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A sneak peek at JSR-203 (NIO.2)
Coming soon to a JVM near you
What¡¯s This?
New I/O
Shipped in JDK 1.4 (2002)
Block-oriented I/O with buffers and channels
Non-blocking sockets, readiness selection
Also Charsets and regular expressions
JSR opened in 2003, primary development since 2006
Stuff that didn¡¯t make JSR-51, plus new stuff
Expected to ship in JDK 1.7 (Java 7)
In process to be OS¡¯ed on http://openjdk.java.net/
What¡¯s New in NIO.2
File I/O
Filesystem API
Asynchronous I/O
ByteBuffers supply or receive data transferred by
BigByteBuffer, BigIntBuffer, BigShortBuffer, etc
Long (64 bit) indexes, to handle 2GB+ buffer sizes
Especially useful for MappedBigByteBuffer on huge files
Mappable interface
Refactored methods from MappedByteBuffer
MappedByteBuffer and MappedBigByteBuffer
MBean Support
Monitor buffer pool status with JMX tools
Primarily of interest to tool builders
MBeanServer server = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer();
Set<ObjectName> mbeans = server.queryNames (
new ObjectName ("java.nio:type=BufferPool,*"), null);
for (ObjectName name: mbeans) {
BufferPoolMXBean pool = ManagementFactory.newPlatformMXBeanProxy (
server, name.toString(), BufferPoolMXBean.class);
SocketChannel API has been fleshed out
No longer necessary to use socket() in most cases
Check connection state, get remote address, shutdown,
Implements new NetworkChannel interface
Methods common to all network channel classes
Where practical, methods return ¡°this¡± to facilitate
invocation chaining
A design pattern used frequently in the original NIO
NetworkChannel interface
Methods for binding to and returning local address
Methods to set and get socket options
Option names are typesafe SocketOption Enums
Option values are Object
StandardSocketOption class
Contains Enum definitions
Each socket type defines the options it will accept
Socket Example
import static java.nio.channels.StandardSocketOption.*;
ServerSocketChannel ssc = ServerSocketChannel.open()
.setOption(SO_RCVBUF, 256*1024).bind (address, backlog);
SocketChannel sc = SocketChannel.open()
.setOption(SO_SNDBUF, 128*1024)
.setOption(SO_KEEPALIVE, true);
boolean nagle = (Boolean)sc.getOption(TCP_NODELAY);
Map<String,Class> options = sc.getOptions();
SocketAddress local = sc.getLocalAddress();
SocketAddress remote = sc.getConnectedAddress();
Note autoboxing
New MulticastChannel interface
Only datagram channels implement it
Join a multicast group (an InetAddress) on a specific
NetworkInterface (in java.net)
Joining returns a MembershipKey
Channel may choose to receive all datagrams, or
only those from a specific sender
Datagrams go to any host listening to group address
Channel setup requires specific options
Call drop() on MembershipKey to leave the group
Implements the latest RFCs / newest features 14
Multicast Sender
InetAddress group = InetAddress.getByName (¡°multigroup.megacorp.com¡±);
NetworkInterface interface = NetworkInterface.getByName (¡°if0¡±);
int port = 1234;
ByteBuffer buffer = ...;
DatagramChannel channel = DatagramChannel.open (StandardProtocolFamily.INET)
.bind (new InetSocketAddress (port));
channel.setOption (StandardSocketOption.IP_MULTICAST_IF, interface);
// Datagram will be received by anyone listening to the group address
channel.send (buffer, group);
Multicast Listener
List<InetAddress> includeList = ...; List<InetAddress> excludeList = ...;
InetAddress group = InetAddress.getByName (¡°multigroup.megacorp.com¡±);
NetworkInterface interface = NetworkInterface.getByName (¡°if0¡±);
int port = 1234;
DatagramChannel channel = DatagramChannel.open (StandardProtocolFamily.INET)
.setOption (StandardSocketOption.SO_REUSEADDR, true)
.bind (new InetSocketAddress(port));
if (includeList.isEmpty()) {
// Join the group, then explicitly ignore datagrams from certain addresses
MembershipKey key = channel.join (group, interface);
for (InetAddress source: excludeList) {
key.block (source);
} else {
// Listen only to datagrams from specific senders in the group
for (InetAddress source: includeList) {
channel.join (target.group(), target.interf(), source);
Files and
Several new methods added
open() - Open a file directly
isReadable(), isWritable()
mapBigBuffer() - For mapping humongous files
