2. Cosmetic Dentistry:
Cosmetic dentistry is a branch of dentistry in
which dentist improves the appearance of a
Person's teeth and gums using various cosmetic
3. Cosmetic Dentistry:
Various oral treatments provided by
Cosmetic Dentist are following:
4. 1)Bonding:
Bonding is a dental procedure which is used to
Improve the appearance of tooth and to repair
Cracks, chips and gaps present between the
5. 2)Bleaching:
Tooth bleaching or tooth whitening is also a
Widely used treatment which is used to make
Teeth sparking, white and beautiful. It is done
Through light and laser machines.
6. 3)Crowns:
Crowns are used to restore damaged teethes.
It is used when a teeth not completely damaged
or crocked, then the crown is placed over the
damaged part of the tooth. It helps to restore its
shape and appearance
7. 4)Veneers:
Porcelain veneers are also similar to the crowns
It is a thin pieces of porcelain or plastic which is
Placed over the tooth and which help to recreate
the natural look of teeth.
8. 5)Reshaping:
Dental reshaping is a procedure that can be used
to correct crooked, chipped, cracked or overlapping
teeth in a single session.