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Now that you are rooted  
What next ???
Disk Partition : Unrooted 
/boot Kernel partition, executed at boot 
Cannot be overwritten 
/system Can be read by all apps and users 
Cannot be written to by anyone 
/cache Can be written to by apps (for temp 
Cannot be cleared without factory reset 
/userdata Apps can write to own folder 
Apps/Users cannot read anything 
/recovery Recovery partition, executed at recovery-boot
Disk Partition : Rooted 
/boot Overwrite with your own custom kernel 
/system Delete/modify system apps 
Inject your apps in to /system 
/cache Can be cleared whenever you want to 
Refreshing of cache can make system 
/userdata Full read access to /data partition 
Change/backup/restore data of any app 
/recovery Overwrite with your own custom recovery 
(TWRP & CWM are some popular
Some must 
have 'root 
Titanium Backup 
One of the most popular app data 
backup/restore apps on market. 
Save your game data or your 
whatsapp messages even accross 
a system format. 
Clear data of an app selectively 
without doing a factory reset of 
the phone. 
Shift an user-installed app to 
Disable OEM installed bloat apps.
LED Control Apps 
Get complete control over 
LED notifications 
Set custom colors, blink 
speeds for separate apps, 
or for a group of apps 
Set different LED 
notification styles according 
to time of day. 
Some popular apps : - 
* LED Light Flow 
* Notifications ++
Greenify is an app manager tool that lets you "Greenify" 
an app and is unlike the "Hibernation" tool featured by 
many other apps. A Greenify-ed app is in a state of 
hibernation state and unable to access system 
resources, bandwidth, or run background processes. 
However, Greenify allows you to run an app normally in 
the foreground when explicitly called by the user 
without any extra fuss. Just don't greenify your alarm 
clock or messenger!
ClockWorkMod Recovery 
Developed by famous CyanogenMod 
developer Koushik 'Koush' Dutta. 
Replaces the default recovery present 
on the device 
Allows formatting of any partition, 
formatting of sdcards to any filesystem 
Flashing of custom ROMs, kernels 
Complete backup 'image' of the whole 
system and userdata partition. And 
restore the same.
TeamWin Recovery Project 
TWRP is called by many as Android 
Recovery on Steroids. 
It provides all functionalities of CWM 
Recovery, and some more. 
You can selective backup/restore 
certain partitions. The recovery has an 
inbuilt file manager too. 
Biggest draw : This recovery has a fully 
touch driven UI and complete themable.
your Phone !
Supercharger V6 by zeppelinrox 
Possibly the most famous root script for android 
Reduces the Android 'OOM' and 'minfree' parameters 
Makes multitasking on old and sloppy hardware (single 
core, 1ghz) phones possible. 
Get it via google search : google.com/search? 
Custom Kernels : Wings for your phone 
A custom kernel may allow you to : - 
 Overclock the CPU 
 Underclock the CPU volatages 
 Use different I/O schedulers 
 Use different CPU Governors 
 Modify GPU parameters 
 Tweak performance in other various ways
Custom Kernels : Precautions 
While custom kernels can promise to do wonders to your 
phone, try to keep in mind that excessively pushing your 
device beyond limits is not a bright idea. 
Each CPU is different. Some might not handle overclock 
gracefully. If your phone heats up or shuts down randomly, 
do NOT overclock/undervolt. 
A custom kernel is not the Holy Grail or the answer to the 
million dollar question always. It could be that your 
hardware just cannot perform any more than it does.
A world 
OOwwnn yyoouurr pphhoonnee AAnnddrrooiidd iiss aann ooppeenn ssoouurrccee OOppeerraattiinngg SSyysstteemm.. 
TThhiiss ooppeennss tthhee ddoooorr ttoo tthhee mmoosstt oobbvviioouuss sstteepp  ccuussttoommiizzee 
tthhee OOSS iittsseellff 
TThheerree aarree ttwwoo kkiinnddss ooff ccuussttoommiizzaattiioonnss :: 
aa)) ''mmooddddiinngg'' tthhee ssttoocckk ffiirrmmwwaarree tthhaatt tthhee OOEEMM iinnssttaallllss oonn 
tthhee pphhoonnee 
bb)) ccuussttoommiizziinngg tthhee aannddrrooiidd ssoouurrccee ccooddee aanndd bbuuiillddiinngg iitt ffoorr 
tthhee pphhoonnee 
WWhhiillee rroooottiinngg iiss ssuuffffiicciieenntt ttoo rruunn aa mmooddddeedd ssttoocckk RROOMM,, 
uunnlloocckkiinngg oorr hhaacckkiinngg ooff tthhee bboooottllooaaddeerr iiss eesssseennttiiaall ttoo bbee 
aabbllee ttoo rruunn aa ccuussttoomm RROOMM bbuuiilldd ffrroomm ssoouurrccee ((mmoossttllyy bbuutt 
nnoott aallwwaayyss))..
