A biographical sketch of Frederick Denison Maurice, a 19th century saint in the Episcopal Church who founded the Christian Socialist movement in England in the wake of the tsunami of crushed revolutions in 1848. The movement was exported to US protestantism as the Social Gospel, which persisted until WWI.
Ipeec workshop, 18 20 oct 2011 (beni-asean energy efficiency action plan) pub...benisuryadi
The document summarizes energy efficiency action planning in ASEAN. It discusses the ASEAN Centre for Energy and its role in promoting energy cooperation. It analyzes ASEAN's energy situation and outlook to 2030, finding that primary energy consumption and CO2 emissions will increase substantially without action. A regional energy efficiency action plan was developed with the goal of an 8% reduction in energy intensity by 2015. Individual country action plans also aim to reduce energy use. While the plans could help meet targets, continued strengthening of policies and cooperation is needed for effective implementation.
際際滷share is a free service that allows users to upload and share PowerPoint, Keynote, Word, and video presentations online. Users can view presentations in full screen mode, browse thousands of other uploaded presentations, and control security settings. While formatting sometimes changes during uploading and conversion to Flash, 際際滷share is excellent for educational use by allowing teachers to quickly share presentations with students via a web link without downloading.
The document summarizes the results of a questionnaire given to 20 people aged 15-20 to gather feedback on an animatic for a music video. The questionnaire used closed questions to collect qualitative data about the narrative clarity, motif, use of performance shots, effectiveness of a sign during lyrics, and potential improvements. The responses were analyzed using tables, graphs, pie charts and bar charts to understand opinions in each area and identify aspects that could be enhanced for the final music video.
This photo album contains pictures of the author Caitlin with family and friends from her first night back at college and other outings. Several photos show Caitlin with her friends Kylee, Nina, Jaymee, and Addie from her time back at school and attending a Twins baseball game.
The document discusses the systems approach model for designing instruction. It involves identifying inputs, outlining the instructional process, and specifying outputs. Feedback is incorporated throughout. Key aspects of the design process include analyzing learners and contexts, writing objectives, developing assessments, and selecting methods/media. The document references models by Gerlach & Ely, Kemp, and Dick & Carey.
An offshore oil rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico in April 2010, killing 11 people and injuring 17, which resulted in an estimated 162,000 barrels of oil flowing into the ocean daily for an undetermined period. The long term environmental and economic consequences of the spill are uncertain but potentially devastating if not addressed.
The document summarizes activities done from September 16th to 24th, including a distance lecture on digital fabrication, global discussions, introducing works to the class, an introduction on using Moodle and blogging, student presentations on self-reproducing machines, and a visit to FabLab Barcelona which has rooms for 1:1 scale models and model making using various machines like a laser cutter, 3D printer, CNC milling machine, and 3D scanner.
Ace presentation gbf korea 26 oct 2011_finalbenisuryadi
The 3rd ASEAN Energy Outlook projects energy demand and supply in ASEAN up to 2030 using two scenarios: a Business as Usual scenario and an Alternative Policy Scenario that incorporates additional energy efficiency measures. Under the Business as Usual scenario, primary energy consumption in ASEAN is projected to increase nearly fourfold by 2030. The Alternative Policy Scenario projects 18.5% lower energy consumption, demonstrating the potential for energy efficiency to reduce demand. Both scenarios indicate ASEAN will remain heavily dependent on fossil fuels, particularly oil and coal. The report emphasizes the need for ASEAN to improve energy efficiency, develop renewable energy, and strengthen regional cooperation to enhance energy security and reduce environmental impacts.
Este documento proporciona las clasificaciones de una carrera celebrada el 1 de mayo de 2009 en el Barrio La Cruz. Se dividen las categor鱈as en benjam鱈n, alev鱈n, cadete, juvenil y absoluta para hombres y mujeres. Se incluye el dorsal, nombre, apellidos, club y poblaci坦n de cada participante.
20151123 a future resilient tracking the trendsdbyhundred
Plenary Presentation to the Association for Geographic Information annual conference 2015. A future resilient covered the trends in cloud, data and execution and proposes that location tech was the first to experience all of these.
