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What is Effective Technology Integration for 21 st  Century Learners? Jessica Watson Education 3508
Technology Integration With proper instruction, technology integration uses technology to teach content. Technology can motivate students to: think critically, solve problems, and evaluate.
Effectively Integrating Technology into a classroom can be done by: using it as a resource to research, organize,  evaluate and communicate. allowing use of digital technologies and networking tools appropriately.  applying understanding of the ethical and legal surrounding technologies.
A Teachers Role Teachers decided how technology will be used in their class room.  Teachers need to set guidelines for their students when introducing technology.
A Variety of Ways There are many ways to bring technology into the classroom. I will suggest three simple ways:
SMART Boards SMART boards combine a whiteboard and computer to create an interactive whiteboard.  Smart Boards are:  an excellent resource for students and teachers. interactive and engaging.
Presentations Technology can be put to use in the classroom through presentations. There are various presentation programs such as: Power Point Presentation, Prezi and Glogster.
Blogging Blogs allow anyone to publish text, artwork and links to other blogs or web sites on the internet. They can be used for education and brought into the classroom for many useful purposes.  There are several websites for educational blogging and general blogging.
References 際際滷 2:  2010  Wicomico County Board of Education. (2010). WCBOE Definition of Technology Integration. Retrieved September 21, 2010 from,  http://www.wcboe.org/programs/oit/definition.htm 際際滷 3:  Route 21. (2007). ICT (Information, communications & technology) literacy. Retrieved September 21, 2010 from,  http://www.p21.org/route21/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2&Itemid=8 際際滷 6:  SMART Technologies. (2010). SMART board interactive whiteboards. Retrieved September 21, 2010 from,  http://smarttech.com/us/Solutions/Education+Solutions/Products+for+education/Interactive+whiteboards+and+displays/SMART+Board+interactive+whiteboards 際際滷 7: Possible Presentation Resources:  http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/powerpoint/ ,  www.prezi.com ,  www.glogster.com 際際滷 8:  The McGraw-Hill Companies. (2010). Blog Basics. Retrieved September 21, 2010 from,  http://teachingtoday.glencoe.com/howtoarticles/blog-basics   Possible Blogging Websites:   http://edublogs.org /,  www.blogger.com Photos: Jessica Watson

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What is Effective Technology Integration for 21st Century Learners?

  • 1. What is Effective Technology Integration for 21 st Century Learners? Jessica Watson Education 3508
  • 2. Technology Integration With proper instruction, technology integration uses technology to teach content. Technology can motivate students to: think critically, solve problems, and evaluate.
  • 3. Effectively Integrating Technology into a classroom can be done by: using it as a resource to research, organize, evaluate and communicate. allowing use of digital technologies and networking tools appropriately. applying understanding of the ethical and legal surrounding technologies.
  • 4. A Teachers Role Teachers decided how technology will be used in their class room. Teachers need to set guidelines for their students when introducing technology.
  • 5. A Variety of Ways There are many ways to bring technology into the classroom. I will suggest three simple ways:
  • 6. SMART Boards SMART boards combine a whiteboard and computer to create an interactive whiteboard. Smart Boards are: an excellent resource for students and teachers. interactive and engaging.
  • 7. Presentations Technology can be put to use in the classroom through presentations. There are various presentation programs such as: Power Point Presentation, Prezi and Glogster.
  • 8. Blogging Blogs allow anyone to publish text, artwork and links to other blogs or web sites on the internet. They can be used for education and brought into the classroom for many useful purposes. There are several websites for educational blogging and general blogging.
  • 9. References 際際滷 2: 2010 Wicomico County Board of Education. (2010). WCBOE Definition of Technology Integration. Retrieved September 21, 2010 from, http://www.wcboe.org/programs/oit/definition.htm 際際滷 3: Route 21. (2007). ICT (Information, communications & technology) literacy. Retrieved September 21, 2010 from, http://www.p21.org/route21/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2&Itemid=8 際際滷 6: SMART Technologies. (2010). SMART board interactive whiteboards. Retrieved September 21, 2010 from, http://smarttech.com/us/Solutions/Education+Solutions/Products+for+education/Interactive+whiteboards+and+displays/SMART+Board+interactive+whiteboards 際際滷 7: Possible Presentation Resources: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/powerpoint/ , www.prezi.com , www.glogster.com 際際滷 8: The McGraw-Hill Companies. (2010). Blog Basics. Retrieved September 21, 2010 from, http://teachingtoday.glencoe.com/howtoarticles/blog-basics Possible Blogging Websites: http://edublogs.org /, www.blogger.com Photos: Jessica Watson