jet Blue Airway is an airline company that operates in the United States. Background information about the company as well as a strategic audit of the company is presented. The strategic audit has to do with the internal and external analysis of the environment of the company.
critique osteoarthritis and cartilagefinal4182016James Nichols
This document summarizes a research study that evaluated the efficacy of non-surgical treatment for pain and sensitization in patients with knee osteoarthritis. The study used a pre-defined ancillary analysis of a randomized controlled trial to compare outcomes between a treatment group receiving neuromuscular exercise, education, diet, insoles and pain medications (MEDIC-treatment) and a control group receiving usual care. Outcomes included measures of pain intensity, pain pattern, pain spreading, medication usage, and pain sensitization, which were assessed at baseline and 3-month follow up. The study found some improvements in pain outcomes in the MEDIC-treatment group compared to usual care, though limitations in generalizability and potential confounding factors
Servant leadership is defined as prioritizing the needs of followers by making sure their highest priorities are met. There are 10 characteristics of servant leaders including listening, empathy, awareness, and conceptualization. A model of servant leadership includes antecedent conditions like culture and leader attributes, servant leader behaviors like putting followers first and empowering them, and outcomes like increased follower performance and organizational performance. While servant leadership has strengths like emphasizing altruism, it also has weaknesses such as not working in environments where followers do not want guidance or empowerment.
AQA Religious Studies Unit 4 complete revisiondonnersx
Christianity believes in one God who is the creator. God is understood as omnipotent, omnipresent and omnibenevolent. Christians believe Jesus was the son of God who died for humanity's sins. There are different views on how people can attain salvation and heaven, including accepting Jesus and turning away from sin. Religious experiences are a source of knowledge about God for some, providing revelations, conversions or visions from figures like Jesus or Mary. However, experiences are subjective and difficult to verify scientifically.
This document provides an overview of the format and structure of a GCSE English Language Paper 1 exam. It includes:
- A reading section with 4 comprehension questions about a fiction passage, testing identification of explicit details, language analysis, structure analysis, and a critical response.
- A writing section with 2 potential essay prompts, testing content, organization, vocabulary, sentence structure, and technical accuracy.
- Guidance is given for each question, including timing, skills tested, and techniques for answering successfully like highlighting examples and commenting on language effects. Close attention to language features and how they impact the reader is emphasized.
La vena axilar se forma por la unin de las venas braquiales y basilica en el borde del msculo redondo mayor. Se divide en tres partes y termina convirtindose en la vena subclavia. Las lesiones en la vena axilar, especialmente en la parte proximal, pueden causar sangrado profuso o entrada de aire en el vaso sanguneo. Los ganglios linfticos axilares se organizan en cinco grupos y drenan la linfa del brazo superior y la pared torcica posterior. El plexo bra
AQA- Power and Conflict Revision ResourceAmjad Ali
This document provides an overview and contents of a booklet designed to support the study of poetry for English lessons. It discusses how the booklet can be used as a homework resource, revision aid, or to catch up on missed topics. However, it notes that the booklet is not intended as a "quick fix" and emphasizes the importance of carefully reading the instructions and answering questions in full sentences. The document also provides teaching suggestions for incorporating the booklet into lessons, such as exploring poems in stages from initial understanding to reinforcement of themes. It highlights assessment objectives for poetry analysis and includes a glossary of literary devices.
Expresiones para el DELE C2. Medios de comunicacinAvueltas Conele
Este documento presenta expresiones comunes utilizadas en los medios de comunicacin en espa?ol. Define frases como "a los cuatro vientos" (para difundir una noticia ampliamente), "correr un rumor" (difundir un rumor), y "acallar un rumor" (detener un rumor). Tambin explica el significado de "desmentir una noticia" (decir que una noticia es falsa), "estar al filo de la noticia" (estar al tanto de una noticia), y "hacerse eco de algo" (ayudar a difundir una noticia
This document describes a survey conducted by students on understanding of colon cancer between male and female students. It includes an introduction outlining the survey's purpose to compare understanding between genders, as well as sections on objectives, methodology, survey results, analysis of the results, and a conclusion. The methodology section describes how the students distributed and collected 100 surveys each from male and female students. The results and analysis sections present the responses to each survey question in percentages and compare the understanding between genders.
