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What does health care reform
mean for River Falls?
Leadership River Falls
April 7, 2016
Heather K. Logelin, MBA
River Falls Area Hospital, part of Allina Health
Leadership River Falls Alumna  Class of 2006
 Affordable Care Act 101
 Allina Health in River Falls
 The future of health care
I actually like the name
because I do care!
- President Obama, August 8, 2012
Affordable Care
Act 101
Whats with Obamacare?
nearly 1,000 pages
followed by more than 10,000 pages of regulations
 too many uninsured
 spending too much on healthcare
 inefficient system of delivery and payment
 focus on treatment instead of prevention
 payment for volume vs. payment for value
 little attention to social determinants of health
Why did we need it?
  but is ranked
37th in health
Source: The Commonwealth Fund, May 2012
Cost: Spending too much on healthcare
 The US spends
double the amount
spent by other
developed nations
Obamacare will  ruin the best healthcare system in the world.
- House Speaker John Boehner, 07/01/12
Note: Dollar amounts in parentheses are the annual expenses per person in each percentile. Population is the civilian noninstitutionalized
population, including those without any health care spending. Health care spending is total payments from all sources (including direct
payments from individuals, private insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, and miscellaneous other sources) to hospitals, physicians, other providers
(including dental care), and pharmacies; health insurance premiums are not included.
Source: Kaiser Family Foundation calculations using data from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Agency for Healthcare
Research and Quality, Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS), 2008.
Cost: Health Care Spending in the U.S.
($44,338) ($16,336) ($9,148) ($6,074) ($4,374) ($825)
The ACA was fundamentally about two things:
1. Insurance reform
A. Expand coverage
B. Mandate coverage
2. Improving the health care delivery system
A. Higher quality
B. Lower cost
The success of the ACA requires successful implementation of all of
its parts. As an example, assumptions about reforms to the delivery
system are based on assumptions about expansion of coverage.
Affordable Care Act
Whatever you call it, health care
reform is grounded in the Triple Aim:
1. Improved patient experience
2. Improved health outcomes
3. Decreased cost of care
Service, Quality, Cost
 sound familiar?
Traditional health care cannot
achieve the Triple Aim on its own!
What can we do to have an impact on this 40%?
only about 10%
And what about this 15%
Allina Health in
River Falls
What does health care reform mean for River Falls
 River Falls Area Hospital
 Emergency Room
 Surgical Services
 Birth Center
 Inpatient Care
 Lab and Radiology
 Virginia Piper Cancer Institute
 Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute
 Allina Health Home Care and Hospice
 Allina Home Oxygen and Medical Equipment
Allina Health
Services in River Falls
Community Health Improvement Initiatives
System-wide initiatives:
 Health Powdered Kids
 Change to Chill
 Free Bikes 4 Kidz
 New Shoes, Healthy Kids
 Kirby Puckett Eye Mobile
 Heart Safe Communities AED Grant Program
Local initiatives and partnerships:
 Healthier Together Pierce and St. Croix Counties
 The Remember Project (St. Croix Valley Foundation)
 Success By 6 (United Way)
 Healthy Cooking Classes
 Mindfulness Classes
 Stepping On Community Falls Prevention Program
 Living Well with Chronic Conditions
 Bike Rodeos and Car Seat Clinics
 Halloween Candy Buyback
Financial Support
 Charitable Contribution Program
 Neighborhood Health Connection Grants
But what about the other 80-90%?
The future of
= health
Current healthcare industry 庄稼界艶稼岳庄厩艶壊
Where we are 鞄艶温糸艶糸
Preventable Complications
Unnecessary Treatments
What we are paid for:
Questions to ponder:
- How do we identify and eliminate services
that dont add value?
- How do we best work with community
partners to provide whole person care?
- How far upstream should hospitals and
health systems go?
Kids Cooking Class - River Falls Area Hospital - June 2015

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What does health care reform mean for River Falls

  • 1. What does health care reform mean for River Falls? Leadership River Falls April 7, 2016 Heather K. Logelin, MBA River Falls Area Hospital, part of Allina Health Leadership River Falls Alumna Class of 2006
  • 2. Affordable Care Act 101 Allina Health in River Falls The future of health care 2 AGENDA I actually like the name [Obamacare], because I do care! - President Obama, August 8, 2012
  • 4. Whats with Obamacare? nearly 1,000 pages followed by more than 10,000 pages of regulations
  • 5. too many uninsured spending too much on healthcare inefficient system of delivery and payment focus on treatment instead of prevention payment for volume vs. payment for value little attention to social determinants of health Why did we need it?
  • 6. but is ranked 37th in health outcomes Source: The Commonwealth Fund, May 2012 Cost: Spending too much on healthcare The US spends double the amount spent by other developed nations Obamacare will ruin the best healthcare system in the world. - House Speaker John Boehner, 07/01/12
  • 7. Note: Dollar amounts in parentheses are the annual expenses per person in each percentile. Population is the civilian noninstitutionalized population, including those without any health care spending. Health care spending is total payments from all sources (including direct payments from individuals, private insurance, Medicare, Medicaid, and miscellaneous other sources) to hospitals, physicians, other providers (including dental care), and pharmacies; health insurance premiums are not included. Source: Kaiser Family Foundation calculations using data from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS), 2008. Cost: Health Care Spending in the U.S. ($44,338) ($16,336) ($9,148) ($6,074) ($4,374) ($825) (<$825) PercentofTotalHealthCareSpending
  • 8. The ACA was fundamentally about two things: 1. Insurance reform A. Expand coverage B. Mandate coverage 2. Improving the health care delivery system A. Higher quality B. Lower cost The success of the ACA requires successful implementation of all of its parts. As an example, assumptions about reforms to the delivery system are based on assumptions about expansion of coverage. Affordable Care Act
  • 9. Whatever you call it, health care reform is grounded in the Triple Aim: 1. Improved patient experience 2. Improved health outcomes 3. Decreased cost of care Service, Quality, Cost sound familiar? www.chfa.net
  • 10. Traditional health care cannot achieve the Triple Aim on its own! What can we do to have an impact on this 40%? only about 10% And what about this 15%
  • 13. River Falls Area Hospital Emergency Room Surgical Services Birth Center Inpatient Care Lab and Radiology Virginia Piper Cancer Institute Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute Allina Health Home Care and Hospice Allina Home Oxygen and Medical Equipment Allina Health Services in River Falls
  • 14. Community Health Improvement Initiatives System-wide initiatives: Health Powdered Kids Change to Chill Free Bikes 4 Kidz New Shoes, Healthy Kids Kirby Puckett Eye Mobile Heart Safe Communities AED Grant Program Local initiatives and partnerships: Healthier Together Pierce and St. Croix Counties The Remember Project (St. Croix Valley Foundation) Success By 6 (United Way) Healthy Cooking Classes Mindfulness Classes Stepping On Community Falls Prevention Program Living Well with Chronic Conditions Bike Rodeos and Car Seat Clinics Halloween Candy Buyback Financial Support Charitable Contribution Program Neighborhood Health Connection Grants 14 But what about the other 80-90%?
  • 16. Current healthcare industry 庄稼界艶稼岳庄厩艶壊
  • 17. Where we are 鞄艶温糸艶糸
  • 19. Questions to ponder: - How do we identify and eliminate services that dont add value? - How do we best work with community partners to provide whole person care? - How far upstream should hospitals and health systems go?
  • 20. heather.logelin@allina.com thank you! Kids Cooking Class - River Falls Area Hospital - June 2015