Marketing is important because brands shape our world and make us feel emotions. The biggest reason to become a marketer is to have the power and humility to positively transform how people think and behave. Successful marketers have key traits like understanding human psychology, being open to being proven wrong by data, having strong design and numerical skills, connecting brand-building to sales, and constantly evolving themselves and their brands. The building blocks for growth as a marketer are being self-driven, persistent, and skilled at communicating ideas.
Every parent faces challenging times when raising children, as children explore the world through testing boundaries and making messes. It is impossible to always remain calm during these situations. However, our job is to do our best and remember that children are learning. The added pressure to be the "best" parent can be overwhelming, but we must remember that what matters most is enjoying life and raising compassionate kids. Incorporating music, games, and decor from our own childhood into family life can help maintain enthusiasm and balance during parenthood.
This document discusses three main topics:
1. A wealthy man who suffered from severe eye pain tried many treatments until a monk suggested only looking at green colors. The man had everything in his house painted green which was an extreme and unnecessary solution.
2. An article discusses the balance between maturity and keeping one's inner child alive. Maturity is logical but life is unpredictable, and celebrating life's simple pleasures requires a childlike sense of wonder.
3. Another article talks about how relationships now often come with "terms and conditions" as people expect things in return. True care for others means unconditional love without expectations.
1) The author reflects on selling old furniture that held memories from 30 years ago, feeling both happy it was gone but also a bit sad to lose pieces from the past.
2) The author says that while the past is comfortable, embracing change and bringing new people and events into one's life is important for life to not become dull.
3) Facing the unknown future can be scary, but one should not let fear deny their future and potential. The author encourages the readers to set goals, take action, and make the most of the opportunities ahead.
The document discusses infant colic and provides tips for parents dealing with this issue. It summarizes a study finding that stress management training for mothers before delivery reduced instances of colic in infants. The document asserts that some colic is caused by stress transmitted from parents to infants and advises parents to manage their own stress. It provides suggestions for calming colicky infants, including motion, noise, and taking breaks when overwhelmed. The document emphasizes that the colic phase is temporary and parents should keep the challenges in perspective.
This document is an issue of a magazine that profiles four mothers - Dixie Rose, Morgan Brechler, Anthropic and Marieke van der Velden. It discusses their lives as mothers, entrepreneurs, and adventurers. It provides insights into their parenting philosophies, experiences raising children, and maintaining a work-life balance. Key themes include prioritizing family time, teaching resilience, appreciating each stage of childhood, and finding flexibility in work arrangements.
1) The speaker reflects on their experience in a 14-week youth program and how it helped them gain a sense of family and belonging. They were initially nervous but came to see the other participants and staff as brothers and sisters who supported each other.
2) The program helped the speaker learn what family truly means - that family is not just defined by blood but can also be the people who support you during difficult times.
3) The speaker thanks all the people who helped organize and run the program, particularly the staff who invested significant time to mentor the youth and make each day special. They feel the program has been a truly life-changing experience.
This document discusses the beauty that exists in life. It argues that beauty is everywhere, from nature to everyday occurrences, and it is up to us to open our eyes to see it. While life has ups and downs, focusing on gratitude and living in the present allows us to appreciate the simple miracles and beauty that already exist in each moment. Making an effort to notice beauty, through mindfulness and accepting what is, enables us to experience more joy and appreciate the extraordinary within the ordinary.
Action University - The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything ...Girish B.S
This book summary discusses finding your "Element" - the place where your talents and passions intersect. It describes how most people are not in their Element due to self-imposed limitations and societal constraints that discourage exploring all types of intelligence and talents. The summary emphasizes the importance of understanding your aptitudes, finding your passion, developing a strong desire to pursue it, and seeking out opportunities and communities that support being in your Element. Overall, the book encourages readers to ignore doubters, follow their interests, and immerse themselves in activities that make them lose track of time due to intense enjoyment.
Adding a second child is intimidating and presents new challenges for mothers. Going from caring for one child to two is a huge transition, especially balancing the needs and schedules of children with different ages. The first few weeks with a newborn and older child can be chaotic as the mother tries to meet everyone's physical and emotional needs. Over time, mothers learn to accept that they cannot do everything and must trust their instincts. While feelings of failure and guilt are common, seeing the children interact and love each other makes raising two kids worth it, despite the difficulties.
1. People with FASD struggle with rewards and consequences because they don't understand the connection between their actions and outcomes. They want rewards like stickers but don't grasp that a reward requires completing a task or behaving appropriately. They continue problematic behaviors because they can't connect actions to consequences.