This document summarizes a survey conducted by students on understanding of colon cancer between male and female students. The survey included 21 multiple choice questions distributed to 100 male and 100 female students. The responses were analyzed and percentages of each answer were calculated. Overall, the analysis found that female students displayed a higher level of understanding about colon cancer than male students on most questions.
This document presents the results of a statistical analysis project on public understanding of obesity. A survey was conducted with 250 respondents between the ages of 21-25 and 26-30. The survey aimed to explore common perceptions of obesity and assess knowledge. Statistical analysis found that while respondents were generally aware of their weight and how to prevent obesity, there were also many misconceptions. On average, respondents answered only half of obesity-related questions correctly. This highlights the need for greater public education on obesity as a leading cause of preventable death worldwide.
1) A survey was conducted of 826 Macau teenagers (380 males, 446 females) to understand their sexual knowledge and experiences.
2) The results showed that 9.87% of males and 4.48% of females reported having sexual experiences. Most partners were high school or university students of similar ages.
3) For both male and female teenagers, the highest percentage were in their first year of high school, followed by second and third years. Fewer were in primary school or had not attended school.
1) A survey was conducted of 826 Macau teenagers (380 males, 446 females) to understand their sexual knowledge and experiences.
2) The results showed that 9.87% of males and 4.48% of females reported having sexual experiences. Most partners were high school or university students of similar ages.
3) For first sexual experiences, 20% of males reported being 16 years old, while 20% of females reported being 17 years old.
1) A survey was conducted of 826 Macau teenagers (380 males, 446 females) to understand their sexual knowledge and experiences.
2) The results showed that 9.87% of males and 4.48% of females reported having sexual experiences. Most partners were high school or university students of similar ages.
3) For first sexual experiences, 20% of males reported being 16 years old, while 20% of females reported being 17 years old.
La tecnologa tiene tanto impactos negativos como positivos en el medio ambiente. Los impactos negativos incluyen la contaminacin por los materiales txicos en dispositivos electrnicos descartados y la sobreexplotacin de recursos naturales para su produccin. Sin embargo, la tecnologa tambin puede usarse para predecir y combatir incendios forestales, reciclar materiales, y desarrollar fuentes de energa renovables. A nivel local, la tecnologa ha simplificado tareas pero tambin ha contribuido a la contaminacin por desechos electrnicos
Este documento explica las conjunciones, incluyendo qu son, ejemplos de conjunciones y/e, o/u, cmo se analizan y actividades de prctica. Las conjunciones son palabras invariables que sirven para unir dos palabras u oraciones. Algunos ejemplos son "y", "e", "o", "u". Cambiamos la "y" por "e" y la "o" por "u" dependiendo de la primera letra de la siguiente palabra. Las conjunciones se analizan por su categora gramatical, tipo y ejemplo.
El documento discute los efectos positivos y negativos de la ciencia y la tecnologa. Entre los efectos positivos se encuentran los avances mdicos que han curado enfermedades, la creacin de nuevos modelos para optimizar procesos productivos, y el desarrollo de herramientas que simplifican el trabajo en el hogar. Sin embargo, la ciencia tambin ha sido utilizada para fines negativos como el desarrollo de armas qumicas y nucleares, la manipulacin de avances tecnolgicos para satisfacer intereses particulares como
Jet Blue Airway: Case Analysis (Strategic Audit)Anna Osmanay
The presentation analyses a case of Jet Blue Airway. Jet Blue Airway is an airline company that operates in the United States. Background information about the company as well as a strategic audit of the company is presented. The strategic audit has to do with the internal and external analysis of the environment of the company.
