Path Intelligence used transponders to anonymously collect cellphone signal data from approximately one-third of Where 2.0 2008 conference attendees on the AT&T network. The data showed that after 2pm on Monday, the average attendee stayed for 149 minutes, and it provides heat maps of where attendees were located between 2-4pm, 4-6pm, 6-8pm, and 8-10pm based on their cellphone signals. The data also includes a sample path for one phone on Monday afternoon and popularity of speaker slots on Tuesday morning.
2. Some Explanation Path Intelligence is a UK company that uses transponders to detect GSM signals (cellphones) Those signals can be geolocated. GSM phones make up ~40% of the phones in the US The data was collected on the first day of the conference with 1/3 of total attendees All of the data collected was anonymous
3. AT&T network only The majority of delegates left at the conclusion of Ignite Where & LanchPad Data recording began at 2pm
4. Data collected on Monday from 2pm to 11:30pm (AT&T network ) After 2pm on Monday afternoon the average length of stay was 149 minutes