Reflection allows students to analyze their experiences, identify mistakes, and build upon past knowledge with new insights. It helps students make connections between different aspects of their lives, seeing how various parts are interrelated. Reflections enrich learning by prompting students to consider what and how they have learned, and how to apply that knowledge in other areas. The document provides questions to guide student reflections on a class, including what they already knew, what they learned, connections to other experiences, and overall thoughts.
2. ï‚ž Reflection allows us to analyze our
experiences, make changes based on our
mistakes, keep doing what is successful, and
build upon or modify past knowledge based
on new knowledge.
ï‚ž Reflection also allows us to make
connections between courses or between
school, work and home. By doing this, we
begin to see how all parts of our lives are
connected and to understand that we are a
part of the web of life.
3. ï‚žReflections help us with specific things in
our lives and enrich our learning by making
us consider how we’ve learned and what
we’ve learned and how to connect that to
what we’ve already learned!
4. ï‚žReflect on these topics:
• What did you already know about the content or
skills that were presented in this class?
• What did you learn about the content or skills that
were presented in this class?
• Explain what connections you made between this
class and other courses you’ve taken or with
experiences at work or home.
• What other thoughts do you have about your
experience in this class?