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March 31st, 2013                                                                                         Published by: thedreamachiever

Your Daily Motivation from A'ric
"The Dream Achiever" Jackson
                                                                     Fellow speakers, you want this type of feedback often from
  Is your stage presence making or breaking you? Do you              your audience and if you are willing to make a few tweaks
  have what's needed to interrupt judgment from the                  in your stage presence, you will reap the rewards in both
  moment you walk on stage?                                          accolades and your bank account. (By the way, if you want
                                                                     to check out my blog on Speaking & Entrepreneurship, Click
What Does Your Stage
Presence Say About You?
                                                                     Tip #1

                                                                     When it comes to your stage presence, lets start with the
                                                                     basics. How are you standing before you even deliver your
                                                                     1st line? Are you standing up there looking stiff and dead as
                                                                     a doornail? Are you chilling like you hanging out the with
                                                                     the homies? Consider that even before you open your mouth,
                                                                     within seconds of coming onto the stage, you are instantly
                                                                     judged and summed up by your audience. They will never tell
                                                                     you that, but you are.

                                                                     One way to shake up the stage presence a
                                                                     little, your opening should be outside the
                                                                     Start off with a POW to snatch your audiences attention so
                                                                     quick that they wont have enough time to judge you. Even
Ahhh, the joys of talking about                                      if they did judge you, I promise you, you will not be quickly
Stage Presence for speakers.                                         summed up as oh another speaker.
However, I have to admit Im going to flip it up a little for you.   What are some ways that you can interrupt the judgment when
 Some of you may agree, and some of you may not. Either way,         it comes your stage presence?
ultimately at the end of the day, I want you to do what serves       -     Start off with music playing.
you (even if you feel like looking like and idiot on stage, if it
serves you, go for it).                                              -     Open dancing (at least thats what I do)

Being a Motivational, Inspirational or Keynote Speaker               -     Start speaking off stage.
nowadays requires more than just getting up to the                   -     Start your speech from an unexpected spot. Maybe youll
microphone and delivering a speech. Unfortunately, unless            be sitting in the audience hiding your mic or maybe from the
you are very well known, you are often referred to as oh            back of the room.
we got another one of those motivational speakers . . . yay.
                                                                     Then once you get on stage stand tall and strong with a smile
 However, if you take just a few of these tips, not even all of
                                                                     and a look of yeah I caught you off guard didnt I? I have used
them, your audience will be coming to you saying you know
                                                                     this technique for years and it has served me well and has even
when I saw that there was another speaker, I was thinking oh
                                                                     increased my likeability even before I get going on my speech.
yeah, another speaker, yay but after you got on stage I knew
you were going to be different.

March 31st, 2013                                                                                       Published by: thedreamachiever

Tip #2
What is your stage presence like when you are telling a funny
story? What is it like when you are telling a sad story? Believe
it or not, your stage presence during these times are key and
crucial to your audience getting your story and sticking with
you.                                                                If you are a speaker or writer looking to get your message
                                                                    out to new audiences, I highly recommend this Viral Blogging
When I am telling a funny story, my presence is chill, laid back,   System. To learn how to blog about your passion, topics like
even my movement is fluid. When Im telling a sad story, my         What Does Your Stage Presence Say About You?, viral videos
presence is a bit more dramatic. My movements are sharp and         or even just your business, Connect With Me so I can show you
even my staccato. You may be asking why this is important.          how to do it through the very Viral Blogging System that I use!
  Usually, when people are hearing something, they associate         You can also watch this Video To See How It Has impacted
what they are hearing with what they are seeing. Picture it         people just like you.
this way. If you are telling a sad story with a smile on your
face, how do you think the audience would respond to that? It
would probably not go well.
It is a simple tip, but you would be amazed at how many
speakers I have worked with who do not realize what their
stage presence is until I point it out to them. An example
I was working with a speaker and she was telling this most
beautiful story of a trip that she had taken. She was speaking
at a podium and for whatever reason as I was watching her, I
kept noticing something was off but I could not pin point it.
 After a few more moments of looking, it hit me. I am seeing
her tell this story of a relaxing vacation, but this woman had a    Aric Jackson
DEATH GRIP going on with the podium. It was kind of a scary
site especially when I saw the whites of her knuckles. I felt       The Dream Achiever
really sorry for the podium. What you are saying and your
stage presence shows should always match.

