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Remember back when you were in high school?
And you had to make crucial decisions about your future
But you didnt really know much about life yet
And people told you that you didnt really need to know yet-
that it would all sort of just work out eventually
And now youre a lot further along
And youve picked a path in life
Professionally and personally
Youve been trying to make everything work
But if you were truly honest youd say
Youre still trying to figure it all out
You still have big questions
If you could do it all over again
It doesnt make sense that we prepare students 
to be successful in school
But we dont guide them effectively to 
understand and be prepared for life.
Some say thats not what school is for- 
thats what should happen at home.
But hows that going?
And why would academic learning be 
separate from whole-life learning?
There are a few different approaches you might take:
The Get-Lucky Approach
Where you just keep doing what youre supposed to 
and hope it all works out someday.
Or the Force-Something-To-Fit Approach
Where you pick something respectful like engineering 
or law or business and charge after it
And then theres the Do-What-They-Say Approach
Where you listen to your parents or your teachers or your 
friends or an aptitude test and go with what they say you should do.
But where do those approaches get us?
Most people would admit 
theyre still trying to figure it all out
Still not totally satisfied with where the path has taken them
Still trying to find meaning in their lives
Isolated and disconnected
Just getting by
Just getting through it.
But what if there was a way to figure it all out?
But what if there was a way to figure it all outearlier?
What if we could guide students through self-discovery 
so they got crucial clarity at the right time?
Welcome to The YouSchool
We have a process that actually works to help students
find, define, and unleash a great story with their lives.
In 2011-2012 we put our heads together after years 
of people development work to prototype a process for self-discovery
Grounded in best practices and the best research
To guide students to self-awareness, self-confidence, and self-direction
About the most important dynamics in life
With a hypothesis that if we could help guide people 
through productive self-discovery, they would make 
wiser choices and live more fulfilling lives.
Between 2013-2018 we piloted and refined that process 
with thousands of teenagers, veterans, and athletes
We learned a lot about the education system, about parenting, about
transition, about impact analysis, intuitive design, facilitation, coaching,
mental health, and college and career prep
And in 2018 designed a custom, interactive digital 
learning platform to enable scaled impact
And weve witnessed tremendous transformation along the way
Peer connections
Decreased anxiety
Increased hope
Decisions to live
Discovery of joy and hope and meaning
And dozens of other success outcomes
Now, were poised to grow and scale
But were still scratching our heads on a couple of things:
Its rare for parents to invest time and money 
for their kids personal development if it seems 
in conflict with other things like lacrosse or SAT prep
A lot of school leaders are hesitant to take their foot off 
the pedal on test scores and college acceptance rates
Even though a young persons formation is 
the most crucial part of their lives
Even though anxiety has skyrocketed 
as a problem for teenagers in recent years
And depression, along with other mental health issues
Not to mention suicide rates climbing each year
In high achieving schools among successful students
In other words, kids are killing themselves
From the pressure of college admissions
From the pressure from peers and teachers and parents
From relational disconnect and isolation
From lack of meaning and hope
The stakes are incredibly high.
Were not just talking about making wiser choices 
about their college major
Or helping students find a career that excites them
Or getting more kids involved in campus clubs
Or increasing kindness
Or decreasing bullying
Even though those things are significant
Were talking about saving lives.
Were talking about instilling meaning, hope, and belonging
The most fundamental human issues
Do those belong in school?
We think so.
And we know how to integrate 
programs that work into school
To implement a variety of student programs and curriculum
To train adults on campuses 
to engage students in this kind of work
To equip parents with tools and a framework 
to guide their kids into healthy maturity
Were not suggesting that schools add 
more programs or to burden teachers
As though this is just another fad or 
good thing to try for awhile
Because students who find a sense of meaning in their lives,
Who feel hopeful about their future,
Who gain clarity about their unique talents, interests, and passions,
Who feel connected and known and accepted,
Who feel more in charge of their own story,
Do better in school
Have fewer mental health problems
Are more likely to graduate
And come to school every day
And enjoy learning
And participate on campus
And feel gratitude
And act with curiosity
And accept others differences
And work harder
And live.
This kind of work belongs in school-
It has to.
So what if we could actually do this?
Guide students through effective self-discovery
Help them answer lifes most fundamental questions:
Who am I?
What meaning does my life have?
Do I matter?
What do I have to contribute?
What problems can I help solve?
Would other people love and accept me if they really knew me?
What great story could I tell with my life?
What if all students had clarity about their unique 
identity, purpose, and acceptance?
How can you help?
Share this with your friends
Register a free account on our website theyouschool.com 
and go through our Real Me Course yourself
Experience what a little more clarity and confidence does for you
And take your own kids through our 
BackStory or LifeScript digital courses
Make introductions to your local school on our behalf
Drop us a line info@theyouschool.com
Visit our website theyouschool.com
We can change the system

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