Leggere e scrivere ai tempi del web: lo strano caso del manuale di letteratura.Giuseppe Palazzolo
Tra web e ebook, che cosa accade al manuale di letteratura italiana? E' ancora lo strumento migliore per dare spazio ai testi e voce agli autori? Intervento al Seminario Mod per la scuola, La didattica della letteratura nell'era digitale, Roma, LUMSA, 12 giugno 2014.
Personvern er mer enn lover og regler. Norske lover om personvern f淡lger ikke med i utviklingen samtidig som de som skal sikre samfunnssikkerhet (DSB) ikke gj淡r jobben sin. Det er viktig at DU selv tar ansvar og et aktivt forhold til dette. Dette gj淡r du f淡rst og fremst gjennom gode holdninger og kunnskap.
I denne presentasjonen presenterer jeg litt av mine tanker og problemstillinger. For fremtiden h奪per jeg at offentlige myndigheter s淡rger for 奪 lage reguleringer og anbefalinger som f淡lger med den teknologiske utviklingen.
The document discusses the important roles of personal assistants and how some have broken the mold. It profiles three women assistants who made significant contributions: Marion Keisker discovered Elvis Presley at Sun Studios; Donna Karan rose from Anne Klein's assistant to founder of her own fashion brand; and Karen Kaplan started as a receptionist at Hill Holiday and eventually became its CEO. The author hopes to inspire assistants by sharing stories of women who achieved success despite humble beginnings.
This document summarizes a session on recognizing and rewarding the work of assistants. It discusses how the session topic was chosen based on a survey of readers who felt undervalued in their roles. Research is presented showing that assistants provide a substantial return on investment through the time and productivity they allow executives to gain. However, many assistants still feel underpaid and undervalued in their professions based on various industry surveys. The document aims to explore reasons why assistants feel this way and how their contributions can be better acknowledged.
This document describes how the founder of a meeting space booking website tried to book a meeting room in Dublin in 2007 which took 3 days and 34 emails. This experience led them to found a company in 2009 that now lists 70,000 meeting spaces available for booking across 134 countries. The website has become Europe's fastest growing site for booking small meeting rooms and venues also use it to compete for larger events.
Roomex is a business travel management company that services over 400 large corporate clients worldwide. The document discusses Roomex's solution for efficiently booking hotels and resolving issues for one large client that was previously frustrated by slow response times and inefficiencies from other providers. The client praised Roomex for quickly solving their problems, providing instant solutions, and allowing their employees to minimize time wasted on hotel bookings.
Barcelona top tips Claudia at Assist Travel for Practically Perfect PAPractically Perfect PA
This document provides recommendations for bars, nightclubs, restaurants, and hotels in Barcelona, Spain. It lists several cocktail bars, nightclubs, and restaurants to visit including Solange, Tandem cocktail bar, Boca chica, Luz de Gas, Xiringuito Escrib, Estimar, and Suculent. It also recommends the Hotel Omm and W Barcelona for hotels and notes the Churrer鱈a Granja Ruz in La Ribera neighborhood as a hidden gem. The document ends with contact information for further recommendations.
The document provides tips for organizing events abroad from Hannah Luffman, Managing Director of Unicorn Events Ltd. It discusses trends like seeking authentic experiences and personalized events. When organizing internationally, it is important to consider lead times which vary by region, know the local culture and destinations, research using convention bureaus and FAM trips, and be aware of factors like VAT and currency fluctuations in contracts. Proper planning is key to successfully organizing events abroad.
The document discusses project management techniques for planning an event including the QTC Triangle to identify priorities, gap analysis to assess current and desired states, and dependency sequencing to organize tasks. Specifically, it provides an example of planning an event for a senior management team in Paris, outlining key questions, constraints, resources, risks and breaking the project into three phases with assigned tasks and sign-offs.
This document discusses how to avoid visa disasters when traveling internationally. It covers passport considerations like validity, condition and pages. It also discusses visa requirements for common destinations like China, India and Russia, including basic requirements, filing procedures, processing times and permitted duration of stays. The document provides tips for business travel compliance regarding tax liabilities and permissible activities. It recommends managing passport and visa expirations, using tools like Timaticweb, considering visa agents and expert advice, and planning travel well in advance to avoid visa-related issues.