critique osteoarthritis and cartilagefinal4182016James Nichols
This document summarizes a research study that evaluated the efficacy of non-surgical treatment for pain and sensitization in patients with knee osteoarthritis. The study used a pre-defined ancillary analysis of a randomized controlled trial to compare outcomes between a treatment group receiving neuromuscular exercise, education, diet, insoles and pain medications (MEDIC-treatment) and a control group receiving usual care. Outcomes included measures of pain intensity, pain pattern, pain spreading, medication usage, and pain sensitization, which were assessed at baseline and 3-month follow up. The study found some improvements in pain outcomes in the MEDIC-treatment group compared to usual care, though limitations in generalizability and potential confounding factors
Servant leadership is defined as prioritizing the needs of followers by making sure their highest priorities are met. There are 10 characteristics of servant leaders including listening, empathy, awareness, and conceptualization. A model of servant leadership includes antecedent conditions like culture and leader attributes, servant leader behaviors like putting followers first and empowering them, and outcomes like increased follower performance and organizational performance. While servant leadership has strengths like emphasizing altruism, it also has weaknesses such as not working in environments where followers do not want guidance or empowerment.
AQA Religious Studies Unit 4 complete revisiondonnersx
Christianity believes in one God who is the creator. God is understood as omnipotent, omnipresent and omnibenevolent. Christians believe Jesus was the son of God who died for humanity's sins. There are different views on how people can attain salvation and heaven, including accepting Jesus and turning away from sin. Religious experiences are a source of knowledge about God for some, providing revelations, conversions or visions from figures like Jesus or Mary. However, experiences are subjective and difficult to verify scientifically.
This document provides an overview of the format and structure of a GCSE English Language Paper 1 exam. It includes:
- A reading section with 4 comprehension questions about a fiction passage, testing identification of explicit details, language analysis, structure analysis, and a critical response.
- A writing section with 2 potential essay prompts, testing content, organization, vocabulary, sentence structure, and technical accuracy.
- Guidance is given for each question, including timing, skills tested, and techniques for answering successfully like highlighting examples and commenting on language effects. Close attention to language features and how they impact the reader is emphasized.
La vena axilar se forma por la unin de las venas braquiales y basilica en el borde del msculo redondo mayor. Se divide en tres partes y termina convirtindose en la vena subclavia. Las lesiones en la vena axilar, especialmente en la parte proximal, pueden causar sangrado profuso o entrada de aire en el vaso sanguneo. Los ganglios linfticos axilares se organizan en cinco grupos y drenan la linfa del brazo superior y la pared torcica posterior. El plexo bra
AQA- Power and Conflict Revision ResourceAmjad Ali
This document provides an overview and contents of a booklet designed to support the study of poetry for English lessons. It discusses how the booklet can be used as a homework resource, revision aid, or to catch up on missed topics. However, it notes that the booklet is not intended as a "quick fix" and emphasizes the importance of carefully reading the instructions and answering questions in full sentences. The document also provides teaching suggestions for incorporating the booklet into lessons, such as exploring poems in stages from initial understanding to reinforcement of themes. It highlights assessment objectives for poetry analysis and includes a glossary of literary devices.
Expresiones para el DELE C2. Medios de comunicacinAvueltas Conele
Este documento presenta expresiones comunes utilizadas en los medios de comunicacin en espa?ol. Define frases como "a los cuatro vientos" (para difundir una noticia ampliamente), "correr un rumor" (difundir un rumor), y "acallar un rumor" (detener un rumor). Tambin explica el significado de "desmentir una noticia" (decir que una noticia es falsa), "estar al filo de la noticia" (estar al tanto de una noticia), y "hacerse eco de algo" (ayudar a difundir una noticia
This document describes a survey conducted by students on understanding of colon cancer between male and female students. It includes an introduction outlining the survey's purpose to compare understanding between genders, as well as sections on objectives, methodology, survey results, analysis of the results, and a conclusion. The methodology section describes how the students distributed and collected 100 surveys each from male and female students. The results and analysis sections present the responses to each survey question in percentages and compare the understanding between genders.
This document summarizes a survey conducted by students on understanding of colon cancer between male and female students. The survey included 21 multiple choice questions distributed to 100 male and 100 female students. The responses were analyzed and percentages of each answer were calculated. Overall, the analysis found that female students displayed a higher level of understanding about colon cancer than male students on most questions.
