School is resistant to change because it is a societal and political entity focused on assessment and progression rather than learning. As a system that regulates students' advancement, education, careers, and social standing, school provides structure against alienation through standardized grading. This feedback loop makes reform difficult as modern societies depend on school's segregational services. Learning and schooling are separate concepts that cannot be discussed together sensibly, explaining school's resistance to change.
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What Makes School so Resistant to Change. The Wittgensteinian Approach.
The Wittgensteinian Approach.
3. Learning is a state of mind. School is a societal and political
4. School is intended to provide circumstances which are
appropriate to determine marks, scores, grades and degrees
rather than to learn.
5. These are needed to regulate the students´ progression to
their higher education, adulthood professions, social
relationships and economical status.
6. The curve of Gauss illuminates effectively how school gives
protection against alienation and social segregation.
8. Modern societies are completely dependent and in many ways
thoroughly built on the segregational services given by the
9. Need for these services gives rise to a collection of self-
sustaining and self-reinforcing feedback loops which make it
very difficult to develop school in any meaningful sense.
10. We have been made to believe that what is happening at
school is learning.
12. It is not possible to discuss learning and school in the same
context in a sensible manner at all.
13. This only ends up to confusion reducing itself to articulation of
14. What makes school so resistant to change does not need
other explanations.
15. What in school is resistant to change does not need
explanations neither.
Pasi Vilpas
Teacher in Biology and Geography
Sotunki Upper Secondary School
City of Vantaa