SSiinnccee bbaasseedd oonn aa OOEEMM--bbuuiilltt 
RROOMM,, aallll hhaarrddwwaarree iiss 
gguuaarraanntteeeedd MMooddddeedd ttoo SSttoocckk wwoorrkk.. 
OOSS :: PPrrooss 
 HHaacckkss lleessss iinnttoo llooww lleevveell 
ccooddeess,, ssoo hhaass ccoommppaarraattiivveellyy 
lloowweerr rriisskkss ooff rruunnnniinngg.. 
 PPrroopprriieettaarryy OOEEMM--ddeevveellooppeedd 
ffuunnccttiioonnaalliittyy ((eegg.. HHTTCC ZZooee,, 
SSaammssuunngg GGaallaaxxyy SS44 ggiimmmmiicckkss,, 
SSoonnyy''ss ssoocciiaall iinntteeggrraattiioonn 
ssooffttwwaarreess)) aarree pprreesseerrvveedd.. 
 DDooeess nnoott nneeeedd ccuussttoomm bbuuiilltt 
kkeerrnneell,, tthhuuss bboooottllooaaddeerr
MMooddddeedd SSttoocckk OOSS :: CCoonnss 
 CCaannnnoott ggoo bbeeyyoonndd tthhee llaatteesstt 
AAnnddrrooiidd vveerrssiioonn tthhaatt tthhee OOEEMM 
hhaass rreelleeaasseedd ffoorr tthhee ddeevviiccee.. 
 CCaannnnoott ''ggeett mmoorree oouutt ooff'' tthhee 
ssyysstteemm hhaarrddwwaarreess.. 
 WWoouulldd llooookk mmoorree oorr lleessss lliikkee 
tthhee OOEEMM sskkiinn
44..33..11 oonn tthhrreeee yyeeaarr oolldd HHTTCC 
DDeessiirree oorr XXppeerriiaa XX1100 GGaallaaxxyy SS.. 
CCuussttoomm AAnnddrrooiidd OOSS :: PPrrooss 
 CCoommpplleettee ccuussttoommiizzaabbiilliittyy ooff 
tthhee ffrraammeewwoorrkk tthhuuss aalllloowwiinngg 
yyoouu ttoo ddoo lliitteerraallllyy ''wwhhaatteevveerr 
yyoouu wwaanntt ttoo ddoo'' wwiitthh tthhee OOSS 
 TThheemmeeaabbiilliittyy ssuuppppoorrtt  ttwwoo 
iiddeennttiiccaall pphhoonneess rruunnnniinngg tthhee 
eexxaacctt ssaammee OOSS ccaann bbee mmaaddee ttoo 
llooookk vveerryy ddiiffffeerreenntt ffrroomm 
eeaacchh ootthheerr.. 
 AAbbiilliittyy ttoo ''ggeett mmoorree oouutt ooff'' 
hhaarrddwwaarree.. eegg.. EEnnaabblliinngg LLTTEE oonn
AAllpphhaass aanndd bbeettaa bbuuiillddss ffoorr aa 
lloonngg ttiimmee.. 
CCuussttoomm AAnnddrrooiidd OOSS :: CCoonnss 
 CCoommpplliiccaatteedd hhaarrddwwaarree lliikkee 
ccaammeerraa ttaakkeess ttiimmee ttoo ddeevveelloopp 
ddrriivveerrss ffoorr,, aanndd mmaayy nnoott 
ppeerrffoorrmm aass wweellll aass iitt ddooeess 
oonn ssttoocckk RROOMMss 
 DDeeeepp lleevveell hhaarrddwwaarree ccooddeess 
aarree ttoouucchheedd hheennccee hhaass 
ccoommppaarraattiivveellyy mmoorree rriisskkss 
 PPrroopprriieettaarryy ffuunnccttiioonnss ooff tthhee 
OOEEMM wwoouulldd nnoott wwoorrkk ((eeiitthheerr

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What to do after Rooting ?

