Venture capital investment is focused on several emerging technologies in the US including 4G networks, augmented reality, facial recognition interfaces, and cloud computing. Net neutrality is a debated issue, with some arguing for multiple tiers of internet access plans. Augmented reality startups are receiving significant funding and valuations are high. Facial recognition technology can now identify users with over 95% accuracy and customize online experiences for individuals. Security is viewed as extremely important for cloud computing investments.
2. 4G Its everywhere particularly on the coasts Huge incentives to switch from 2g & 3g More reliable than business/consumer Broadband Verizon offering free tethering for up to 6 months 7Mb/s in the sme environment I want one now!!!
3. Net Neutrality Twenty somethings see this as digital socialism Digital start-ups want to see 4 tiers Grandma Tier (email and shopping) - no cost Parent Tier (email, shopping, News) - $5/month Light user (social Networks, skype etc) - $10/month Heavy User (downloads, TV watching, file sharing) Competitive walled garden up to $60/month
4. Augmented reality Massive start-up investments being made pre-money valuations through the roof Information being broadcast from Locations Future gaming attracting big VC investment Is it a bubble?
5. Facial recognition interfaces (and other cool tools) knows I Like it without me doing anything Better than 95% success rate across gender, race and age. Just watch those angry gestures! Manipulation of the pages youre looing at for a totally personal view (and sell)
6. Cloud VCs are investing. Public Infrastructure investments very unusual Security is seen as the golden egg laying goose Established companies are looking to VCs for money, rather than debt fund growth or new market USAF has been put in charge of all federal data security program Classification of information is key