This document presents the results of a statistical analysis project on public understanding of obesity. A survey was conducted with 250 respondents between the ages of 21-25 and 26-30. The survey aimed to explore common perceptions of obesity and assess knowledge. Statistical analysis found that while respondents were generally aware of their weight and how to prevent obesity, there were also many misconceptions. On average, respondents answered only half of obesity-related questions correctly. This highlights the need for greater public education on obesity as a leading cause of preventable death worldwide.
1) A survey was conducted of 826 Macau teenagers (380 males, 446 females) to understand their sexual knowledge and experiences.
2) The results showed that 9.87% of males and 4.48% of females reported having sexual experiences. Most partners were high school or university students of similar ages.
3) For both male and female teenagers, the highest percentage were in their first year of high school, followed by second and third years. Fewer were in primary school or had not attended school.
1) A survey was conducted of 826 Macau teenagers (380 males, 446 females) to understand their sexual knowledge and experiences.
2) The results showed that 9.87% of males and 4.48% of females reported having sexual experiences. Most partners were high school or university students of similar ages.
3) For first sexual experiences, 20% of males reported being 16 years old, while 20% of females reported being 17 years old.
1) A survey was conducted of 826 Macau teenagers (380 males, 446 females) to understand their sexual knowledge and experiences.
2) The results showed that 9.87% of males and 4.48% of females reported having sexual experiences. Most partners were high school or university students of similar ages.
3) For first sexual experiences, 20% of males reported being 16 years old, while 20% of females reported being 17 years old.
Students rights and responsibilities survey results Canan Ta?
The document summarizes the results of a survey about students' knowledge of their rights and responsibilities. It found that most students are aware of their rights and where to find information about them. Over 80% feel their rights are respected in school. The most important rights were identified as the right to feel safe, be treated with respect, and freedom of speech. The most important responsibilities were respecting others and obeying school rules. Students said they would turn to teachers, headmasters or parents if their rights were violated. In conclusion, most students understand and fulfill their responsibilities.
This document provides an overview and summary of findings from two parallel studies on barriers to attending college. The first was a nationally representative online survey of 1,000 Irish adults. The second was a face-to-face survey of 125 residents in Dublin 10 and 125 in Dublin 17, areas with low rates of third-level education. The surveys examined respondents' educational backgrounds, influences on their decisions to attend or not attend college, awareness of supports for college students, and perceptions of available information. Key findings included that financial constraints and a desire to work were primary reasons for not continuing education, and that upskilling for employment was the main influence for those who did attend college.
The document summarizes a study on student dropouts from an Advanced Certificate in Pre-School Education program in Sri Lanka. It found that over the years studied, around 20% of enrolled students dropped out. The highest dropout rates occurred among students who failed to submit assignments or their final project, or were unprepared for exams. Personal and family responsibilities, difficulties with the project or exams, and lack of time were cited as major reasons for dropping out. The study concluded that delivering the program through a more flexible structure and providing better student support could help minimize future dropout rates.
The document summarizes a study on student dropout rates in an Advanced Certificate in Pre-School Education program in Sri Lanka. It outlines the objectives, methodology, results, and conclusions of the study. The study found that the dropout rate was 19.9% between 2000-2009. The main reasons for dropping out included inability to submit assignments or projects, failure to pass examinations, and personal/family difficulties that prevented students from completing the program. Recommendations focused on improving program structure, student support services, and providing opportunities for further education.
Be Well Presentation 12-11-14 colored chartNancy Godfrey
The document summarizes research on USU employees' awareness of and participation in the USU Be Well program. It found that about half of employees were familiar with the program but participation rates were generally low. Common barriers to participation included inconvenient hours and class times. Employees suggested incentives like gift cards, merchandise, and medical premium subsidies to increase participation.
Dorothy Watson, Research Professor at the ESRI, gave this presentation at the 11th annual Growing Up in Ireland conference on 21 November 2019.