Creating Creative Events for the Professional Publishers Association ScotlandWilliam Thomson
How do you embed creativity in your organisation? And where does "creativity" live in your events. In this presentation we look at the tips and techniques for ensuring a creative environment exists in your organisation. We then look at the secrets to other creative events.
This document outlines an event management training session on making events more creative and engaging. The session covers identifying barriers to creativity, learning structured approaches to event planning, understanding objectives and success metrics, securing key elements like speakers and sponsors, and ensuring events are not boring through creative elements like gamification, technology, and unique networking opportunities. Attendees will work on exercises to apply the lessons to their own events and overcome barriers to making positive changes.
Our business events have been slow to react to changes in recent years. How can we use the new tools including meeting design, audience engagement and event technology to make our events better.
Leslie describes how you can use together to engage an audience. And why engagement is so important. Delivered at Gallus Events - Better Meetings and Events
A great summary of how you can ensure that you still get the most out of your events while working with less. Presentation at Gallus Events Better Meetings and Events
Mobile Apps to create Better Meetings and Events. Leslie Robertson.William Thomson
If meetings and events are popular because theyre inherently social, and mobile apps are popular because they are social too, what happens when you combine them?
Creating compelling events and doing more with lessWilliam Thomson
This document discusses how to create successful events while maximizing resources. It emphasizes defining what success looks like for an organization, establishing return on investment, return on objectives, and return on engagement. It also stresses the importance of knowing customers through personas and tailoring events to their needs, hopes and aspirations. The document provides tips for creating compelling events while doing more with less, such as prioritizing objectives, outsourcing tasks, engaging partners and sponsors, and focusing on the overall experience.
How do event planners use the new tools that are available to run better meetings and events? In this deck we look at what the tools are and why we need to use them.
This document discusses common barriers to delegates adopting apps and interactive technologies at events. It begins with brief introductions of the panelists hosting the discussion. The objectives are then stated as sharing solutions to the most common barriers, hearing expert perspectives, understanding the delegate view, and providing takeaways. The discussion centers around 7 common barriers, including delegates not using the technology, low download rates, lack of usage after download, usability issues, privacy/security concerns, lack of encouragement from clients/presenters, and poor return on investment of time/money. Attendees are then polled to rank the barriers and asked for feedback. Contact information is provided at the end.
The Five Event Tech Fears and how to persuade regions, volunteers and membersWilliam Thomson
An outline to the key themes at Tech Fest 2015 followed by a presentation looking at how to ensure members, regions and volunteers are able to use and embed event technology.
Nick Morgan's presentation at Tech Fest 19th June, 2015. A glimpse at how festivals and brands are leveraging event technology and what they are planning to do in the future.
How to develop a good looking content marketing planWilliam Thomson
The document outlines how to develop an effective content marketing plan for events companies. It recommends generating at least 15 pieces of raw content from various sources over 3 months. The content should then be amplified across multiple formats and channels, including blogs, eBooks, slideshares and videos. All content assets should include calls-to-action linking to lead generation and the event website to drive traffic. The goal is to repurpose content across these channels to reach potential customers at different stages of the buying process.
際際滷s from WhoStoleMyAudience a one day meeting design master class held in Edinburgh.
Content looks at the practical implementation of meeting design and a creative approach to conferences. Sets about reclaiming the conference! Making it cool again.
This document describes how the founder of a meeting space booking website tried to book a meeting room in Dublin in 2007 which took 3 days and 34 emails. This experience led them to found a company in 2009 that now lists 70,000 meeting spaces available for booking across 134 countries. The website has become Europe's fastest growing site for booking small meeting rooms and venues also use it to compete for larger events.
Roomex is a business travel management company that services over 400 large corporate clients worldwide. The document discusses Roomex's solution for efficiently booking hotels and resolving issues for one large client that was previously frustrated by slow response times and inefficiencies from other providers. The client praised Roomex for quickly solving their problems, providing instant solutions, and allowing their employees to minimize time wasted on hotel bookings.