Just like map() but returns a MappedBigByteBuffer
Implements SeekableByteChannel
Adds position, size and truncation methods to
Bare minimum file channel functionality
Easier to implement for some filesystem types
Using FileChannels
import static java.nio.channels.StandardOpenOption.*;
static final int ONE_MILLION = 1000000;
ByteBuffer dollars = ByteBuffer.wrap (¡°Dollars¡±.getBytes());
Path path = Path.from (¡°WordDominationPlan.docevil¡±);
// Create a FileChannel using specific flags
FileChannel fileChannel =
FileChannel.open (path, WRITE, SYNC).position (ONE_MILLION);
fileChannel.write (dollars);
// An alternate, more generic way (no file locks, mapped files, etc)
SeekableByteChannel channel =
path.newSeekableByteChannel (WRITE, SYNC).position (ONE_MILLION);
channel.write (dollars);
Varargs syntax,
pass as many
options as you
New Filesystem API
java.nio.file, java.nio.file.util
Access to files, directories and filesystems
Including links
Metadata (size, owner, create time, etc)
Metadata about filesystems too
Map paths to FileRef instances
FileRef provides information about a file or directory
Watch service
Be notified of changes to files or the filesystem
Create/modify/delete of files and directories
SPI to plug in your own filesystem types
Filesystem Class
Abstract view of a filesystem
Factory for Path and WatchService objects
Obtain a FileSystem object from the FileSystems class
FileSystems.getDefault() in most cases
Factory methods to obtain FileSystem instances from
specific providers, or to open a file as a filesystem
(CDROM image, say)
May be a fa?ade in front of several distinct filesystems
Each FileRef has an associated BackingFileSystem
BackingFileSystem encapsulates the actual supported
Filesystem Providers
You can write your own FileSystemProvider
Provider registration method may depend on JSR-277
Provider is a factory for FileSystem, FileRef and
FileChannel objects
Need not be tied to a ¡°real¡± filesystem
Zip file, CD-ROM image, ram disk, flash rom, etc
Multiple/alternate views of same underlying files
Hide sensitive files, read-only views, path munging, etc
The old java.io.File class is a mess
Makes assumptions, poor metadata access, no links, etc
FileRef (interface)
A reference to a specific file or directory
Factory for ByteChannels to read/write file content
Path (implements FileRef)
Locates a file by its path
Path-related methods to rename, copy, add links, get
parent, etc
Returned by FileSystem and DirectoryEntry objects
Also static helper methods: Path.get(¡°foo.txt¡±)
File Operations
Path source = Path.get("foo");
Path target = Path.get("/otherdir/bar");
source.createFile(); // create if doesn¡¯t exist
source.copyTo (target, REPLACE_EXISTING); // copy source to target
source.moveTo (target, ATOMIC_MOVE); // rename/move atomically
source.createLinkTo (target); // link: source -> target
URI uri = source.toURI(); // URI form of path
Collection of DirectoryEntry objects
Path qpath = Path.get ("/path/to/queuedir");
DirectoryStream stream = qpath.newDirectoryStream (¡°*.qmsg¡±);
try {
for (DirectoryEntry entry: stream) {
processQueuedFile (entry); // DirectoryEntry is a FileRef
} finally {
// Closure-friendly alternative syntax
Files.withDirectory (qpath, new DirectoryAction() {
public void invoke (DirectoryEntry entry) {
Path globbing,
regex patterns
also supported
Files Helper Class
Not to be confused with java.io.File
Two handy utility methods
Probe a file to discover its mime type
Uses FileTypeDetector (java.nio.file.spi)
You can create and install your own
Walk a file tree using the Visitor pattern
You provide an instance of the FileVisitor interface
Pass it to Files.walkFileTree() with a FileRef object
Your visitor is called for each directory and file in the tree
Your visitor may terminate or prune the traversal
File Tree Walk
import static java.nio.file.util.FileVisitResult.*;
class FileTypeMapper extends AbstractFileVisitor {
private final Path base;
private final Map<Path,String> map;
public FileTypeMapper (Path base, Map<Path,String> map) { ... }
public FileVisitResult visitFile (FileRef file, FileName[] dirs,
BasicFileAttributes attrs)
map.put (fullPath (base, dirs), Files.probeContentType (file));
return CONTINUE;
public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory (...