Tip #3

BE NATURAL! One of my biggest pet peeves (and I know
this is going to tick some people off) but stop formulating how
you are going to move and when you are going to move while
you are delivering your speech. I have heard that there is this
formula of speaking in a triangle. WHAT! Are you serious? If I
had to do that, I would be so jacked up and unfocused because
I am focusing moreso on how I should be moving instead of
how I should be impacting the audience.
Your movements should always be natural. Im gonna say
something that might jack you up but Im gonna put it to you
like this, TRUST YOURSELF! When it comes to your stage
presence, you should trust when your body leads you in a
certain direction or movement. Stop being so focused on how
and when you should be moving on the stage and use that
energy and focus on the words that you are delivering.
Alright my fellow speakers, hope this made a difference for
you. Be on the look out for more content to share with you
as I continue sharing my tips and secrets of being an amazing
speaker. With that being said stop walking in the triangle
and allow your authentic stage presence and message to shine
For More Tools, Strategies & Tips on Speaking Click Below


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What does your stage presence say about you

  • 1. March 31st, 2013 Published by: thedreamachiever Your Daily Motivation from A'ric "The Dream Achiever" Jackson Fellow speakers, you want this type of feedback often from Is your stage presence making or breaking you? Do you your audience and if you are willing to make a few tweaks have what's needed to interrupt judgment from the in your stage presence, you will reap the rewards in both moment you walk on stage? accolades and your bank account. (By the way, if you want to check out my blog on Speaking & Entrepreneurship, Click Here.) What Does Your Stage Presence Say About You? Tip #1 When it comes to your stage presence, lets start with the basics. How are you standing before you even deliver your 1st line? Are you standing up there looking stiff and dead as a doornail? Are you chilling like you hanging out the with the homies? Consider that even before you open your mouth, within seconds of coming onto the stage, you are instantly judged and summed up by your audience. They will never tell you that, but you are. One way to shake up the stage presence a little, your opening should be outside the box. Start off with a POW to snatch your audiences attention so quick that they wont have enough time to judge you. Even Ahhh, the joys of talking about if they did judge you, I promise you, you will not be quickly Stage Presence for speakers. summed up as oh another speaker. However, I have to admit Im going to flip it up a little for you. What are some ways that you can interrupt the judgment when Some of you may agree, and some of you may not. Either way, it comes your stage presence? ultimately at the end of the day, I want you to do what serves - Start off with music playing. you (even if you feel like looking like and idiot on stage, if it serves you, go for it). - Open dancing (at least thats what I do) Being a Motivational, Inspirational or Keynote Speaker - Start speaking off stage. nowadays requires more than just getting up to the - Start your speech from an unexpected spot. Maybe youll microphone and delivering a speech. Unfortunately, unless be sitting in the audience hiding your mic or maybe from the you are very well known, you are often referred to as oh back of the room. we got another one of those motivational speakers . . . yay. Then once you get on stage stand tall and strong with a smile However, if you take just a few of these tips, not even all of and a look of yeah I caught you off guard didnt I? I have used them, your audience will be coming to you saying you know this technique for years and it has served me well and has even when I saw that there was another speaker, I was thinking oh increased my likeability even before I get going on my speech. yeah, another speaker, yay but after you got on stage I knew you were going to be different. 1
  • 2. March 31st, 2013 Published by: thedreamachiever Tip #2 What is your stage presence like when you are telling a funny story? What is it like when you are telling a sad story? Believe it or not, your stage presence during these times are key and crucial to your audience getting your story and sticking with you. If you are a speaker or writer looking to get your message out to new audiences, I highly recommend this Viral Blogging When I am telling a funny story, my presence is chill, laid back, System. To learn how to blog about your passion, topics like even my movement is fluid. When Im telling a sad story, my What Does Your Stage Presence Say About You?, viral videos presence is a bit more dramatic. My movements are sharp and or even just your business, Connect With Me so I can show you even my staccato. You may be asking why this is important. how to do it through the very Viral Blogging System that I use! Usually, when people are hearing something, they associate You can also watch this Video To See How It Has impacted what they are hearing with what they are seeing. Picture it people just like you. this way. If you are telling a sad story with a smile on your face, how do you think the audience would respond to that? It would probably not go well. It is a simple tip, but you would be amazed at how many speakers I have worked with who do not realize what their stage presence is until I point it out to them. An example I was working with a speaker and she was telling this most beautiful story of a trip that she had taken. She was speaking at a podium and for whatever reason as I was watching her, I kept noticing something was off but I could not pin point it. After a few more moments of looking, it hit me. I am seeing her tell this story of a relaxing vacation, but this woman had a Aric Jackson DEATH GRIP going on with the podium. It was kind of a scary site especially when I saw the whites of her knuckles. I felt The Dream Achiever really sorry for the podium. What you are saying and your stage presence shows should always match. Tip #3 BE NATURAL! One of my biggest pet peeves (and I know this is going to tick some people off) but stop formulating how you are going to move and when you are going to move while you are delivering your speech. I have heard that there is this formula of speaking in a triangle. WHAT! Are you serious? If I had to do that, I would be so jacked up and unfocused because I am focusing moreso on how I should be moving instead of how I should be impacting the audience. Your movements should always be natural. Im gonna say something that might jack you up but Im gonna put it to you like this, TRUST YOURSELF! When it comes to your stage presence, you should trust when your body leads you in a certain direction or movement. Stop being so focused on how and when you should be moving on the stage and use that energy and focus on the words that you are delivering. Alright my fellow speakers, hope this made a difference for you. Be on the look out for more content to share with you as I continue sharing my tips and secrets of being an amazing speaker. With that being said stop walking in the triangle and allow your authentic stage presence and message to shine through. For More Tools, Strategies & Tips on Speaking Click Below 2