The document discusses the purpose and services of the Bridgeport Rescue Mission in Bridgeport, Connecticut. The mission provides food, shelter, counseling, job training, and community support to help homeless individuals and those struggling with addiction, poverty, abuse, or other hardships get back on their feet. The mission operates on Christian principles of acceptance, forgiveness and God's grace to transform lives and help people build sustainable futures.
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What Is A Rescue Mission V6
1. What is a Rescue Mission? Saving one life at a time Rev. Terry Wilcox Bridgeport Rescue Mission Bridgeport, CT 06605 203.333.4087
2. Why do we need a rescue mission? Because we get lost. Drugs & Addictions Crime Health & Mental Illness Poverty & Racism Divorce & Codependence And Abuse
4. Cars are not Apartments The Tragic Facts Many homeless are working or want to work! Single moms with children are dropping through the bottom of society The numbers no longer add up! Rent, utilities, insurance, car and food far exceed minimum wage. 2003 37% homeless for first time Government programs place the same person back in the same environment
5. Rescue is Gods Mission For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed cloths and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. - Matthew 25:35-36
6. First Step - Finding Food & Shelter Mens Facilities 30- 35 overnight beds Showers, clothes and supplies Five days. no questions asked 30 for New Life Program Womens Facilities no overnight beds 12 for New Life Program Showers, clothes and supplies
7. First Step - Finding Food & Shelter 12,000 meals per month Three meals a day - seven days a week Men & women kitchens Mobile kitchen
8. Third Step Witnessing Grace I am so low I dont deserve any of this! Is there a possibility for me to dig myself out? What is this Christian community? Will they accept me where I am? Will they treat me with dignity? How have others changed? Will they accept me? I am afraid. A mission provides acceptance, forgiveness, love and Gods amazing grace.
9. Fourth Step - Deciding to Change Entering the New Life Program Accepting Grace Chapel Meeting the men Counseling Commitment In a mission we witness the miracles of new lives being reborn every day.
10. Fifth Step New Life Program 30 men, 12 women One year commitment Biblical training Chapel and devotionals Codependency awareness training Finance management Anger management Community Work To make a new life requires resources, time and the Word.
11. Sixth Step Community Integration Building a new life In a Christian community A good job Family integration Program alumni Ongoing support A life with Christ NEW LIFE PROGRAM
12. Seventh Step Christs Disciple Giving back Becoming a Christian parent Contributing to society Working member of community Christian ministry to church Member of Christs family The miracle of mission work is in the giving of Love
13. New Life Formula Building Sustainable Men and Women Gods Work Through Jesus Christ Bridgeport Rescue Mission Christian Community Food Shelter Church Learning Work New Life
14. Who supports us? Gods divine Grace through: Individuals donate funds (82% of funds) Volunteer instructors Generous giving of personal time Donations from 40 different churches Chapel provided by local churches Corporate food and financial support CT Food Bank Colleges donate time
16. Thank You There will always be poor people in the land.Therefore I command you to be openhanded toward you brothers and toward the poor and needy in your land. Deuteronomy 15:11
17. Questions Rev. Terry Wilcox Bridgeport Rescue Mission Bridgeport, CT 06605 203.333.4087 "The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'" (Matthew 25:34-40)