// skip some directories by returning PRUNE rather than CONTINUE
Map<Path,String> mimeMap = ...; // path => mimetype mappings
Path path = Path.get ("/path/to/some/dir");
Files.walkFileTree (path, true, new FileTypeMapper (path, mimeMap));
File Attributes
Generalized metadata API
Specialized views of file and filesystem attributes
May be mutable or read-only
PosixFileAttributes, DosFileAttributes
PosixFileAttributeView, DosFileAttributeView
ExtendedAttributeView, AclFileAttributeView
Attributes and Attribute Views
FileRef file = ...
PosixFileAttributeView view =
file.newFileAttributeView (PosixFileAttributeView.class);
if (view == null) {
throw ... // file doesn¡¯t support POSIX view
PosixFileAttributes attrs = view.readAttributes();
System.out.format("%s %s %s %dn",
PosixFilePermission.toString (attrs.getPermissions()),
attrs.getOwner().getName(), attrs.getGroup().getName(),
// set read-only by owner
try {
view.updatePermissions (PosixFilePermission.OWNER_READ);
} catch (Exception e) { ... }
// alternative: helper method to get attrs directly
PosixFileAttributes attrs =
Attributes.readPosixFileAttribtues (file, true);
Notification Watch Service
FileSystem is the factory for WatchService objects
Register Watchable objects with a WatchService
FileSystem, FileRef and Path
Can register for create, modify, and/or delete
A WatchKey is returned, similar to SelectionKey
But WatchService and Selector do not interoperate
Instances of WatchEvent queue up on the key
No guarantee that events will be delivered reliably
Depends on Filesystem implementation
Watchable Objects
FileRef and Path are Watchable
Watch for changes to files
Watch for files added to or deleted from directories
FileSystem is Watchable
Mount and unmount
Media insert and eject
With your own custom FileSystem, you could create
custom events such as low disk space, queue full, etc
WatchService Queue Processor
Path qdir = Path.get ("/path/to/queuedir");
WatchService watcher = qpath.getFileSystem().newWatchService();
qdir.register (watcher, StandardWatchEventType.ENTRY_CREATE);
while (true) {
WatchKey key = watcher.take(); // sleeps if no current event
for (WatchEvent event: key.pollEvents()) {
FileName name = (FileName)event.getContext(); // name of new file
Path file = qdir.getChild (name);
processQueuedFile (file);
Asynch I/O
Asynchronous I/O
Modeled on java.util.concurrent package
May use ¡°real¡± asynch I/O where available
Doesn¡¯t necessarily dispatch to a different thread
Four new asynchronous channel types
AsynchronousFileChannel, ...SocketChannel, etc
Methods that could block (read/write/connect/etc)
instead immediately return an IoFuture object
Extends java.util.concurrent.Future
Check status of cancel a pending operation
Asynchronous Channels
They do not extend standard Channel classes
May not be registered with a Selector
Four kinds
Each type has open() factory methods
Instances belong to an AsynchronousChannelGroup
Contains an Executor that manages threads
There is a default, or you can provide your own
Extends from java.util.concurrent.Future
Poll status or wait for completion
Async I/O methods accept an optional
Its completed() method is called, with the IoFuture as
the argument, when the operation is complete
The handler may run in a different thread
Practice good concurrency hygiene
Async I/O methods accept an Object attachment
Attach your own context
Retrieve it from the IoFuture
Poll Slow Device
AsynchronousDatagramChannel slowDevice = ...
byte [] msgBuf = new byte [DEVICE_MSG_SIZE];
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap (msgBuf);
IoFuture<Integer,Byte[]> result =
slowDevice.read (buffer, msgBuffer, null); // buf, attach, handler
while (true) {
if (isTimeToQuit()) break;
if (ioResult.isDone()) {
try {
int n = result.getNow(); // get result of the read
processDeviceMessage (result.attachment(), n); // msgBuffer
result = slowDevice.read (buffer, msgBuf, null);// poll again
} catch (ExecutionException e) {
// thrown by getNow() if the I/O operation threw an exception
// cancel operation if still pending, forcing if necessary
result.cancel (true); slowDevice.close();
Fill Buffer, Process, Repeat
AsynchronousSocketChannel input = ...
