Malware comes in several forms, including viruses, spyware, Trojans, and worms. Viruses aim to damage computers, spyware steals information without consent, Trojans perform malicious actions like opening backdoors, and worms self-replicate over networks to infect other devices. Common signs of malware infection include poor performance, slowdowns, loss of control over the PC, and unwanted pop-ups or spam.
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What is Malware?
1. 1. What is malware?
It is software that is intended to damage or disable computers and computer systems.
2. What is spyware/adware?
It is software that helps get information from a person or organization without their
3. What is backdoor/Trojan horse?
Type of malware program that contains code, when executed, carries out action
depending on the type of Trojan
4. What is worm?
A computer worm is a standalone malware computer program that replicates itself in
order to spread to other computers. Often, it uses a computer network to spread itself,
relying on security failures on the target computer to access it
5. Poor PC performance, Slow down computing, Lose control of your pc, pop ups and