English for Specific Purposes (ESP) courses teach English language skills that are targeted to specific careers and fields. ESP courses focus only on the English needed for a particular job or profession. They are relevant, motivating, and cost-effective compared to general English courses. ESP involves a needs analysis, level assessment, and task-based lessons designed around objectives like describing technical issues, understanding workplace scenarios, and dealing with industry-specific terminology. ESP teachers are both experienced English teachers and subject specialists who keep their skills up to date through professional development.
1. What is
English for Specific Purposes?
Chris Moore, Managing Director, Specialist Language Courses
2. English for Specific Purposes Courses are
Targeted ESP courses focus only on the language you need
Relevant ESP is about your life outside the training room
Specialist ESP trainers need to understand the context
Motivating ESP language is business or work-critical
Cost-effective ESP training wastes no time
3. ESP Courses are Vocational
People study English for Specific Purposes so they can..
perform better in a globalised economy
progress in an English-speaking company
talk to and manage international teams
preserve health and safety in complex, multilingual environments
They study targeted ESP courses, such as English for
Maritime Officers
Human Resources
4. ESP is Business Critical
ESP MATTERS. It is critical to what the learner does at work. They need the training.
1. Air Traffic Controllers and Pilots who need to pass a recognised Aviation English
test to show that their English is at ICAO Level 4 standard, so they can work in
international air space.
2. Ship Officers managing multinational, multilingual crews on commercial ships
3. Oil & Gas engineers working on international energy projects
4. Doctors relocating to English-speaking countries
5. Lawyers working for a global firm where the lingua franca is English
5. ESP is Needs Driven
ESP courses start by clearly identifying the learners language needs. These
become the objectives of the course.
The learners needs may be
a. Highly focused, for example how to read legal documents
b. More varied, such as the many types of language required to
manage an international team
Needs Analysis needs to be detailed. It examines the specific scenarios the
learner needs to use their target language in. It identifies what language
knowledge and skills they need to do that.
Needs Analysis can also involve learner managers, company HR and
Learning & Development specialists.
6. ESP Requires Accurate Level Assessment
Needs Analysis is combined with a language level assessment. This measures how
far the learner currently is from being able to achieve their objectives.
This assessment should focus on the areas the learner will be using the language
in. It should be scenario-specific, and target the relevant skills the learner will
focus on during their course.
The assessment results should be shared with the learner in order to manage their
If there is a wide gap between level and needs, but not much time allocated, then
course objectives will need to be scaled back to what is achievable.
7. ESP Course Design
Course design works back from the objectives determined in the Needs Analysis and
Level Assessment process
If Writing Reports is a key objective, then a course will map out a series of focus
points, such as:
- Writing to your audience
- Formal language register, style, passive voice, modal verbs
- Connecting ideas within and between sentences, different clause types
- Format headings, paragraphing
- Expressing key ideas, eg summary, problems, conclusions, recommendations
- Case studies, industry examples
8. ESP Course Design Common Objectives
Typical objectives in ESP courses are:
Describing technical issues in plain English
Understanding what people say in specific work scenarios
Responding effectively in unpredictable or emergency situations
Understanding business and industry-specific jargon, abbreviations and acronyms
Dealing with native speaker phrasal verbs, collocations and idioms
Understanding how different cultures communicate with each other
Understanding different Englishes
9. ESP Involves Task-Based Lessons
If language taught is meaningful, it is easier to remember. Learners can apply it to
their lives. They can see their improvement and are motivated by this.
ESP teachers give learners tasks where they need to use English to successfully
achieve a specific result.
Tasks reflect real life and learners focus on meaning instead of practising a
grammatical point or specific word set, for example. They are free to use any
language they want.
Tasks include role plays, solving problems, exchanging information, or playing a
game, among others.
10. Task-Based Lessons 3 Part Flow
Pre-task Preparation
(no real life tasks are
done in isolation)
Learners perform the
Teacher supports,
listens, takes notes
Feedback and Language
Teacher discusses
language points to
improve grammar,
vocab, pronunication
11. Teaching ESP
ESP teachers are
a. Experienced, adaptable English language teachers, able to work with demanding
students, often at advanced levels
b. Subject specialists, able to teach complex technical English language required by
the area
A working background in engineering, medicine, the military, oil and gas, or law can
make a big difference to the impact of the course the teacher designs and delivers.
Of course, many excellent ESP trainers have learnt their trade by research, practice and
a commitment to their professional development.
12. Teaching ESP Professional Development
On-going Professional Development is vital to the ESP teacher. Here are a few things
they do to keep up to date in their field:
Talk with subject specialists and other ESP trainers
Attend targeted training courses and workshops, including publisher-led events
Attend conferences, such as the IATEFL BESIG conference, the IATEFL annual
conference, the ESP conference, and subject-specific events. These all have online
Keep up to date with published ESP materials
Use the web, both for English language and industry-based materials
As they teach, learn from the student, their experience, and their company
materials, both online and printed
14. ESP Course Examples
Here are some of the courses we have recently organised
English for Oil & Gas for 2 senior managers at a global oilfield services
company in the UK
English for HR for the HR Director of a global fashion company
Business English for a widespread group of international managers at a
global retail company
Maritime English & Teacher Training for a Maritime English teacher at the
University of Montenegro
English for Hotel Staff at a luxury 5 star hotel in London
English Report Writing for a group of auditors at a global consultancy
15. Is ESP the Future?
In a word, Yes.
General English is being taught better and better at primary and secondary
schools around the world.
Business is increasingly globalised. English is the lingua franca of industries and
of many companies, even where there are no native speakers present.
However, while they may have a good grounding in the language, learners
increasingly want and need the right language to be successful at work.
ESP courses meet these needs. Course participants learn the language skills to
perform and participate effectively in an international environment.
16. Find out more
Specialist Language Courses organises outstanding ESP courses around the world.
Choose from:
Intensive immersion courses at business language schools around the
English speaking world
Tailor-made in-company courses
Specialist online courses
A blend of the above
Contact us to find out more:
e: enquiries@specialistlanguagecourses.com
t: +44 1273 757535
w: www.specialistlanguagecourses.com