Barcelona top tips Claudia at Assist Travel for Practically Perfect PAPractically Perfect PA
This document provides recommendations for bars, nightclubs, restaurants, and hotels in Barcelona, Spain. It lists several cocktail bars, nightclubs, and restaurants to visit including Solange, Tandem cocktail bar, Boca chica, Luz de Gas, Xiringuito Escrib, Estimar, and Suculent. It also recommends the Hotel Omm and W Barcelona for hotels and notes the Churrer鱈a Granja Ruz in La Ribera neighborhood as a hidden gem. The document ends with contact information for further recommendations.
The document provides tips for organizing events abroad from Hannah Luffman, Managing Director of Unicorn Events Ltd. It discusses trends like seeking authentic experiences and personalized events. When organizing internationally, it is important to consider lead times which vary by region, know the local culture and destinations, research using convention bureaus and FAM trips, and be aware of factors like VAT and currency fluctuations in contracts. Proper planning is key to successfully organizing events abroad.
The document discusses project management techniques for planning an event including the QTC Triangle to identify priorities, gap analysis to assess current and desired states, and dependency sequencing to organize tasks. Specifically, it provides an example of planning an event for a senior management team in Paris, outlining key questions, constraints, resources, risks and breaking the project into three phases with assigned tasks and sign-offs.
This document discusses how to avoid visa disasters when traveling internationally. It covers passport considerations like validity, condition and pages. It also discusses visa requirements for common destinations like China, India and Russia, including basic requirements, filing procedures, processing times and permitted duration of stays. The document provides tips for business travel compliance regarding tax liabilities and permissible activities. It recommends managing passport and visa expirations, using tools like Timaticweb, considering visa agents and expert advice, and planning travel well in advance to avoid visa-related issues.
Creating Creative Events for the Professional Publishers Association ScotlandWilliam Thomson
How do you embed creativity in your organisation? And where does "creativity" live in your events. In this presentation we look at the tips and techniques for ensuring a creative environment exists in your organisation. We then look at the secrets to other creative events.
This document outlines an event management training session on making events more creative and engaging. The session covers identifying barriers to creativity, learning structured approaches to event planning, understanding objectives and success metrics, securing key elements like speakers and sponsors, and ensuring events are not boring through creative elements like gamification, technology, and unique networking opportunities. Attendees will work on exercises to apply the lessons to their own events and overcome barriers to making positive changes.
Our business events have been slow to react to changes in recent years. How can we use the new tools including meeting design, audience engagement and event technology to make our events better.
Leslie describes how you can use together to engage an audience. And why engagement is so important. Delivered at Gallus Events - Better Meetings and Events
A great summary of how you can ensure that you still get the most out of your events while working with less. Presentation at Gallus Events Better Meetings and Events
Mobile Apps to create Better Meetings and Events. Leslie Robertson.William Thomson
If meetings and events are popular because theyre inherently social, and mobile apps are popular because they are social too, what happens when you combine them?
Creating compelling events and doing more with lessWilliam Thomson
This document discusses how to create successful events while maximizing resources. It emphasizes defining what success looks like for an organization, establishing return on investment, return on objectives, and return on engagement. It also stresses the importance of knowing customers through personas and tailoring events to their needs, hopes and aspirations. The document provides tips for creating compelling events while doing more with less, such as prioritizing objectives, outsourcing tasks, engaging partners and sponsors, and focusing on the overall experience.
How do event planners use the new tools that are available to run better meetings and events? In this deck we look at what the tools are and why we need to use them.
This document discusses common barriers to delegates adopting apps and interactive technologies at events. It begins with brief introductions of the panelists hosting the discussion. The objectives are then stated as sharing solutions to the most common barriers, hearing expert perspectives, understanding the delegate view, and providing takeaways. The discussion centers around 7 common barriers, including delegates not using the technology, low download rates, lack of usage after download, usability issues, privacy/security concerns, lack of encouragement from clients/presenters, and poor return on investment of time/money. Attendees are then polled to rank the barriers and asked for feedback. Contact information is provided at the end.
