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Where did we go wrong?

      The role culture plays in
   managing successful projects in
       complex organizations
About the Presenter
Kevin Feenan
CEO of Knomaze Corporation.
 Over 25 years experience in IM/IT
 MBA from University of Toronto
 Doctorate in Organizational Design and
  Leadership with the University of Phoenix (ABD)
 Sr. PM @ Agriculture and Agri-Foods Canada
 Five Generic
       Machine Bureaucracy
 Divisional forms of
  organization are
  common place
 Adhocracy based
  teams develop when
  projects span control
Dimensions of Culture
   Consistency            Pragmatism
   Individualism          Group Orientation
   Competing              Partnership
   People Centrality      Result Centrality
   Ration                 Inspirational
   Egalitarian            Hierarchical
   Internal Drive         Responsiveness
   Stable Continuity      Dynamic Change
   Long-term              Short-term
Cultural Hotspots
                                            PM span of control
 PM is pulled from                         is lateral, not vertical
the mid-line of one
  primary branch

                      Youre not my boss
Cultural Hotspots
Ineffective / blocked

      That decision is above my pay-grade
Cultural Hotspots
 Weak strategic
 planning across
branches / teams

                   Not my responsibility
Cultural Hotspots
Lack of strategic

                    When did this happen?
Cultural Hotspots
   Language Training
   Lateral Moves
   Consultant Turnover
Cultural Hotspots

Branch / Team Assignments

                                Project Responsibilities

         Was told to go do something else
Cultural Hotspots
Failure to leverage
knowledge assets

                      Nobody asked me
Cultural Hotspots
                            Failure to retain
                           knowledge assets

    What do you mean shes gone?
Cultural Hotspots
  Inability to learn
from past mistakes
or consider lessons

     Its not a risk, we still have time to fix it.
What is really
Structural        Political
 Pragmatic        Results Centric
 Rational         Hierarchical
 Competing        Internally Driven

Human Res.        Symbolic
 Individualism    Dynamic Change
What should be
Structural            Political
 Consistency          People Centric
 Inspirational        Egalitarian
 Partnership          Responsiveness

Human Res.            Symbolic
 Group Orientation    Stable Continuity
Typical Management
Successful projects begin with
 healthy and stable cultures
Alternative Approaches
 Build cultural elements into the strategic
  plan of the organization
 Get to know the culture both horizontally
  and vertically
 Remove cultural barriers
 Celebrate mistakes
 Identify knowledge assets
Auditing & Control
 Stakeholder analysis should drive the project
  structure and governance
 Establish metrics for cultural engagement
 Ensure there is at least one senior knowledge
  asset in control of the project at all times
 Include a cultural component to contingency
About the Company
Knomaze Corporation
 Incorporated 1997
 Client References: Bell Canada, Bell
  Mobility, Xerox, EDS, AAFC
 Projects $2-25M
 613 276 1911

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Where did we go wrong

  • 1. Where did we go wrong? The role culture plays in managing successful projects in complex organizations
  • 2. About the Presenter Kevin Feenan CEO of Knomaze Corporation. Over 25 years experience in IM/IT MBA from University of Toronto Doctorate in Organizational Design and Leadership with the University of Phoenix (ABD) Sr. PM @ Agriculture and Agri-Foods Canada
  • 3. Organizational Complexity Five Generic Organizational Structures Simple Machine Bureaucracy Professional Divisionalised Adhocracy
  • 4. Conflicting Divisional forms of organization are common place however Adhocracy based teams develop when projects span control boundaries
  • 5. Dimensions of Culture Consistency Pragmatism Individualism Group Orientation Competing Partnership People Centrality Result Centrality Ration Inspirational Egalitarian Hierarchical Internal Drive Responsiveness Stable Continuity Dynamic Change Long-term Short-term
  • 6. Cultural Hotspots PM span of control PM is pulled from is lateral, not vertical the mid-line of one primary branch Youre not my boss
  • 7. Cultural Hotspots Ineffective / blocked communications That decision is above my pay-grade
  • 8. Cultural Hotspots Weak strategic planning across branches / teams Not my responsibility
  • 9. Cultural Hotspots Lack of strategic direction When did this happen?
  • 10. Cultural Hotspots Language Training Retirement Lateral Moves Promotion Consultant Turnover
  • 11. Cultural Hotspots Branch / Team Assignments Project Responsibilities Was told to go do something else
  • 12. Cultural Hotspots Failure to leverage knowledge assets Nobody asked me
  • 13. Cultural Hotspots Failure to retain knowledge assets What do you mean shes gone?
  • 14. Cultural Hotspots Inability to learn from past mistakes or consider lessons learned Its not a risk, we still have time to fix it.
  • 15. What is really happening? Structural Political Pragmatic Results Centric Rational Hierarchical Competing Internally Driven Human Res. Symbolic Individualism Dynamic Change Short-term
  • 16. What should be happening? Structural Political Consistency People Centric Inspirational Egalitarian Partnership Responsiveness Human Res. Symbolic Group Orientation Stable Continuity Long-term
  • 17. Typical Management Response Reorganize Rebrand Reassign Re-scope Redefine Revoke
  • 18. Successful projects begin with healthy and stable cultures
  • 19. Alternative Approaches Build cultural elements into the strategic plan of the organization Get to know the culture both horizontally and vertically Remove cultural barriers Celebrate mistakes Identify knowledge assets
  • 20. Auditing & Control Stakeholder analysis should drive the project structure and governance Establish metrics for cultural engagement Ensure there is at least one senior knowledge asset in control of the project at all times Include a cultural component to contingency estimates.
  • 21. About the Company Knomaze Corporation Incorporated 1997 Client References: Bell Canada, Bell Mobility, Xerox, EDS, AAFC Projects $2-25M ktfeenan@knomaze.com 613 276 1911
  • 22. END