The Career EDGE provides a self-directed online program to help students develop career skills. It teaches students to develop their unique value proposition, enhance their professional brand using social media, and create a job-winning resume and cover letter. The program also aims to improve retention through better job matching. Staff training involves a four phase process, including orientation, kickoff events, troubleshooting, and ongoing monitoring and reporting. The Career EDGE can be customized and integrated into a school's current platforms and departments like admissions, IT, and employer engagement efforts.
4. Self directed, 24/7 online access
Develop a CEO mindset & OWN your career
Program your career thermostat for success
Develop your Unique Value Proposition (UVP)
Enhance your professional brand using Social
Build a job winning resume and cover letter
Improve retention with better job matching
What Does it Teach?
5. Staff Training
Our Support System
Job Developer Certification
IT Backend Walkthrough
Train the Trainer Workbook
FAQ Guide
Online Webinars for Staff
Intro to new features, customer testimonials
6. Staff Training
Phase 1: Orientation & Training
Career EDGE Staff Training
- Location
- Date
- Attendees
Phase 2: Kickoff At Site Location Marketing & Publicity
Customer Participation
- Distribution of Kits (if applicable)
- Initial Logins
- Classroom Facilitation
Phase 3: Troubleshooting Performance Measures
- Monthly Monitoring & Reporting
- Customer Service Team
- IT Technical Support Team
Phase 4: Monitoring & Reporting
Best Practice Sharing
- Program Analysis
- Continuous Improvement
- Program Renewal
7. Staff Training
Career TEAM will provide:
Curriculum Design
Kickoff at Site Location
Orientation of Program System Wide
Staff Training
Train the Trainer Live Series
Train the Trainer Webinar Series
Customer Service Support
IT and Technical Support
Distribution of Materials
Distribution of Password Logins
Customer will provide:
Identify Project Leader
Identify Steering Committee
IT and Technical Support Contact
Day-to-Day Problem Solving Contact
Delivery Schedule
11. IT Department
Implementation with current platform (Engrade)
Online Profile Builder
Interactive workbook
Online Quizzes
Administrative backend for student management
Customization & Support with IT Department