The Five Event Tech Fears and how to persuade regions, volunteers and membersWilliam Thomson
An outline to the key themes at Tech Fest 2015 followed by a presentation looking at how to ensure members, regions and volunteers are able to use and embed event technology.
Nick Morgan's presentation at Tech Fest 19th June, 2015. A glimpse at how festivals and brands are leveraging event technology and what they are planning to do in the future.
How to develop a good looking content marketing planWilliam Thomson
The document outlines how to develop an effective content marketing plan for events companies. It recommends generating at least 15 pieces of raw content from various sources over 3 months. The content should then be amplified across multiple formats and channels, including blogs, eBooks, slideshares and videos. All content assets should include calls-to-action linking to lead generation and the event website to drive traffic. The goal is to repurpose content across these channels to reach potential customers at different stages of the buying process.
際際滷s from WhoStoleMyAudience a one day meeting design master class held in Edinburgh.
Content looks at the practical implementation of meeting design and a creative approach to conferences. Sets about reclaiming the conference! Making it cool again.
How event planners use event technology is changing. Some planners are shifting the focus from how attendees can have support from mobiles and apps to look at how they can power the planner. This is a list of ten areas to focus on when planning to use a mobile at your own event
Wondering what Tech Fest 2015 will be like. Probably a lot like the last few years. Packed full of innovation, engaging content and great event technology.
WhatsApp+ 1 8 4 7 6 5 4 7 0 9 6
I Thought Id Lost Everything, My Crops, My Savings, My Future! I'm a third-generation farmer, and like most of my family, I have weathered storms, both the literal and economic varieties. Nothing, though, could have prepared me for the flood that swept through my farm and nearly drowned my future. Over the past five years, I had amassed a $120,000 Bitcoin buffer in silence as a hedge against unstable crop prices. It was my shield against poor harvests and market crashes.
And then the flood came. It wasn't rain, it was the wrath of nature. Water flooded into my office, turning documents into pulp and sending my computers floating around like lumber. My hardware wallet, the sole bulwark between me and that $120,000, was submerged in muddy water. When the skies finally cleared, I held the waterlogged device in my hand, praying fervently that it would still work. It didn't.
Panic ensued. The soybeans were ruined, the barn needed to be repaired, and now my electronic savings, the one thing I thought was sacrosanct was gone. I couldn't tell my wife; she had already been up to her knees helping shovel sludge out of our home.
Desperate, I had put it on an agriculture technology site. I had cried and written, praying that someone somewhere would know what to do. A user responded with a username that turned out to be my savior, Salvage Asset Recovery.
I called them the next day, preparing for robot voice or a bait-and-switch sales pitch. But to my surprise, I spoke with human compassion, patience, and understanding. I unloaded my story, and they listened like neighbors calling after a tornado. They worked immediately, using fancy data reconstruction tools I couldn't even understand.
Every day, they updated me in simple terms. I was anxious, but their professionalism calmed me down. On the ninth day, I got the call. They had recovered my wallet. All the Bitcoins were intact. I was so relieved that I nearly kissed my filthy boots.
When they heard about the flooding damage, they even discounted part of their fee. That touched me more than the rain. Salvage Asset Recovery didn't just restore my savings, they restored my trust in people. They are heroes in my book, and thanks to them, my family's future is once again set on stable ground.
This presentation was delivered to a mixed sector industrial audience to provide a balanced view of why AI is necessary in many working environments, and further, how it can advantage the individual and organisation. It also dispels the widely held (media) view that AI will destroy jobs and displace people on a socially damaging scale. The really serious threat scenarios actually remain the domain of human players, and not as depicted by some Hollywood dystopian machines take over nightmare!
Primarily seeing AI as a downsizing opportunity is to miss the key point: by empowering employees it is the biggest growth agent!
The nonsensical nature of AI v human supremacy arguments also distract from the symbiotic relationships we are forging. This is especially evident when confronted by complexity beyond our natural abilities. For example: procurement and supply chains may now see >>60 independent variables (features and parameters) with many requiring real time control. Humans can typically cope with 5 - 7, whilst our mathematical framework fails at 5. This primal limiter also compounds the risks involved in designing for:
optimisation v brittleness v resilience
In this context, the digitisation process is largely regarded as an event instead of a continuum and this greatly exacerbates the risks involved. This is illustrated against the backdrop of several past tech-revolutions and the changes they invoked. Two ongoing revolutions are also included with projections for likely futures/outcomes.
