2. Starting with a brief overview
on diversity and algorithmic
systems, to clarify essential
terms and the conceptual
Conceptual framing
What are the specific
characteristics of algorithmic
bias and how to address it in
the context of education and
Digital Diversity
Diversity and algorithmic bias
3 Proposals on how to address
algorithmic bias in order to foster
diversity in a digital world.
Conclusion and discussion on
expectations as well as limitations.
Finding a path
Looking into black boxes
15. “When we realize that we are not talking about algorithms in the
technical sense, but rather algorithmic systems of which code is only
a part, their defining features reverse: instead of formality, rigidity,
and consistency, we find flux, revisability, and negotiation.”
- Seaver 2014 -
28. 1. What values do digital tools and algorithmic
architectures embody?
2. Do algorithmic architectures unfairly discriminate
against specific individuals or groups?
3. Is there any transparency on the values embodied?
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