2. Those with FASD have trouble understanding cause and effect. They don't realize that certain actions can lead to negative outcomes, so they are repeatedly surprised by consequences like falling or getting burned.
3. Scheduling multiple activities in a day can overload those with FASD. The post describes one child becoming manic and uncontrollable after a full day of outings on vacation. Their brains can only
Being a parent is difficult work that changes one's life in unexpected ways. While pregnant, new parents do not truly understand how challenging parenthood will be, such as experiencing sleepless weeks with a newborn. There is no way to prepare for the immense love felt for one's child, though it takes trial and error to balance this love with the responsibilities of parenting. It is important to learn from others' advice but apply what works best for each family, finding pride in accomplishments even while alone. Comparisons to other parents can cause stress, so focus on believing what is right and doable for one's own child and lifestyle.
If i was skinnier, would you love me more?Nadia Corcimar
This document is an introduction to a book about eating disorders like bulimia, anorexia, and obesity. The author details her own struggles with an eating disorder after experiencing betrayal and abuse. She explains how society's unrealistic beauty standards and ubiquitous food marketing contribute to the development of these illnesses. The author aims to help readers overcome feelings of guilt and break the vicious cycle of using food to cope with emotional issues. By stopping self-blame and abuse of the body, readers can begin to heal from within and enjoy nourishment without restriction.
This document discusses ways to escape adulthood and regain qualities of childhood. It begins by describing how childhood seemed simple until puberty, when people eagerly embraced adulthood. However, adulthood is more complicated, with responsibilities weighing people down. The document proposes eight ways to escape "adultitis" by embracing qualities like delighting in little things, curiosity, playfulness, optimism, and being present rather than focused on achievements. Regaining these qualities can make life happier and more fulfilling.
3 easy ways to develop your prosperity consciousness todayTrevor Emdon
This document provides 3 ways to develop prosperity consciousness:
1. Notice and appreciate the abundance already in your life like food, technology, and transportation.
2. Be nicer to yourself by recognizing everyone has insecurities and your uniqueness is valuable.
3. Spread happiness by smiling, complimenting, and appreciating others which costs nothing and makes you feel good too. Practicing these shifts your perspective to feeling prosperous and attracts more opportunities.
How A Parent Can Change The World CompatiblePaula Schuck
This document provides background information on a four-year-old girl named Ainsley to help her teachers and caregivers understand her needs. She has sensory processing disorder, ADHD, and FASD, which cause her difficulty with regulating emotions, transitions, and filtering external stimuli. The document outlines tips for supporting Ainsley, such as using weighted tools, brushes, and deep pressure to help calm her down, providing clear transitions, and being aware of signs she may be overwhelmed. It aims to help caregivers provide a supportive environment for Ainsley without labeling her.
Everybody wants love. Let's pretend for a second that if we truly loved our planet it would be the same as loving yourself. That those birds you fed, would show our universe you understood the cosmic transaction of giving. That the veg you grew and shared would never see you wanting for food. That the tree you hugged would never see you missing affection. If this is true and I believe it is. How long would it take for you to love your planet, your world?
THE WHEEL SPEAKS ON 2013 The Weekend or The Weaken?THE WHEEL
The document discusses the concept of weekends and how they are often used to put off problems or indulge in unproductive activities rather than being productive. It notes that weekends have become a crutch for many to escape their problems rather than address them. It encourages seeking out educational and family-oriented activities on weekends to make them more productive and ensure one is not just being "weakened" through indulgence. It stresses the importance of setting a good example through one's activities and influencing others in a positive way.
This document discusses how life is beautiful and finding beauty in everyday things and experiences. It emphasizes opening our eyes to see the miracles and beauty that already exist around us through being mindful, non-judgmental, and living in the present moment. The document suggests focusing on gratitude, accepting life as it is, and seeing ourselves as artists who shape our own stories to experience more of life's beauty each day.
This document discusses the importance of family and the debt that cannot be repaid to one's parents. It begins by describing how parents transform when a child is born and all their priorities change. It then questions what life would have been like without parents, who would have cared for you when sick or taught basic tasks. The document calls family the most important thing and says that true family goes beyond a simple social unit, as you would sacrifice for family. It expresses feeling lucky to have a caring family but wondering how to repay their love and support. It specifically thanks the author's father for being his whole life, working tirelessly so he wants for nothing and allowing him to freely make mistakes, calling the father a genie and saying
1) The document discusses the importance of making time for fun and play with children in order to lower their stress, build attachments, and promote healthy development. It notes that many parents get so busy with activities for their kids that they forget to have fun with them.
2) It describes the author's experience taking a relaxing holiday with her daughter, during which the daughter was able to fully relax and enjoy herself for the first time in years. The author reflects on how fun promotes bonding and positive emotions.