AsynchronousSocketChannel output = ...
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate (MESSAGE_SIZE);
input.read (buffer, null, new CompletionHandler<Integer,Void> {
public void completed (IoFuture<Integer,Void> result) {
int n = result.getNow(); // get result of the read
if (n < 0) { channel.close(); ...; } // end-of-stream
if (buffer.hasRemaining()) {
input.read (buffer, null, this); // read until full
} else {
buffer.flip(); // buffer is full
processData (buffer, output); // process buffer, writes
input.read (buffer, null, this); // starts the next cycle
// the above will run asynchronously, indefinitely
Async Behind The Scenes
Uses the event port framework
Uses overlapped I/O
Uses epoll
Platform-specific services as appropriate
May simulate with pooled threads
Buffers, Sockets and File I/O
Mostly small additions for completeness
Multicast is the big new feature
New Filesystem API
Tons of new ways to deal with files, directories,
filesystems and metadata
Change notification service
Asynchronous I/O
Initiate and respond to I/O operations concurrently
Builds on the patterns of java.util.concurrent
Timely addition for an increasingly multi-core world
So Where Is NIO.2 Already?
The work is done, it¡¯s ready to go as part of JDK 1.7
In the final stages of being open-sourced
Keep an eye on http://openjdk.java.net
Should be available for download within a few weeks
The NIO.2 team wants to build a community
Join the effort, you can still make a difference

More Related Content


  • 1. 3 A sneak peek at JSR-203 (NIO.2) Coming soon to a JVM near you What¡¯s This?
  • 2. 5 New I/O JSR-51 Shipped in JDK 1.4 (2002) Block-oriented I/O with buffers and channels Non-blocking sockets, readiness selection Also Charsets and regular expressions JSR-203 JSR opened in 2003, primary development since 2006 Stuff that didn¡¯t make JSR-51, plus new stuff Expected to ship in JDK 1.7 (Java 7) In process to be OS¡¯ed on http://openjdk.java.net/
  • 3. 6 What¡¯s New in NIO.2 Updated Buffers Sockets File I/O New Filesystem API Asynchronous I/O
  • 5. Buffers java.nio ByteBuffers supply or receive data transferred by ByteChannels BigBuffer BigByteBuffer, BigIntBuffer, BigShortBuffer, etc Long (64 bit) indexes, to handle 2GB+ buffer sizes Especially useful for MappedBigByteBuffer on huge files Mappable interface Refactored methods from MappedByteBuffer MappedByteBuffer and MappedBigByteBuffer 8
  • 6. MBean Support java.lang.management 9 Monitor buffer pool status with JMX tools Primarily of interest to tool builders MBeanServer server = ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer(); Set<ObjectName> mbeans = server.queryNames ( new ObjectName ("java.nio:type=BufferPool,*"), null); for (ObjectName name: mbeans) { BufferPoolMXBean pool = ManagementFactory.newPlatformMXBeanProxy ( server, name.toString(), BufferPoolMXBean.class); ... }
  • 8. SocketChannel java.nio.channels SocketChannel API has been fleshed out No longer necessary to use socket() in most cases Check connection state, get remote address, shutdown, etc Implements new NetworkChannel interface Methods common to all network channel classes Where practical, methods return ¡°this¡± to facilitate invocation chaining A design pattern used frequently in the original NIO 11
  • 9. NetworkChannel java.nio.channels NetworkChannel interface Methods for binding to and returning local address Methods to set and get socket options Option names are typesafe SocketOption Enums Option values are Object StandardSocketOption class Contains Enum definitions SO_SNDBUF, TCP_NODELAY, etc Each socket type defines the options it will accept 12
  • 10. Socket Example import static java.nio.channels.StandardSocketOption.*; ServerSocketChannel ssc = ServerSocketChannel.open() .setOption(SO_RCVBUF, 256*1024).bind (address, backlog); SocketChannel sc = SocketChannel.open() .setOption(SO_SNDBUF, 128*1024) .setOption(SO_KEEPALIVE, true); boolean nagle = (Boolean)sc.getOption(TCP_NODELAY); Map<String,Class> options = sc.getOptions(); SocketAddress local = sc.getLocalAddress(); SocketAddress remote = sc.getConnectedAddress(); sc.shutdown(ShutdownType.READ); 13 Note autoboxing