The press release for this research, which includes links to relevant publications, is available here:
Photos and other materials from the conference are available at this link:
Valkey 101 - SCaLE 22x March 2025 Stokes.pdfDave Stokes
An Introduction to Valkey, Presented March 2025 at the Southern California Linux Expo, Pasadena CA. Valkey is a replacement for Redis and is a very fast in memory database, used to caches and other low latency applications. Valkey is open-source software and very fast.
Design Data Model Objects for Analytics, Activation, and AIaaronmwinters
Explore using industry-specific data standards to design data model objects in Data Cloud that can consolidate fragmented and multi-format data sources into a single view of the customer.
Design of the data model objects is a critical first step in setting up Data Cloud and will impact aspects of the implementation, including the data harmonization and mappings, as well as downstream automations and AI processing. This session will provide concrete examples of data standards in the education space and how to design a Data Cloud data model that will hold up over the long-term as new source systems and activation targets are added to the landscape. This will help architects and business analysts accelerate adoption of Data Cloud.
A Relative Information Gain-based Query Performance Prediction Framework with...suchanadatta3
To improve the QPP estimate for neural models, we propose to use additional information from a set of queries that express a similar information need to the current one (these queries are called variants). The key idea of our proposed method, named Weighted Relative Information Gain (WRIG), is to estimate the performance of these variants, and then to improve the QPP estimate of the original query based on the relative differences with the variants. The hypothesis is that if a querys estimate is significantly higher than the average QPP score of its variants, then the original query itself is assumed (with a higher confidence) to be one for which a retrieval model works well.
Deep-QPP: A Pairwise Interaction-based Deep Learning Model for Supervised Que...suchanadatta3
Motivated by the recent success of end-to-end deep neural models
for ranking tasks, we present here a supervised end-to-end neural
approach for query performance prediction (QPP). In contrast to
unsupervised approaches that rely on various statistics of document
score distributions, our approach is entirely data-driven. Further,
in contrast to weakly supervised approaches, our method also does
not rely on the outputs from different QPP estimators. In particular, our model leverages information from the semantic interactions between the terms of a query and those in the top-documents retrieved with it. The architecture of the model comprises multiple layers of 2D convolution filters followed by a feed-forward layer of parameters. Experiments on standard test collections demonstrate
that our proposed supervised approach outperforms other state-of-the-art supervised and unsupervised approaches.
19th Edition Of International Research Data Analysis Excellence Awardsdataanalysisconferen
19th Edition Of International Research Data Analysis Excellence Awards
International Research Data Analysis Excellence Awards is the Researchers and Research organizations around the world in the motive of Encouraging and Honoring them for their Significant contributions & Achievements for the Advancement in their field of expertise. Researchers and scholars of all nationalities are eligible to receive ScienceFather Research Data Analysis Excellence Awards. Nominees are judged on past accomplishments, research excellence and outstanding academic achievements.
Place: San Francisco, United States
Visit Our Website:
Nomination Link:
Its hard to imagine the frustration and helplessness a 65-year-old man with limited computer skills must feel when facing the aftermath of a crypto scam. Recovering a hacked trading wallet can feel like an absolute nightmare, especially when every step seems to lead you into an endless loop of failed solutions. Thats exactly what I went through over the past four weeks. After my trading wallet was compromised, the hacker changed my email address, password, and even removed my phone number from the account. For someone with little technical expertise, this was not just overwhelming, it was a disaster. Every suggested solution I came across in online help centers was either too complex or simply ineffective. I tried countless links, tutorials, and forums, only to find myself stuck, not even close to reclaiming my stolen crypto. In a last-ditch effort, I turned to Google and stumbled upon a review about MUYERN TRUST HACKER. At first, I was skeptical, like anyone would be in my position. But the glowing reviews, especially from people with similar experiences, gave me a glimmer of hope. Despite my doubts, I decided to reach out to them for assistance.The team at MUYERN TRUST HACKER immediately put me at ease. They were professional, understanding, and reassuring. Unlike other services that felt impersonal or automated, they took the time to walk me through every step of the recovery process. The fact that they were willing to schedule a 25-minute session to help me properly secure my account after recovery was invaluable. Today, Im grateful to say that my stolen crypto has been fully recovered, and my account is secure again. This experience has taught me that sometimes, even when you feel like all hope is lost, theres always a way to fight back. If youre going through something similar, dont give up. Reach out to MUYERN TRUST HACKER. Even if youve already tried everything, their expertise and persistence might just be the solution you need.I wholeheartedly recommend MUYERN TRUST HACKER to anyone facing the same situation. Whether youre a novice or experienced in technology, theyre the right team to trust when it comes to recovering stolen crypto or securing your accounts. Dont hesitate to contact them, it's worth it. Reach out to them on telegram at muyerntrusthackertech or web: ht tps :// muyerntrusthacker . o r g for faster response.
