Here are some notes and slides from our HACT House Party session on Digital Transformation based on findings from the Visceral Business Connected Housing studies. Check out www.visceralbusiness for more information.
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What flavour is your digital transformation?
1. What Flavour Is Your Digital Transformation?
@Annemcx @VisceralBiz
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6. 1. Communications Flavour
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There are some very whizzy and
shiny social media platforms and
apps out there. But what matters
most really are strategies for the
social media platforms on Housing
websites and that residents use...
7. www.visceralbusiness.com息 2014 Anne McCrossan & Visceral Business Ltd
Is on 99%of the Top 100
UK Housing websites
If your digital transformations mainly about communication, it pays to focus on integrating
social media, website engagement and developing networked analytics as the priority.
Is on 86%of the Top 100
UK Housing websites
1. Communications Flavour
8. 1. Communications Flavour
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Social media networks can be walled
gardens, so whats the value of
publishing straight to these platforms..?
Your website is arguably the main point
of attraction, it builds digital equity in
your brand and creates seamless user
9. P.O.S.S.E
Publish on Own Site, Syndicate Everywhere
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Picture by Joyork 息 https://www.鍖
10. Speci鍖c Communications Objectives
Broadcast v Interaction
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To engage with our stakeholders
To promote our activities
To reach residents, housing professionals and employers
To be properly recognized externally for all we do well
To reach tenants and staff
These are some of the social media communications objectives Housing organisations have
said they have. These can be developed into detailed speci鍖c engagement and interactivity.
1. Communications Flavour
*Source: Connected Housing 2014
11. 2. Channel Shift Flavour
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12. www.visceralbusiness.com息 2014 Anne McCrossan & Visceral Business Ltd
To achieve channel shift, the 鍖rst
step of course is 鍖nding out who
and where people are online.
And its still early days here for
many Housing organiations.
2. Channel Shift Flavour
14. 2. Channel Shift Flavour
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15. www.visceralbusiness.com息 2014 Anne McCrossan & Visceral Business Ltd
Housing organisations can create
channel shifts by developing clear
customer journey strategies and a
framework for tracking and
understanding user behaviours,
backed up by data.
2. Channel Shift Flavour
16. 3. Service Design Flavour
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17. www.visceralbusiness.com息 2014 Anne McCrossan & Visceral Business Ltd
Developing powerful service
design experiences and effective
digital interaction goes straight to
the heart of any brand.
3. Service Design Flavour
18. www.visceralbusiness.com息 2014 Anne McCrossan & Visceral Business Ltd
3. Service Design Flavour
Putting people 鍖rst? Its arguably a threshold more than a differentiator.
19. www.visceralbusiness.com息 2014 Anne McCrossan & Visceral Business Ltd
Theres a lot of vendorware out there.
But how many focus on putting a data
capability into your organisation?
A good digital transformation strategy
based on service design does that.
3. Service Design Flavour
22. 4. Networked Culture Flavour
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23. 4. Networked Culture Flavour
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Picture by Claire Howson 息 https://www.鍖
24. www.visceralbusiness.com息 2014 Anne McCrossan & Visceral Business Ltd
Developing a networked culture
internally is at the core of creating
sustained digital transformation.
It can be used to measure 鍖ows of
business value and this becomes
even more important when people
are mobile.
4. Networked Culture Flavour
25. 4. Networked Culture Flavour
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27. www.visceralbusiness.com息 2014 Anne McCrossan & Visceral Business Ltd
Networked culture promotes
interoperability and linked data
across departments, projects and
platforms wherever possible.
4. Networked Culture Flavour
28. 5. Business model 鍖avour
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29. 5. Business model 鍖avour
LACK of supply
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These issues Housing organisations say affect them the most*. Digital business modeling as
part of digital transformation can help Housing organisations adapt to meet them.
*Source: Connected Housing 2014
30. Personal data sources
Social Interactions
Personal data store Personal data apps and services
Social Value
5. Business model 鍖avour
Source: Sandy Pentland - MIT Centre for Collective Intelligence
www.visceralbusiness.com息 2014 Anne McCrossan & Visceral Business Ltd
Huge opportunities can be opened up using digital transformation,
but for many its not business management as we know it.
31. So, what 鍖avour is your digital transformation?
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32. Every organisation is different www.visceralbusiness.com息 2014 Anne McCrossan & Visceral Business Ltd
Picture by Martia Craftnya 息 https://www.鍖
34. www.visceralbusiness.com息 2014 Anne McCrossan & Visceral Business Ltd
About Visceral Business
Effective transformation evolves from looking at issues in new ways...
35. www.visceralbusiness.com息 2014 Anne McCrossan & Visceral Business Ltd
Look, all Im saying is now is the time to develop the technology to deflect the asteroid
It will pay to be proactive about digital transformation.
36. So, come take a connected
look at it with us.
www.visceralbusiness.com息 2014 Anne McCrossan & Visceral Business Ltd
Content and platform development
Channel shift
Data-led strategy
Service design and delivery
Internal performance
Enterprise architecture
Insight, research and segmentation
Impact measurement
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