Do you love Mondays?
Can't wait to get going on Tuesday.
How about Wednesday? Is that your favorite day of the week?
What's Thursday like. Will it rain this weekend?
And what usually happens on Friday?
If your think that there must be a better way, then you're right. Watch this presentation to find out what it is.
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What does your week look like?
1. What does your week look like?
Or shifts
2. Monday
Is the weekend over already?
Im late - traffic
Need more coffee
Phone keeps ringing
300 emails
Customer complaints
3. Tuesday
Special drudgery
Can almost remember last weekend.
Rather tired. Up half the night with a
sick kid. Poor guy.
Everyone in the office is coughing &
Wont get home until late.
4. Wednesday
Last weekend a distant memory
Too much to do to think about this
Probably have to work on Saturday
in any case
5. Thursday
Thinking about the weekend. Hope I
can hold on that long.
Theres talk of rain. It figures.
Got an afternoon meeting. It will
probably run over.
Wont get home until late again.
6. Friday
Cant get a hold of anyone.
Theyre all half way out the door & its
only lunchtime.
Managed to leave by 6. So did the
rest of the city.
Looks like another long commute.
Late for dinner . . . again.
7. I cant be doing this every week.
There has to be a better way.
I wonder what it is?
8. To learn more about how to create
your own online business, go to