research on news audience behavior, attitudes and the economics of of journalism in the United States.
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Where news is heading
1. Where news is heading
Key trends in American journalism, news and technology
Jesse Holcomb
Associate Director of Journalism Research, Pew Research Center
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36. Where news is heading
Key trends in American journalism, news and technology
Jesse Holcomb
Associate Director of Journalism Research, Pew Research Center
Editor's Notes
#4: The broadband plateau has coincided with a dramatic uptick in smartphone adoptiontoday, about two-thirds of US adults own one.
#5: Here in the U.S., a shift is taking place. Broadband internet users increased until recently now plateauing. Big divides along income, racial lines.
#6: Most US adults have a pay TV sub, but we learned in 2015 that about 15% of US adults consider themselves cord cutters. Market research firms indicate total Pay TV subs peaked around 2012.