3) The author advocates for gently introducing fun to children and being aware that some children may find fun overwhelming at first due to anxiety or lack of experience with it. She shares stories of her daughter's early difficulties
Bullying presentation/How to deal with bullying .pptxssuserb6cf2e
Any form of verbal, psychological, or physical violence that is repeated by someone or a group, who is in a position of domination against one or more other individuals in a position of weakness and intends to harm its victims that are unable to defend themselves especially when the bully may have one or more followers who are willing to assist the primary bully or who reinforce the bully by providing positive feedback such as laughing
Master Data Science Course in Kerala and How to face an interviewbenjaminoseth
Cracking a data science interview requires a strategic approach, strong domain knowledge, and hands-on expertise. This PPT is designed to help aspiring data scientists prepare effectively by understanding the core interview topics, real-world problem-solving techniques, and communication strategies. Whether you are new to data science or an experienced professional, this guide covers must-know topics like machine learning, statistics, data wrangling, and coding. With expert insights from a Data Science Course in Kerala, this presentation highlights industry-specific interview patterns, key questions, and problem-solving frameworks. Get ready to excel in your data science interviews with practical tips, real-world case studies, and best practices to land your dream job!
Learning objective: Encourage innovation in the face of adversity. Panelists will discuss strategies for cultivating innovation and promoting a resilient growth mindset.
Upgrade your kitchen with affordable RTA cabinets that combine style, durability, and budget-friendly pricing. These ready-to-assemble cabinets offer easy installation without compromising on quality. Choose from modern, shaker, and European-style designs to match your space. Perfect for homeowners, contractors, and remodelers seeking wholesale savings. Enjoy high-quality materials and craftsmanship at unbeatable prices. Get the best RTA cabinets for your kitchen today.
Action University - The Element: How Finding Your Passion Changes Everything ...Girish B.S
This book summary discusses finding your "Element" - the place where your talents and passions intersect. It describes how most people are not in their Element due to self-imposed limitations and societal constraints that discourage exploring all types of intelligence and talents. The summary emphasizes the importance of understanding your aptitudes, finding your passion, developing a strong desire to pursue it, and seeking out opportunities and communities that support being in your Element. Overall, the book encourages readers to ignore doubters, follow their interests, and immerse themselves in activities that make them lose track of time due to intense enjoyment.
Adding a second child is intimidating and presents new challenges for mothers. Going from caring for one child to two is a huge transition, especially balancing the needs and schedules of children with different ages. The first few weeks with a newborn and older child can be chaotic as the mother tries to meet everyone's physical and emotional needs. Over time, mothers learn to accept that they cannot do everything and must trust their instincts. While feelings of failure and guilt are common, seeing the children interact and love each other makes raising two kids worth it, despite the difficulties.
1. People with FASD struggle with rewards and consequences because they don't understand the connection between their actions and outcomes. They want rewards like stickers but don't grasp that a reward requires completing a task or behaving appropriately. They continue problematic behaviors because they can't connect actions to consequences.
2. Those with FASD have trouble understanding cause and effect. They don't realize that certain actions can lead to negative outcomes, so they are repeatedly surprised by consequences like falling or getting burned.
3. Scheduling multiple activities in a day can overload those with FASD. The post describes one child becoming manic and uncontrollable after a full day of outings on vacation. Their brains can only
Being a parent is difficult work that changes one's life in unexpected ways. While pregnant, new parents do not truly understand how challenging parenthood will be, such as experiencing sleepless weeks with a newborn. There is no way to prepare for the immense love felt for one's child, though it takes trial and error to balance this love with the responsibilities of parenting. It is important to learn from others' advice but apply what works best for each family, finding pride in accomplishments even while alone. Comparisons to other parents can cause stress, so focus on believing what is right and doable for one's own child and lifestyle.
If i was skinnier, would you love me more?Nadia Corcimar
This document is an introduction to a book about eating disorders like bulimia, anorexia, and obesity. The author details her own struggles with an eating disorder after experiencing betrayal and abuse. She explains how society's unrealistic beauty standards and ubiquitous food marketing contribute to the development of these illnesses. The author aims to help readers overcome feelings of guilt and break the vicious cycle of using food to cope with emotional issues. By stopping self-blame and abuse of the body, readers can begin to heal from within and enjoy nourishment without restriction.
This document discusses ways to escape adulthood and regain qualities of childhood. It begins by describing how childhood seemed simple until puberty, when people eagerly embraced adulthood. However, adulthood is more complicated, with responsibilities weighing people down. The document proposes eight ways to escape "adultitis" by embracing qualities like delighting in little things, curiosity, playfulness, optimism, and being present rather than focused on achievements. Regaining these qualities can make life happier and more fulfilling.