  • 11. Multicast java.nio.channels New MulticastChannel interface Only datagram channels implement it Join a multicast group (an InetAddress) on a specific NetworkInterface (in java.net) Joining returns a MembershipKey Channel may choose to receive all datagrams, or only those from a specific sender Datagrams go to any host listening to group address Channel setup requires specific options Call drop() on MembershipKey to leave the group Implements the latest RFCs / newest features 14
  • 12. Multicast Sender InetAddress group = InetAddress.getByName (¡°multigroup.megacorp.com¡±); NetworkInterface interface = NetworkInterface.getByName (¡°if0¡±); int port = 1234; ByteBuffer buffer = ...; DatagramChannel channel = DatagramChannel.open (StandardProtocolFamily.INET) .bind (new InetSocketAddress (port)); channel.setOption (StandardSocketOption.IP_MULTICAST_IF, interface); // Datagram will be received by anyone listening to the group address channel.send (buffer, group); 15
  • 13. Multicast Listener List<InetAddress> includeList = ...; List<InetAddress> excludeList = ...; InetAddress group = InetAddress.getByName (¡°multigroup.megacorp.com¡±); NetworkInterface interface = NetworkInterface.getByName (¡°if0¡±); int port = 1234; DatagramChannel channel = DatagramChannel.open (StandardProtocolFamily.INET) .setOption (StandardSocketOption.SO_REUSEADDR, true) .bind (new InetSocketAddress(port)); if (includeList.isEmpty()) { // Join the group, then explicitly ignore datagrams from certain addresses MembershipKey key = channel.join (group, interface); for (InetAddress source: excludeList) { key.block (source); } } else { // Listen only to datagrams from specific senders in the group for (InetAddress source: includeList) { channel.join (target.group(), target.interf(), source); } } 16
  • 15. FileChannel java.nio.channels Several new methods added open() - Open a file directly isReadable(), isWritable() mapBigBuffer() - For mapping humongous files Just like map() but returns a MappedBigByteBuffer Implements SeekableByteChannel Adds position, size and truncation methods to ByteChannel Bare minimum file channel functionality Easier to implement for some filesystem types 18
  • 16. Using FileChannels 19 import static java.nio.channels.StandardOpenOption.*; static final int ONE_MILLION = 1000000; ByteBuffer dollars = ByteBuffer.wrap (¡°Dollars¡±.getBytes()); Path path = Path.from (¡°WordDominationPlan.docevil¡±); // Create a FileChannel using specific flags FileChannel fileChannel = FileChannel.open (path, WRITE, SYNC).position (ONE_MILLION); fileChannel.write (dollars); fileChannel.close(); // An alternate, more generic way (no file locks, mapped files, etc) SeekableByteChannel channel = path.newSeekableByteChannel (WRITE, SYNC).position (ONE_MILLION); channel.write (dollars); channel.close(); Varargs syntax, pass as many options as you need
  • 17. New Filesystem API java.nio.file, java.nio.file.util Access to files, directories and filesystems Including links Metadata (size, owner, create time, etc) Metadata about filesystems too Map paths to FileRef instances FileRef provides information about a file or directory Watch service Be notified of changes to files or the filesystem Create/modify/delete of files and directories SPI to plug in your own filesystem types 20
  • 18. Filesystem Class java.nio.file Abstract view of a filesystem Factory for Path and WatchService objects Obtain a FileSystem object from the FileSystems class FileSystems.getDefault() in most cases Factory methods to obtain FileSystem instances from specific providers, or to open a file as a filesystem (CDROM image, say) May be a fa?ade in front of several distinct filesystems Each FileRef has an associated BackingFileSystem BackingFileSystem encapsulates the actual supported capabilities 21
  • 19. Filesystem Providers java.nio.file.spi You can write your own FileSystemProvider Provider registration method may depend on JSR-277 Provider is a factory for FileSystem, FileRef and FileChannel objects Need not be tied to a ¡°real¡± filesystem Zip file, CD-ROM image, ram disk, flash rom, etc Multiple/alternate views of same underlying files Hide sensitive files, read-only views, path munging, etc 22