Boosting MySQL with Vector Search Scale22X 2025.pdfAlkin Tezuysal
As the demand for vector databases and Generative AI continues to rise, integrating vector storage and search capabilities into traditional databases has become increasingly important. This session introduces the *MyVector Plugin*, a project that brings native vector storage and similarity search to MySQL. Unlike PostgreSQL, which offers interfaces for adding new data types and index methods, MySQL lacks such extensibility. However, by utilizing MySQL's server component plugin and UDF, the *MyVector Plugin* successfully adds a fully functional vector search feature within the existing MySQL + InnoDB infrastructure, eliminating the need for a separate vector database. The session explains the technical aspects of integrating vector support into MySQL, the challenges posed by its architecture, and real-world use cases that showcase the advantages of combining vector search with MySQL's robust features. Attendees will leave with practical insights on how to add vector search capabilities to their MySQL
AI + Disability. Coded Futures: Better opportunities or biased outcomes?Christine Hemphill
A summary report into attitudes to and implications of AI as it relates to disability. Will AI enabled solutions create greater opportunities or amplify biases in society and datasets? Informed by primary mixed methods research conducted in the UK and globally by Open Inclusion on behalf of the Institute of People Centred AI, Uni of Surrey and Royal Holloway University. Initially presented at Google London in Jan 2025.
If you prefer an audio visual format you can access the full video recorded at Google ADC London where we presented this research in January 2025. It has captioned content and audio described visuals and is available at There is also a short Fireside Chat about the research held at Zero Project Conference March 2025 available at
If ݺߣ Share's format is not accessible to you in any way, please contact us at and we can provide you with the underlying document.
Analyzing Consumer Spending Trends and Purchasing Behavioromololaokeowo1
This project explores consumer spending patterns using Kaggle-sourced data to uncover key trends in purchasing behavior. The analysis involved cleaning and preparing the data, performing exploratory data analysis (EDA), and visualizing insights using ExcelI. Key focus areas included customer demographics, product performance, seasonal trends, and pricing strategies. The project provided actionable insights into consumer preferences, helping businesses optimize sales strategies and improve decision-making.
The truth behind the numbers: spotting statistical misuse.pptxandyprosser3
As a producer of official statistics, being able to define what misinformation means in relation to data and statistics is so important to us.
For our sixth webinar, we explored how we handle statistical misuse especially in the media. We were also joined by speakers from the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR) to explain how they play an important role in investigating and challenging the misuse of statistics across government.
2. SURVATION -- debated and problematic issue
--interesting and unexpected results
Main purpose:
? Presentation of the public preferences
? Overall improvement of surveys
3. Decision: examination of Thessalonikis
students opinions.
Based on:
Age --Field Of Study CTastes --Preferences
Benefits of this survey:
?Retrieve information about survation
?Raise awareness about survation issue
10. 47%
51 %
10 %
39 %
0 20 40 60
I prefer shorter surveys
I don't mind lengthy
It doesn't matter if the
topic is interesting
Length of a
12. ?Most of the students do like surveys if the topic is
interesting to them.
?Prefer taking surveys related to:
? Their field of study
? Controversial issues
? Important & debated issues (e.g politics & economics)
?Their decision on taking a survey does not depend so
much on their time.
?Prefer taking short and online surveys.