MemoQ 4.5 is an innovative translation memory tool that improves productivity for translators in four key ways:
1) Active alignment that occurs during translation rather than requiring pre-alignment
2) Ability to create translation collections/corpora for reliable, easy-to-manage past translations
3) Integrated search of reference documents for context
4) Ability to attach various file types like images and sounds to translation projects
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What's new on memoQ 4.5
1. full speed ahead with 45
translation memories have a high cost. you have to follow
pre-defined processes to ensure high quality, because cleaning
them is expensive. looking at a memory, there is no easy way
to tell what’s in a tm and what is not. and when you decide to
invest into translation technology, you either throw away Simplify
your existing translations or spend a lot of time aligning them.
the management
memoq 4.5 is kilgray’s breakthrough innovation that brings
unprecedented productivity to those who want clean of translation
translation memories or who are newcomers to translation memories - throw them
technology. now you’ve got a choice -
translation memories or reference documents or both.
away! kilgray translation technologies
2. live aligntm Previously you had to align before translation. You also spent time aligning sentences that never came up later, because
unless you did it, your translation memory would become unreliable. How much time did you lose by processing material you didn't need?
Cut unnecessary work! memoQ's on-the-fly alignment technology shifts alignment into the translation workflow. No preparation necessary,
you can start translating in one minute. Just select the documents that may be interesting for you, and do the dirty work sentence by
sentence, when needed. memoQ automatically aligns the documents and if the alignment is wrong, you just correct it from within the
translation grid. And as you do that, the quality of the automatic alignment improves. memoQ learns.
active tmtm Does your translation memory get polluted with unreliable translations, things that were
never proofread? Are you unsure what translations are there in the TM and which ones are not?
Simplify the management of past translations and create collections of translated documents. These
collections, or corpora, work just like translation memories: they provide fuzzy and exact matches, but
you always know the source of your translations. Removing a bad translation is also easy. Very easy.
memoq 4.5
library tm There's no need to use indexing applications anymore. memoQ integrates search tech- cuts the cost of
nology that allows you to find any expression in reference documents and to see the context. If
a law that's only available in the target language helps you, just put it into the project. It'll be at
your fingertips.
dramatically and
ensures high
ezattachtm memoQ projects can now contain images, executable files, sounds - whatever helps quality resources
you translate gets packaged in your project. When you need these materials, memoQ opens them through four key
with the appropriate viewer. capabilities:
All the above features complement the existing translation memory functionality instead of replacing
it. Once again, only memoQ gives you the choice to choose the way of working that suits you best.
And the overhauled indexing engine ensures that the new capabilities don't slow down your tool.
memoq 4.5 offers a wealth of
other new features and productivity boosters.
Online prOjects with desktOp dOcuments memoQ has long cOmpletely rewritten tm indexing engine Refactoring is a
allowed multiple users to work on the same online documents si- key concept at Kilgray. As our clients' requirements grow, we con-
multaneously, but this required constant internet access. The new stantly improve our core technologies. The new translation memory
desktop documents concept brings you the world's most advanced engine supports simultaneous read/write access, and is optimized
server-based working environment that no web-based solution can for translation memories or reference documents of up to 2 million
ever provide. Your translators can work offline and synchronize docu- units, also in a server setting.
ments with your server with a single mouse click. This way you keep
control of all translations: you always have the latest version and target cOncOrdancing and twO-way tms You can quickly
you can see a real-time progress report, while your translators don't search the target of your translation memories too.
have the feeling they are being constantly monitored—and they can
also work offline. Furthermore, desktop documents abolish the two autOmated mObile lincense management fOr Online prOjects
limitations of online documents. It is now possible to join and split You can now give your translators a mobile license together with
segments in an online project, and you can also use views. Online the online project, which further simplifies license management and
projects with desktop documents are ideal if you want several proj- cuts training costs.
ect managers to have access to any project, any time, anywhere.
integratiOn with mymemOry frOm If this
wOrkflOw lOOps and change indicatiOn Workflow is not module is enabled,'s MyMemory gives you results
linear anymore. Reviewers can send the project back to translators, from a big federated translation memory containing over 416 million
and all changes are always visible to the other participants in the segments. After the successful Eurotermbank integration, this is the
project. second data provider integrated into memoQ.
grOundbreaking imprOvements tO alignment To make the Over 50 smaller imprOvements such as imprOved project
most out of reference documents, we have also improved the management interfaces, exportable quality assurance reports, the
alignment algorithm. Now it takes into account everything you can ability to change serial numbers, improved support for XLIFF sta-
imagine, including formatting and terminology, and you can add tuses etc.
several file pairs at once.
id-based alignment When working with software localization for- memoQ 4.5 is a major new version of memoQ that is available free
mats or Excel files, the corresponding segments or units are often of charge for those who have a valid annual upgrade policy. This auto-
represented by an identifier. memoQ can take these IDs as align- matically includes customers who purchased memoQ before Septem-
ment anchors, providing immediately perfect alignment for your ber 1, 2007 or after October 1, 2009.
multilingual software resources. kilgray translation technologies