  • 20. Files java.nio.file The old java.io.File class is a mess Makes assumptions, poor metadata access, no links, etc FileRef (interface) A reference to a specific file or directory Factory for ByteChannels to read/write file content Path (implements FileRef) Locates a file by its path Path-related methods to rename, copy, add links, get parent, etc Returned by FileSystem and DirectoryEntry objects Also static helper methods: Path.get(¡°foo.txt¡±) 23
  • 21. File Operations java.nio.file 24 Path source = Path.get("foo"); Path target = Path.get("/otherdir/bar"); source.createFile(); // create if doesn¡¯t exist source.copyTo (target, REPLACE_EXISTING); // copy source to target source.moveTo (target, ATOMIC_MOVE); // rename/move atomically source.createLinkTo (target); // link: source -> target URI uri = source.toURI(); // URI form of path
  • 22. Directories java.nio.file Collection of DirectoryEntry objects 25 Path qpath = Path.get ("/path/to/queuedir"); DirectoryStream stream = qpath.newDirectoryStream (¡°*.qmsg¡±); try { for (DirectoryEntry entry: stream) { processQueuedFile (entry); // DirectoryEntry is a FileRef entry.delete(); } } finally { stream.close(); } // Closure-friendly alternative syntax Files.withDirectory (qpath, new DirectoryAction() { public void invoke (DirectoryEntry entry) { ... } }); Path globbing, regex patterns also supported
  • 23. Files Helper Class java.nio.file.util java.nio.file.util.Files Not to be confused with java.io.File Two handy utility methods Probe a file to discover its mime type Uses FileTypeDetector (java.nio.file.spi) You can create and install your own Walk a file tree using the Visitor pattern You provide an instance of the FileVisitor interface Pass it to Files.walkFileTree() with a FileRef object Your visitor is called for each directory and file in the tree Your visitor may terminate or prune the traversal 26
  • 24. File Tree Walk 27 import static java.nio.file.util.FileVisitResult.*; class FileTypeMapper extends AbstractFileVisitor { private final Path base; private final Map<Path,String> map; public FileTypeMapper (Path base, Map<Path,String> map) { ... } public FileVisitResult visitFile (FileRef file, FileName[] dirs, BasicFileAttributes attrs) { map.put (fullPath (base, dirs), Files.probeContentType (file)); return CONTINUE; } public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory (... // skip some directories by returning PRUNE rather than CONTINUE } ... Map<Path,String> mimeMap = ...; // path => mimetype mappings Path path = Path.get ("/path/to/some/dir"); Files.walkFileTree (path, true, new FileTypeMapper (path, mimeMap));
  • 25. File Attributes java.nio.file.attribute Generalized metadata API Specialized views of file and filesystem attributes May be mutable or read-only BasicFileAttributes PosixFileAttributes, DosFileAttributes AttributeView FileAttributeView BasicFileAttributeView PosixFileAttributeView, DosFileAttributeView ExtendedAttributeView, AclFileAttributeView FileSystemAttributeView DiskSpaceAttributeView 28
  • 26. Attributes and Attribute Views 29 FileRef file = ... PosixFileAttributeView view = file.newFileAttributeView (PosixFileAttributeView.class); if (view == null) { throw ... // file doesn¡¯t support POSIX view } PosixFileAttributes attrs = view.readAttributes(); System.out.format("%s %s %s %dn", PosixFilePermission.toString (attrs.getPermissions()), attrs.getOwner().getName(), attrs.getGroup().getName(), attrs.getSize()); // set read-only by owner try { view.updatePermissions (PosixFilePermission.OWNER_READ); } catch (Exception e) { ... } // alternative: helper method to get attrs directly PosixFileAttributes attrs = Attributes.readPosixFileAttribtues (file, true);
  • 27. Notification Watch Service java.nio.file FileSystem is the factory for WatchService objects FileSystem.newWatchService() Register Watchable objects with a WatchService FileSystem, FileRef and Path Can register for create, modify, and/or delete A WatchKey is returned, similar to SelectionKey But WatchService and Selector do not interoperate Instances of WatchEvent queue up on the key No guarantee that events will be delivered reliably Depends on Filesystem implementation 30
  • 28. Watchable Objects java.nio.file FileRef and Path are Watchable Watch for changes to files Watch for files added to or deleted from directories FileSystem is Watchable Mount and unmount Media insert and eject With your own custom FileSystem, you could create custom events such as low disk space, queue full, etc 31