3 easy ways to develop your prosperity consciousness todayTrevor Emdon
This document provides 3 ways to develop prosperity consciousness:
1. Notice and appreciate the abundance already in your life like food, technology, and transportation.
2. Be nicer to yourself by recognizing everyone has insecurities and your uniqueness is valuable.
3. Spread happiness by smiling, complimenting, and appreciating others which costs nothing and makes you feel good too. Practicing these shifts your perspective to feeling prosperous and attracts more opportunities.
How A Parent Can Change The World CompatiblePaula Schuck
This document provides background information on a four-year-old girl named Ainsley to help her teachers and caregivers understand her needs. She has sensory processing disorder, ADHD, and FASD, which cause her difficulty with regulating emotions, transitions, and filtering external stimuli. The document outlines tips for supporting Ainsley, such as using weighted tools, brushes, and deep pressure to help calm her down, providing clear transitions, and being aware of signs she may be overwhelmed. It aims to help caregivers provide a supportive environment for Ainsley without labeling her.
Everybody wants love. Let's pretend for a second that if we truly loved our planet it would be the same as loving yourself. That those birds you fed, would show our universe you understood the cosmic transaction of giving. That the veg you grew and shared would never see you wanting for food. That the tree you hugged would never see you missing affection. If this is true and I believe it is. How long would it take for you to love your planet, your world?
THE WHEEL SPEAKS ON 2013 The Weekend or The Weaken?THE WHEEL
The document discusses the concept of weekends and how they are often used to put off problems or indulge in unproductive activities rather than being productive. It notes that weekends have become a crutch for many to escape their problems rather than address them. It encourages seeking out educational and family-oriented activities on weekends to make them more productive and ensure one is not just being "weakened" through indulgence. It stresses the importance of setting a good example through one's activities and influencing others in a positive way.
This document discusses how life is beautiful and finding beauty in everyday things and experiences. It emphasizes opening our eyes to see the miracles and beauty that already exist around us through being mindful, non-judgmental, and living in the present moment. The document suggests focusing on gratitude, accepting life as it is, and seeing ourselves as artists who shape our own stories to experience more of life's beauty each day.
This document discusses the importance of family and the debt that cannot be repaid to one's parents. It begins by describing how parents transform when a child is born and all their priorities change. It then questions what life would have been like without parents, who would have cared for you when sick or taught basic tasks. The document calls family the most important thing and says that true family goes beyond a simple social unit, as you would sacrifice for family. It expresses feeling lucky to have a caring family but wondering how to repay their love and support. It specifically thanks the author's father for being his whole life, working tirelessly so he wants for nothing and allowing him to freely make mistakes, calling the father a genie and saying
1) The document discusses the importance of making time for fun and play with children in order to lower their stress, build attachments, and promote healthy development. It notes that many parents get so busy with activities for their kids that they forget to have fun with them.
2) It describes the author's experience taking a relaxing holiday with her daughter, during which the daughter was able to fully relax and enjoy herself for the first time in years. The author reflects on how fun promotes bonding and positive emotions.
3) The author advocates for gently introducing fun to children and being aware that some children may find fun overwhelming at first due to anxiety or lack of experience with it. She shares stories of her daughter's early difficulties
Bullying presentation/How to deal with bullying .pptxssuserb6cf2e
Any form of verbal, psychological, or physical violence that is repeated by someone or a group, who is in a position of domination against one or more other individuals in a position of weakness and intends to harm its victims that are unable to defend themselves especially when the bully may have one or more followers who are willing to assist the primary bully or who reinforce the bully by providing positive feedback such as laughing
Master Data Science Course in Kerala and How to face an interviewbenjaminoseth
Cracking a data science interview requires a strategic approach, strong domain knowledge, and hands-on expertise. This PPT is designed to help aspiring data scientists prepare effectively by understanding the core interview topics, real-world problem-solving techniques, and communication strategies. Whether you are new to data science or an experienced professional, this guide covers must-know topics like machine learning, statistics, data wrangling, and coding. With expert insights from a Data Science Course in Kerala, this presentation highlights industry-specific interview patterns, key questions, and problem-solving frameworks. Get ready to excel in your data science interviews with practical tips, real-world case studies, and best practices to land your dream job!
Learning objective: Encourage innovation in the face of adversity. Panelists will discuss strategies for cultivating innovation and promoting a resilient growth mindset.
