This document provides a summary of Josh Williams' journey from founding a web design company to creating social networking services like Gowalla. It discusses past projects like Blinksale, IconBuffet, and Causes. It then examines current trends in location-based apps like checking-in and badges. The document argues these are temporary fads and that the future lies in mobile, passive apps, community, activism, and inspiring people to discover amazing places. It encourages building products with real value and connecting people in meaningful ways.
6. Inspired by Iconfactorys Pixelpalooza,
I got into pixel art, drew hundreds of icons,
and met my 鍖rst two co-workers.
Firewh樽l Design
7. Blinksale
Frustrated with our billing solution,
we wrote our own and decided to
make it fun. And useful.
Thank You Notes were an
unusual selling point that resonated
with those who used the service.
9. 鴛界看稼京顎鍖仰艶岳
50,000 people came to collect
icons and trade them with friends.
Fewer than 15 percent of those
people actually used the icons for a
design project.
12. Causes
Originally known as Project Agape,
Causes was envisioned as a standalone
site to encourage social giving.
Ultimately Causes was re-imagined
as a Facebook application.
Over $25 million has been raised.
15. PackRat
PackRat was created at a scale that
assumed most people would play
one hour a day.
We quickly learned our core audience
was playing 6-10 hours a day.
28. Add Go to a Wallaby
and you get a Gowalla. Really.
29. Hype Machine
In many ways Gowalla was in the right
place at the right time. Weve grown
our community from 2,000 to 500,000
in the last 12 months.
The hype machine is great,
but living in reality is better.
30. A Word of Caution
Beware of placing your trust
in the future web proclaimed by blogs,
investors and so-called social media gurus.
31. We are the music makers,
And we are the
dreamers of dreams.
Wiiam Wonka
34. Checking out...
Checking In is the status update for
the places we go. It has succeeded
where other concepts have failed.
Now were checking into television,
books, video games, states of
consciousness, and more.
Overload is upon us.
35. Checking in isnt cool.
You know whats cool?
Winning an iPad
after you check in.
36. Game Mechanics
A new wave of services are
repurposing ideas from Farmville and
World of Warcraft for practical means.
They provide simple incentives for
completing ordinary tasks.
However, they are subservient to the
usefulness of the service.
38. Badges
Nothing new under the sun.
As a reward system, theyve become
the poster child for the success of
location-based services.
Badges and achievements are driving
activity around the web,
but are they really?
40. Social Validation
We share on Facebook in order to
receive comments and likes.
We post to Twitter with the hope of
being re-tweeted, which in turn
boosts our follower count.
We upload to Flickr and look forward
to being favorited.
43. Geo-blah
Every week a new location-based
service is born seeking to cash in on
some perceived gold rush.
Location in and of itself is boring.
People dont care about the technology.
Nor should they.
Context and value matter.
44. Conclusion
Checking in is a temporary solution to
a more complex problem.
Badges and game mechanics
are not a special sauce
that magically makes everything tasty.
Geolocation is not people friendly.
45. The Future isn't what it used to be.
I'm not surprised, I'm not surprised.
Most of us live on boats of luxury.
We're so con鍖ned. Were so con鍖ned.
G d Morning by Rogue Wave
46. The Future
Mobile: Get off your ass!
Background Services and
Passive Applications
Activism & The Social Good
47. Get o鍖 your a !
People have visited places in over
170 countries with Gowalla.
Location is central to the mobile
Mobile devices give us the ability to
connect with people and the world
around us in new and remarkable ways.
50. Rise of the A s!
While the future is most certainly
mobile, the App culture is wrinkle in
the fabric of the Mobile Web.
Device makers and carriers around the
world are fragmenting our engineering
efforts. We have taken a step backward.
Make no mistake, this is about money.
51. I think many of our problems as a country
would be solved if people had thick passports.
There's just no substitute for
actually going and seeing things.
Ma Damon
52. Pa ive A lications
For mobile services to become truly useful,
they must not interrupt our daily
lives or social interactions.
53. Co uni
Flickr and Wikipedia set the example.
1.9 millions places crowdsourced
on Gowalla (we were naive).
700,000 photos taken on the spot.
58. The Case Against Corporate Responsibility
The idea that companies have a responsibility
to act in the public interest and will pro鍖t
from doing so is fundamentally 鍖awed...
Governments are a far more effective
protector of the public good than any
campaign for corporate social responsibility.
An樽l Karnani, WSJ
60. With every pair you purchase,
TOMS will give a new pair of shoes
to a child in need.
ONE for ONE.
TOMS Shoes
61. Will your system be alright
When you dream of home tonight?
There is no message we're receiving
Let me know, is your heart still beating?
Are we human or are we dancers?
The Kiers
64. Double Rainbow
Find the extraordinary in the everyday.
Provide a magical experience when
people check in, share photos, write
stories and leave recommendations.
Inspire people to discover and share
the world with their friends.
65. What does this mean
for you and the projects
youre creating for tomorrow?
66. B m!
Are you creating products that
provide real value to real people?
(startups for startups = Google Wave)
Build a community... then delight it!
Connect people with the real world.
Inspire people to do the remarkable.
67. Find me on Twitter @jw
Keynote Illustration by Will Bryant