The document summarizes the purpose and agenda of the Acacia Research and Learning Forum All Partners Meeting in Dakar, Senegal from October 4-8, 2009. The goals of the meeting were to share lessons learned from Acacia-supported ICT4D projects in Africa, provide capacity building and networking opportunities, and explore future research priorities. It also aimed to answer how funding research in ICT4D has contributed to Africa's development. The document lists the total funding provided by Acacia from 2003-2009 and notes that the GRACE MENA project also included Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan, Egypt. It concludes by thanking participants and listing the Acacia team members from 1998-present.
This document analyzes the annual reports of Johnson & Johnson over five years. It summarizes that J&J is a global American pharmaceutical, medical device, and consumer goods manufacturer founded in 1886. The income statement shows total sales and net income increasing over time, though net income declined from 2007 to 2008. The balance sheet indicates rapid growth in total assets and liabilities from 2006 to 2007, while current assets declined in that period. Based on past trends, forecasts are made that total liabilities and assets will increase in 2009. Opinions from professionals praise J&J's size, bargaining power, and future potential in the growing pharmaceutical industry.
The document discusses database abstraction and interface design. It states that a driver only needs to know an engine's interface, not its internal workings. The interface hides the implementation details and provides a simplified view. Encapsulation is achieved through separating an object's interface from its implementation.
Silicon Valley Code Camp: 2011 Introduction to MongoDBManish Pandit
This document provides an introduction and overview of MongoDB, a document-oriented NoSQL database. It discusses how MongoDB differs from relational databases, its support for schemaless documents and easy querying. Key concepts covered include collections, documents, inserting and querying data, and replication and scaling architectures like master-slave and replica sets. The document also touches on accessing MongoDB programmatically, object-document mappers, internal architecture details, administration, and comparisons to other NoSQL solutions.
The laser cutter is the most expensive machine in the Fab Lab that uses laser rays to cut materials. It has an operation key and was used to make a sample model. The 3D printer creates 3D models while the vacuum cleaner cleans them. The CNC milling machine and 3D scanner were also present.
One of the CIA's atrocities is its establishment of a torture and genocide training facility at Ft. Benning, GA, where tyrants and their minions across Latin America have been and still are trained, including the killers of Archbishop Oscar Romero and the Martyrs of El Salvador. Every November, there have been protests by left-leaning Roman Catholics and many others. This show features photos of the 2009 protest taken by Paul Crum of Pax Christi Memphis.
On Sunday October 18th, the film group met at Tooting Broadway station at 12:30pm to film scenes for their project. They had found a cafe that would be a good filming location, but it was closed due to it being a Sunday. With limited resources, they filmed scenes of an actress walking and being evicted, as well as "cheating scenes". Bad weather prevented further filming on Tuesday, so they rescheduled for Friday October 23rd to continue their project.
The document provides guidance on effectively working with the media. It discusses identifying key messages to focus on, staying calm and on message during interviews, pitching story ideas to reporters by highlighting interesting characters and narratives, writing effective news releases, holding public events, cultivating relationships with reporters, and evaluating media outreach efforts. The overall aim is to help scientists and organizations strengthen their communication strategies and promote their work through engaging with journalists.
The document summarizes activities done from September 16th to 24th, including a distance lecture on digital fabrication, global discussions, introducing works to the class, an introduction on using Moodle and blogging, student presentations on self-reproducing machines, and a visit to FabLab Barcelona which has rooms for 1:1 scale models and model making using various machines like a laser cutter, 3D printer, CNC milling machine, and 3D scanner.
Ace presentation gbf korea 26 oct 2011_finalbenisuryadi
The 3rd ASEAN Energy Outlook projects energy demand and supply in ASEAN up to 2030 using two scenarios: a Business as Usual scenario and an Alternative Policy Scenario that incorporates additional energy efficiency measures. Under the Business as Usual scenario, primary energy consumption in ASEAN is projected to increase nearly fourfold by 2030. The Alternative Policy Scenario projects 18.5% lower energy consumption, demonstrating the potential for energy efficiency to reduce demand. Both scenarios indicate ASEAN will remain heavily dependent on fossil fuels, particularly oil and coal. The report emphasizes the need for ASEAN to improve energy efficiency, develop renewable energy, and strengthen regional cooperation to enhance energy security and reduce environmental impacts.
