What would you say if your boss came up to you and asked, "How secure are we?"
It’s an apparently simple question, yet extremely difficult to answer.
We posed this question to attendees of the Tenable ISE VIP Welcome Reception with T.E.N. the night before the launch of the RSA Conference 2015.
Check out their answers here, or in video format at: http://bit.ly/how-secure
Security professionals featured in this slideshare:
Chris Egaaen
Jennifer Graham
Jay Schwitzgebel
Steven Lodin
Rhonda Simmon
Tony Zirnoon
Christina Critzer
David Rooker
John Graham
Bill Olson
Alex Hutton
Kenneth Haertling
David Mortman
Greg Press
Ron Gula
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When your CEO asks, "Are we secure?" what do you say?
2. “As secure as
we can be.”
- Chris Egaaen, Sycomp
Watch the #RSAC video: bit.ly/how-secure
If your CEO asks, “How secure are we?” what do you say?
3. “We could be
more secure
if you give me
more money.”
- Jennifer Graham
SunTrust Banks, Inc.
Watch the #RSAC video: bit.ly/how-secure
If your CEO asks, “How secure are we?” what do you say?
4. “We’re only
as secure as
the things we
know about.”
- Jay Schwitzgebel
HealthPlan Services
Watch the #RSAC video: bit.ly/how-secure
If your CEO asks, “How secure are we?” what do you say?
5. “According
to our audits
we’re doing
a good job.”
- Steven Lodin, Sallie Mae Bank
Watch the #RSAC video: bit.ly/how-secure
If your CEO asks, “How secure are we?” what do you say?
6. “I think we’re
pretty secure
but it’s always a
moving target.”
- Rhonda Simmon, New York Life
Watch the #RSAC video: bit.ly/how-secure
If your CEO asks, “How secure are we?” what do you say?
7. “As good as it gets,
my friend. You’re
never as secure as
you can be. It’s about
risk management.”
- Tony Zirnoon, Global Security Strategy
Watch the #RSAC video: bit.ly/how-secure
If your CEO asks, “How secure are we?” what do you say?
8. “Very secure, but we’re
only one incident away
from a problem as is
every other company.”
- Christina Critzer, SunTrust Banks, Inc.
Watch the #RSAC video: bit.ly/how-secure
If your CEO asks, “How secure are we?” what do you say?
9. “The hackers are just as
good as we are, and we’re
constantly ?ghting. We
have to be right 100% of
the time. They have to be
right one.”
- David Rooker, Actian Corporation
Watch the #RSAC video: bit.ly/how-secure
If your CEO asks, “How secure are we?” what do you say?
10. “We are as secure as we
can be today. We are
continuing to mature,
and we'll be more
secure tomorrow.”
- John Graham, Jabil
Watch the #RSAC video: bit.ly/how-secure
If your CEO asks, “How secure are we?” what do you say?
11. “I’d ?rst ask what
are our goals? How
do we de?ne being
secure? How do we
de?ne what we are
going to measure?”
- Bill Olson, Tenable Network Security
Watch the #RSAC video: bit.ly/how-secure
If your CEO asks, “How secure are we?” what do you say?
12. “We have a number of
threat vectors that we
watch, and we have
made a number of
investments on those.”
- Alex Hutton, IANS
Watch the #RSAC video: bit.ly/how-secure
If your CEO asks, “How secure are we?” what do you say?
13. “The key thing we do
is we go and look at
benchmarks and see
how we compare on
it. So, probably not
secure enough, but
trying to get there.”
- Kenneth Haertling, Telus
Watch the #RSAC video: bit.ly/how-secure
If your CEO asks, “How secure are we?” what do you say?
14. “We are aiming for ‘secure
enough.’ Not ‘too secure’
because that means you
are spending money you
don't need to spend, and
‘not secure enough’
means you get owned.”
- David Mortman, Dell
Watch the #RSAC video: bit.ly/how-secure
If your CEO asks, “How secure are we?” what do you say?
15. “Today we’re about
medium. Medium
means right now
we don't have any
active attacks, and
we're monitoring
the situation.”
- Greg Press, Munich Re
Watch the #RSAC video: bit.ly/how-secure
If your CEO asks, “How secure are we?” what do you say?
16. “Based on industry practices,
we've done the best that we can.
Using something like
SecurityCenter makes it easy to
say you've done best practices
recommended by the government,
by the payment card industry, by
penetration testers, and the really,
really basic cyber hygiene things.”
- Ron Gula, Tenable Network Security
Watch the #RSAC video: bit.ly/how-secure
If your CEO asks, “How secure are we?” what do you say?