  • 1. Now that you are rooted What next ???
  • 2. Disk Partition : Unrooted /boot Kernel partition, executed at boot Cannot be overwritten /system Can be read by all apps and users Cannot be written to by anyone /cache Can be written to by apps (for temp storage) Cannot be cleared without factory reset /userdata Apps can write to own folder (/data/data/appname) Apps/Users cannot read anything /recovery Recovery partition, executed at recovery-boot
  • 3. Disk Partition : Rooted /boot Overwrite with your own custom kernel /system Delete/modify system apps Inject your apps in to /system /cache Can be cleared whenever you want to Refreshing of cache can make system faster /userdata Full read access to /data partition Change/backup/restore data of any app selectively /recovery Overwrite with your own custom recovery (TWRP & CWM are some popular
  • 4. Some must have 'root apps'
  • 5. Titanium Backup One of the most popular app data backup/restore apps on market. Save your game data or your whatsapp messages even accross a system format. Clear data of an app selectively without doing a factory reset of the phone. Shift an user-installed app to /system Disable OEM installed bloat apps.
  • 6. LED Control Apps Get complete control over LED notifications Set custom colors, blink speeds for separate apps, or for a group of apps Set different LED notification styles according to time of day. Some popular apps : - * LED Light Flow * Notifications ++
  • 7. Greenify! Greenify is an app manager tool that lets you "Greenify" an app and is unlike the "Hibernation" tool featured by many other apps. A Greenify-ed app is in a state of hibernation state and unable to access system resources, bandwidth, or run background processes. However, Greenify allows you to run an app normally in the foreground when explicitly called by the user without any extra fuss. Just don't greenify your alarm clock or messenger!
  • 9. ClockWorkMod Recovery Developed by famous CyanogenMod developer Koushik 'Koush' Dutta. Replaces the default recovery present on the device Allows formatting of any partition, formatting of sdcards to any filesystem (fat/ntfs/ext) Flashing of custom ROMs, kernels Complete backup 'image' of the whole system and userdata partition. And restore the same.
  • 10. TeamWin Recovery Project TWRP is called by many as Android Recovery on Steroids. It provides all functionalities of CWM Recovery, and some more. You can selective backup/restore certain partitions. The recovery has an inbuilt file manager too. Biggest draw : This recovery has a fully touch driven UI and complete themable.
  • 12. Supercharger V6 by zeppelinrox Possibly the most famous root script for android phones. Reduces the Android 'OOM' and 'minfree' parameters Makes multitasking on old and sloppy hardware (single core, 1ghz) phones possible. Get it via google search : google.com/search? q=supercharger+v6
  • 13. Custom Kernels : Wings for your phone A custom kernel may allow you to : - Overclock the CPU Underclock the CPU volatages Use different I/O schedulers Use different CPU Governors Modify GPU parameters Tweak performance in other various ways
  • 14. Custom Kernels : Precautions While custom kernels can promise to do wonders to your phone, try to keep in mind that excessively pushing your device beyond limits is not a bright idea. Each CPU is different. Some might not handle overclock gracefully. If your phone heats up or shuts down randomly, do NOT overclock/undervolt. A custom kernel is not the Holy Grail or the answer to the million dollar question always. It could be that your hardware just cannot perform any more than it does.
  • 15. A world beyond rooting
  • 16. OOwwnn yyoouurr pphhoonnee AAnnddrrooiidd iiss aann ooppeenn ssoouurrccee OOppeerraattiinngg SSyysstteemm.. TThhiiss ooppeennss tthhee ddoooorr ttoo tthhee mmoosstt oobbvviioouuss sstteepp ccuussttoommiizzee tthhee OOSS iittsseellff TThheerree aarree ttwwoo kkiinnddss ooff ccuussttoommiizzaattiioonnss :: aa)) ''mmooddddiinngg'' tthhee ssttoocckk ffiirrmmwwaarree tthhaatt tthhee OOEEMM iinnssttaallllss oonn tthhee pphhoonnee bb)) ccuussttoommiizziinngg tthhee aannddrrooiidd ssoouurrccee ccooddee aanndd bbuuiillddiinngg iitt ffoorr tthhee pphhoonnee WWhhiillee rroooottiinngg iiss ssuuffffiicciieenntt ttoo rruunn aa mmooddddeedd ssttoocckk RROOMM,, uunnlloocckkiinngg oorr hhaacckkiinngg ooff tthhee bboooottllooaaddeerr iiss eesssseennttiiaall ttoo bbee aabbllee ttoo rruunn aa ccuussttoomm RROOMM bbuuiilldd ffrroomm ssoouurrccee ((mmoossttllyy bbuutt nnoott aallwwaayyss))..
