The document summarizes key passages and lessons from Ecclesiastes 11:1-12:14. It discusses how Solomon realized life was filled with challenges from God for a purpose. It challenges the reader to live by faith like merchants sailing ships and farmers sowing seeds, to enjoy life by rejoicing, removing sorrow, and remembering their mortality, and to fear God by obeying his commands and preparing for judgment.
2. The book of Ecclesiastes (in the
bible) gives King Solomons
experiences when trying to find life
under the sun.
And Solomon realized that life was
not monotonous but filled with
challenging situations from
God, each in its own time and each
for his own purpose.
3. He also learn that wealth could
be enjoyed and employed to the
glory of God.
Now lets look at the question,
what life is all about?
4. CHALLENGE: Live by Faith
Here Solomon used two activities to illustrate
his point:
The merchant sending out his ships. (v. 1-
The farmer sowing his seed. (v. 3-4)
Life has a certain amount of risk to it, and
thats where faith comes in.
5. CHALLENGE: Enjoy it!
In order to do this we must obey these
A.) Rejoice (v. 11:7 -9 )
B.) Remove (v. 10)
The word translated sorrow means vexation,
inner pain, anxiety.
C.) Remember (v. 12:1-8)
It means pay attention to, consider with the
intention of obeying
6. Keepers of the House Your arms and
hands tremble.
Strong men Your legs, knees, and
shoulders weaken and you walk bent
Grinders You start to lose your teeth.
Windows Your visions begins to
Doors Either your hearing starts to
fail, or you loose your mouth because
youve lost your teeth.
7. Rise up We wake up with the birds
early each morning, and wish you
could sleep longer.
Music Your voice starts to quiver and
Afraid You are terrified of heights and
afraid of falling while you walk down
the street.
8. Almond tree If you have any hair left,
it turns white, like almond blossoms
Long home You go to your eternal
(long) home and people mourn your
Enjoy Life not Enjoy Sin!
9. CHALLENGE: Fear God!
We dont own our lives, because life is
the gift of God (Acts 17:24-25)
Some people are only spending their
Others are wasting their lives.
Few are investing their lives.
10. The measure of life is not its duration but its
If our lives are to count, we must fulfill three
A.) Fear God (v. 13)
B.) Keep his commandments (v. 13)
C.) Prepare for final judgment (v. 14)
11. When you look at life under the sun
everything does seem vain; But when
you know Jesus Christ as your saviour,
your labor is not in vain in the Lord.
Invest your life to God!