Upgrade your kitchen with affordable RTA cabinets that combine style, durability, and budget-friendly pricing. These ready-to-assemble cabinets offer easy installation without compromising on quality. Choose from modern, shaker, and European-style designs to match your space. Perfect for homeowners, contractors, and remodelers seeking wholesale savings. Enjoy high-quality materials and craftsmanship at unbeatable prices. Get the best RTA cabinets for your kitchen today.
I turn 1year and 3 months this May. As a newbie mum, this mother's day holds special
significance. You all know how obsessed first timers are with their babies and how they can go
on and on discussing them. So it should hardly come as a surprise that I'm going to use this
opportunity to talk about mine. The harder bit though is that I'll leave my mother and mother in
law aside. They'll understand..they've been through this phase, right?
Coming back to my son. The occasion is a great time to pause and reflect and all I can think of is
how grateful I am to my baby. Seeing him, being with him and taking care of him, is divine.
Mostly, But more than that, he's taught me so much about life, that no book, wise quote, baba or
self proclaimed gyaani on my social feed could ever do. Here is some of what I have gathered.
Nobody taught him to dance but one fine day, he started moving his bum up and down as soon as
his musical toy played on. Nobody taught him to point. But just like that, he started using his
hands to point in the direction he wanted to be taken to or the object he wanted to hold. There's
no gymnast in the family and but I see him suddenly trying to practise somersaults on the bed.
Lesson: Nature will intelligently, mindfully and quietly go about making things happen for us
and move us forward. Keep at it, but there's no use trying to complain or get frustrated at not
seeing results.
He's constantly lifting himself up to grab things that are way out of his reach. He's tries to pick
and throw things too heavy for his tiny hands. He touches things that are sure to cause him shock
or pain. It's another matter he doesn't know what is risky. Sometimes I think , perhaps we've
become too organised, too check out the pros and cons, too balanced for our own good. Is it
possible to let go? To give it all not knowing what could happen? To really risk it?
Staying cheerful comes naturally to babies, and only goes out for a short break when hunger,
sleep or a full diaper come in to say hello. But we adults have plenty of reasons for staying
unhappy. Being annoyed, agitated, frustrated, worried, jealous, bored - all come more naturally
to us, while happiness makes a quick in and out appearance. Perhaps it is time to do that role
reversal, and feel the difference it makes to our lives.
Bath time is often the fun-nest time of the day. Splashing water, chucking toys out of the bathtub,
playing with squeezies, gives him joy like nothing else. What about us? Well most days, bathing
is an exercise in hygiene with the mental clock reminding it's getting late for work. Or else it's a
quick-fix to freshening up and getting over all the heat n dust of the day . But as spa visits
become a seriously rare phenomenon, this is a note to self to not think of water as a means to
2. achieve some desired result, but simply to experience and soak in the drops of heaven in their
pure form. To enjoy the shower more often. And a long, relaxing one at that.
Little babies are quick to adapt to most changes in their lives. You remove a toy (their so called
favorite) and place another one in front of them and their loud cries vanish quickly. You send
them off to day care worrying how they'll live without you, but they take to it, faster than you
imagined. You make them meet new people or take them to new places, they adapt soon after
the initial hiccups. We on the other hand, keep telling ourselves and all those who care to listen,
that we so need a change. But when change comes and really hits us on the face, we do a swift
sidewalk. Should I? Do I have to?But what about...? are thoughts that surface then. If we could
have a more adaptive mindset and embrace change more easily, we would be so much more
lighter and calmer and yes, happier.
No matter what it is, he's open to trying every single thing that comes his way in his crawling
journey. From a piece of cloth to remnants of a toy he just broke, from biscuit crumbs to that
little onion peel that got dropped on its way to the bin, to the more dreadful stuff like mud,
rubber band, a big bad seed that humans aren't capable of swallowing, to the nail that got left on
the floor by the carpenter who visited the house for some repairs. It can be argued that since he
is ignorant about what is edible and what is life threatening, he's open to trying everything out
democratically. While we know better than that. But really, this isn't about trying nails or snails,
it's about being open to discoveries and experiments and going with the flow. Why does
curiosity need to be 'taught' as we grow up?
In the evening when I get back from work, he comes running from wherever he is, accompanied
by squeals of happiness. And he's been doing this every single day for six whole months now.
Wouldn't trade anything in the world for that. Ofcourse this is not a state that will last forever.
But till it does, it's a lesson that the immense joy one feels is not simply meant to be reciprocated
but also to be passed on to other loved ones. There's a difference between loving someone (in
your head) and making them feel loved.
That's that for now. So what am I missing? Time will tell. As he grows more. Till then, I wish
myself and all other mums a happy mother's and a happy learning day.