This talk will show what has been accomplished in the past year for core javascript and explain what's left for the last few months before code freeze.
A few topics you can expect to show up:
Which JS library got in core and why
Tools and workflow
JS clean-up
As well as some future-facing questions:
New policies for third party JS
API changes (PHP and JS)
How can contrib deal with JS-related changes
What's still missing for D8
There will be mention of some crazy ideas that might work from contrib.
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What's up with javascript and Drupal 8
1. What's up with
javascript & Drupal
Th辿odore 'nod_' Biadala
JS Maintainer for Drupal core
Technical consultant @ Acquia
Frontendunited, London 2013
5. Who?
nod_ February 2012
(cue months of wishing for another maintainer)
seutje August 2012
jessebeach September 2012