  • 29. WatchService Queue Processor java.nio.file 32 Path qdir = Path.get ("/path/to/queuedir"); WatchService watcher = qpath.getFileSystem().newWatchService(); qdir.register (watcher, StandardWatchEventType.ENTRY_CREATE); while (true) { WatchKey key = watcher.take(); // sleeps if no current event for (WatchEvent event: key.pollEvents()) { FileName name = (FileName)event.getContext(); // name of new file Path file = qdir.getChild (name); processQueuedFile (file); file.remove(); }
  • 31. Asynchronous I/O java.nio.channels Modeled on java.util.concurrent package May use ¡°real¡± asynch I/O where available Doesn¡¯t necessarily dispatch to a different thread Four new asynchronous channel types AsynchronousFileChannel, ...SocketChannel, etc Methods that could block (read/write/connect/etc) instead immediately return an IoFuture object Extends java.util.concurrent.Future Check status of cancel a pending operation 34
  • 32. Asynchronous Channels java.nio.channels They do not extend standard Channel classes May not be registered with a Selector Four kinds AsynchronousFileChannel AsynchronousSocketChannel AsynchronousServerSocketChannel AsynchronousDatagramChannel Each type has open() factory methods Instances belong to an AsynchronousChannelGroup Contains an Executor that manages threads There is a default, or you can provide your own 35
  • 33. IoFuture java.nio.channels Extends from java.util.concurrent.Future Poll status or wait for completion Async I/O methods accept an optional CompletionHandler Its completed() method is called, with the IoFuture as the argument, when the operation is complete The handler may run in a different thread Practice good concurrency hygiene Async I/O methods accept an Object attachment Attach your own context Retrieve it from the IoFuture 36
  • 34. Poll Slow Device java.nio.channels 37 AsynchronousDatagramChannel slowDevice = ... byte [] msgBuf = new byte [DEVICE_MSG_SIZE]; ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap (msgBuf); IoFuture<Integer,Byte[]> result = slowDevice.read (buffer, msgBuffer, null); // buf, attach, handler while (true) { doSomething(); if (isTimeToQuit()) break; if (ioResult.isDone()) { try { int n = result.getNow(); // get result of the read processDeviceMessage (result.attachment(), n); // msgBuffer result = slowDevice.read (buffer, msgBuf, null);// poll again } catch (ExecutionException e) { // thrown by getNow() if the I/O operation threw an exception } } } // cancel operation if still pending, forcing if necessary result.cancel (true); slowDevice.close();
  • 35. Fill Buffer, Process, Repeat java.nio.channels 38 AsynchronousSocketChannel input = ... AsynchronousSocketChannel output = ... ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate (MESSAGE_SIZE); input.read (buffer, null, new CompletionHandler<Integer,Void> { public void completed (IoFuture<Integer,Void> result) { int n = result.getNow(); // get result of the read if (n < 0) { channel.close(); ...; } // end-of-stream if (buffer.hasRemaining()) { input.read (buffer, null, this); // read until full } else { buffer.flip(); // buffer is full processData (buffer, output); // process buffer, writes buffer.clear(); input.read (buffer, null, this); // starts the next cycle } }); // the above will run asynchronously, indefinitely doSomethingElse(); ...
  • 36. Async Behind The Scenes java.nio.channels Solaris Uses the event port framework Windows Uses overlapped I/O Linux Uses epoll Others Platform-specific services as appropriate May simulate with pooled threads 39
  • 37. Summary Buffers, Sockets and File I/O Mostly small additions for completeness Multicast is the big new feature New Filesystem API Tons of new ways to deal with files, directories, filesystems and metadata Change notification service Asynchronous I/O Initiate and respond to I/O operations concurrently Builds on the patterns of java.util.concurrent Timely addition for an increasingly multi-core world 40
  • 38. So Where Is NIO.2 Already? The work is done, it¡¯s ready to go as part of JDK 1.7 In the final stages of being open-sourced Keep an eye on http://openjdk.java.net Should be available for download within a few weeks The NIO.2 team wants to build a community Join the effort, you can still make a difference 41