  • 17. SSiinnccee bbaasseedd oonn aa OOEEMM--bbuuiilltt RROOMM,, aallll hhaarrddwwaarree iiss gguuaarraanntteeeedd MMooddddeedd ttoo SSttoocckk wwoorrkk.. OOSS :: PPrrooss HHaacckkss lleessss iinnttoo llooww lleevveell ccooddeess,, ssoo hhaass ccoommppaarraattiivveellyy lloowweerr rriisskkss ooff rruunnnniinngg.. PPrroopprriieettaarryy OOEEMM--ddeevveellooppeedd ffuunnccttiioonnaalliittyy ((eegg.. HHTTCC ZZooee,, SSaammssuunngg GGaallaaxxyy SS44 ggiimmmmiicckkss,, SSoonnyy''ss ssoocciiaall iinntteeggrraattiioonn ssooffttwwaarreess)) aarree pprreesseerrvveedd.. DDooeess nnoott nneeeedd ccuussttoomm bbuuiilltt kkeerrnneell,, tthhuuss bboooottllooaaddeerr
  • 18. MMooddddeedd SSttoocckk OOSS :: CCoonnss CCaannnnoott ggoo bbeeyyoonndd tthhee llaatteesstt AAnnddrrooiidd vveerrssiioonn tthhaatt tthhee OOEEMM hhaass rreelleeaasseedd ffoorr tthhee ddeevviiccee.. CCaannnnoott ''ggeett mmoorree oouutt ooff'' tthhee ssyysstteemm hhaarrddwwaarreess.. WWoouulldd llooookk mmoorree oorr lleessss lliikkee tthhee OOEEMM sskkiinn
  • 19. 44..33..11 oonn tthhrreeee yyeeaarr oolldd HHTTCC DDeessiirree oorr XXppeerriiaa XX1100 GGaallaaxxyy SS.. CCuussttoomm AAnnddrrooiidd OOSS :: PPrrooss CCoommpplleettee ccuussttoommiizzaabbiilliittyy ooff tthhee ffrraammeewwoorrkk tthhuuss aalllloowwiinngg yyoouu ttoo ddoo lliitteerraallllyy ''wwhhaatteevveerr yyoouu wwaanntt ttoo ddoo'' wwiitthh tthhee OOSS TThheemmeeaabbiilliittyy ssuuppppoorrtt ttwwoo iiddeennttiiccaall pphhoonneess rruunnnniinngg tthhee eexxaacctt ssaammee OOSS ccaann bbee mmaaddee ttoo llooookk vveerryy ddiiffffeerreenntt ffrroomm eeaacchh ootthheerr.. AAbbiilliittyy ttoo ''ggeett mmoorree oouutt ooff'' hhaarrddwwaarree.. eegg.. EEnnaabblliinngg LLTTEE oonn
  • 20. AAllpphhaass aanndd bbeettaa bbuuiillddss ffoorr aa lloonngg ttiimmee.. CCuussttoomm AAnnddrrooiidd OOSS :: CCoonnss CCoommpplliiccaatteedd hhaarrddwwaarree lliikkee ccaammeerraa ttaakkeess ttiimmee ttoo ddeevveelloopp ddrriivveerrss ffoorr,, aanndd mmaayy nnoott ppeerrffoorrmm aass wweellll aass iitt ddooeess oonn ssttoocckk RROOMMss DDeeeepp lleevveell hhaarrddwwaarree ccooddeess aarree ttoouucchheedd hheennccee hhaass ccoommppaarraattiivveellyy mmoorree rriisskkss iinnvvoollvveedd PPrroopprriieettaarryy ffuunnccttiioonnss ooff tthhee OOEEMM wwoouulldd nnoott wwoorrkk ((eeiitthheerr