Do you know the lack of Vitamin A can cause vision problems? Head over this presentation to know about the eye problems caused by Vitamin A deficiency.
Disha Eye Hospitals in Kolkata offers top-notch eye care services all over the West Bengal.
To book an appointment call at: (033) 2545-1233/1235/ 1236/ 1237/ 1238; 2593-1729/3737; 2594-4586/7809/7810
2. Vitamin A is one of the primary nutrients essential for
maintaining general eye health; it ensures proper
lubrication in the eyes, and aids sufficient moisture
production. Vitamin A plays an important role in
supporting the production of retinal pigments
responsible for night vision.Vitamin A deficiency results
in inadequate production of nutrients in the eyes. It is
one of the most common causes of vision problems,
especially in children. The following are some of the
important points worth knowing about Vitamin A
Dry eyes are one of the most common complications arising
from Vitamin A deficiency. Dry eyes occur when there is a
dearth of lubrication in the eyes due to insufficient tears. The
eye condition can occur in one or both eyes and can cause
significant eye discomfort. Some of the common symptoms of
dry eyes include a burning or stinging sensation in the eyes,
eye redness, eye fatigue, blurred vision, and sensitivity to light.
Vitamin A deficiency, in combination with other factors such
as smoking and ageing might cause serious forms of dry eyes.
If you experience these symptoms, make sure to seek medical
help. If you live in Kolkata, visit your nearest Disha Eye
Hospitals. Recognized as one of the best eye hospitals in
Kolkata, Disha has a team of well-qualified eye doctors. One of
the doctors could help you in getting a diagnosis of Vitamin A
deficiency and choosing the correct treatment option.
Severe Vitamin A deficiency can cause
night blindness; the inability to see
appropriately in dimly-lit areas. The
eye condition makes it difficult to
move around, or do different activities
in areas that are dimly lit. In most
cases, the eye condition is significantly
sensed when entering a dimly-lit room
from a bright one.
Bitot’s spots are triangular, oval,
or irregular-shaped spots that
occur in the conjunctiva, the
white part of the eyes. In most
cases, the spots are dark in colour
and are associated with the drying
of the cornea.
7. A corneal ulcer is an open sore of the cornea
and can be caused by Vitamin A deficiency.
Depending on the severity, the sore may
vary in size. Some of the common symptoms
of a corneal ulcer include persisting pain,
sensitivity to light, blurry vision, a sensation
of something getting stuck in the eyes.
Detecting eye problems that appear as symptoms is
the best and the most commonly-preferred way to
diagnose Vitamin A deficiency. Doctors usually
perform a thorough eye examination and assess the
medical history of the patient as a procedure of a
proper diagnosis of Vitamin A deficiency. In some
cases, they may suggest getting your blood tested for
Vitamin A content.
Vitamin A supplements are often the preferred
choice of treatment. Eye doctors may prescribe
eye drops and other types of medicines for any
eye problem that has resulted from Vitamin A
Disha Eye Hospitals have a devoted team of the
most efficient, and reputed eye doctors in Kolkata
who are trained in modern eye care technologies.
Disha offers eye care services for different types
of eye problems, including cataracts, corneal
diseases, glaucoma, uveitis, and refractive errors.