Este documento proporciona las clasificaciones de una carrera celebrada el 1 de mayo de 2009 en el Barrio La Cruz. Se dividen las categor鱈as en benjam鱈n, alev鱈n, cadete, juvenil y absoluta para hombres y mujeres. Se incluye el dorsal, nombre, apellidos, club y poblaci坦n de cada participante.
20151123 a future resilient tracking the trendsdbyhundred
Plenary Presentation to the Association for Geographic Information annual conference 2015. A future resilient covered the trends in cloud, data and execution and proposes that location tech was the first to experience all of these.
The document summarizes the purpose and agenda of the Acacia Research and Learning Forum All Partners Meeting in Dakar, Senegal from October 4-8, 2009. The goals of the meeting were to share lessons learned from Acacia-supported ICT4D projects in Africa, provide capacity building and networking opportunities, and explore future research priorities. It also aimed to answer how funding research in ICT4D has contributed to Africa's development. The document lists the total funding provided by Acacia from 2003-2009 and notes that the GRACE MENA project also included Lebanon, Palestine, Jordan, Egypt. It concludes by thanking participants and listing the Acacia team members from 1998-present.
This document analyzes the annual reports of Johnson & Johnson over five years. It summarizes that J&J is a global American pharmaceutical, medical device, and consumer goods manufacturer founded in 1886. The income statement shows total sales and net income increasing over time, though net income declined from 2007 to 2008. The balance sheet indicates rapid growth in total assets and liabilities from 2006 to 2007, while current assets declined in that period. Based on past trends, forecasts are made that total liabilities and assets will increase in 2009. Opinions from professionals praise J&J's size, bargaining power, and future potential in the growing pharmaceutical industry.
The document discusses database abstraction and interface design. It states that a driver only needs to know an engine's interface, not its internal workings. The interface hides the implementation details and provides a simplified view. Encapsulation is achieved through separating an object's interface from its implementation.
Silicon Valley Code Camp: 2011 Introduction to MongoDBManish Pandit
This document provides an introduction and overview of MongoDB, a document-oriented NoSQL database. It discusses how MongoDB differs from relational databases, its support for schemaless documents and easy querying. Key concepts covered include collections, documents, inserting and querying data, and replication and scaling architectures like master-slave and replica sets. The document also touches on accessing MongoDB programmatically, object-document mappers, internal architecture details, administration, and comparisons to other NoSQL solutions.
The laser cutter is the most expensive machine in the Fab Lab that uses laser rays to cut materials. It has an operation key and was used to make a sample model. The 3D printer creates 3D models while the vacuum cleaner cleans them. The CNC milling machine and 3D scanner were also present.
One of the CIA's atrocities is its establishment of a torture and genocide training facility at Ft. Benning, GA, where tyrants and their minions across Latin America have been and still are trained, including the killers of Archbishop Oscar Romero and the Martyrs of El Salvador. Every November, there have been protests by left-leaning Roman Catholics and many others. This show features photos of the 2009 protest taken by Paul Crum of Pax Christi Memphis.
On Sunday October 18th, the film group met at Tooting Broadway station at 12:30pm to film scenes for their project. They had found a cafe that would be a good filming location, but it was closed due to it being a Sunday. With limited resources, they filmed scenes of an actress walking and being evicted, as well as "cheating scenes". Bad weather prevented further filming on Tuesday, so they rescheduled for Friday October 23rd to continue their project.
The document provides guidance on effectively working with the media. It discusses identifying key messages to focus on, staying calm and on message during interviews, pitching story ideas to reporters by highlighting interesting characters and narratives, writing effective news releases, holding public events, cultivating relationships with reporters, and evaluating media outreach efforts. The overall aim is to help scientists and organizations strengthen their communication strategies and promote their work through engaging with journalists.