The closing remarks remind the audience of just one observation that we all need to keep in mind:
Things that think want to link
Things that link want to think
Norman Cooling - Founder And President Of N.LNorman Cooling
Norman Cooling founded N.L. Cooling Strategic Consulting LLC where he serves as President. A man of faith and usher for Wesley Memorial Methodist Church, he lives with his wife, Beth, in High Point, North Carolina. Norm is an active volunteer, serving as a Group Leader for Enduring Gratitude since 2019 and volunteering with the Semper Fi Fund.
2025 CEO Impact Index: Business Transformation Drives Executive ImpactGolin
In summary, the traditional playbook for CEO communications has been completely rewritten. While CEOs once balanced business performance with social purpose and personal branding, today's leaders must focus primarily on articulating their business transformation story. Golin's 2025 CEO Impact Index reveals that the most influential CEOs are those who can effectively communicate their transformation vision while navigating complex regulatory environments and combating misinformation.
The Will-Skill Matrix is an essential framework for managers and consultants aiming to optimize team performance. This model divides employees into four quadrants based on their levels of motivation (Will) and competencies (Skill):
1.Contributors (Guide): High Will, Low Skill
2.High Performers (Challenge): High Will, High Skill
3.Low Performers (Direct): Low Will, Low Skill
4.Potential Detractors (Motivate): Low Will, High Skill
This PowerPoint presentation is only a small preview of our content. For more details, visit www.domontconsulting.com
Maksym Bilychenko: Empowering IT Products with AI: Opportunities and Pitfalls...Lviv Startup Club
Maksym Bilychenko: Empowering IT Products with AI: Opportunities and Pitfalls (UA)
Kyiv AI & BigData Day 2025
Website https://aiconf.com.ua/kyiv
Youtube https://www.youtube.com/startuplviv
FB https://www.facebook.com/aiconf
Ross Chayka: AI in Business: Quo Vadis? (UA)
Kyiv AI & BigData Day 2025
Website https://aiconf.com.ua/kyiv
Youtube https://www.youtube.com/startuplviv
FB https://www.facebook.com/aiconf
21 Best Crypto Wallet in UAE The complete 2025.pdfDubiz
The cryptocurrency sector worldwide has undergone significant transformation with increasing adoption and acceptance. It is one of the emerging sectors converting cash treasuries into digital currencies. In UAE too, people are heavily being drawn towards investing in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. In fact, it is among the top investment opportunities in Dubai in 2025. You can find some of the best crypto wallet in UAE, offering safe and efficient platforms for storing, managing, and even trading digital assets.
However, with such digital transformation comes an increased risk of cyberattacks and scams. This is why, to ensure your investments are completely safe, you must choose a secure and highly reliable crypto wallet in the UAE.
In the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of business, staying ahead of the curve requires more than just incremental improvements. Companies must rethink and fundamentally transform their processes to achieve substantial gains in performance. This is where Business Process Reengineering (BPR) comes into play. BPR is a strategic approach that involves the radical redesign of core business processes to achieve dramatic improvements in productivity, efficiency, and quality. By challenging traditional assumptions and eliminating inefficiencies, redundancies, and bottlenecks, BPR enables organizations to streamline operations, reduce costs, and enhance profitability.
For non-performing organizations, BPR serves as a powerful weapon for reinvigoration. By crafting a compelling narrative around the need for change, leaders can inspire and galvanize their teams to embrace the transformation journey. BPR fosters a culture of continuous improvement, innovation, and agility, allowing companies to align their processes with strategic goals and respond swiftly to market trends and customer needs.
Ultimately, BPR leads to substantial performance improvements across various metrics, driving organizations towards renewed purpose and success. Whether it's faster turnaround times, higher-quality outputs, or increased customer satisfaction, the measurable and impactful results of BPR provide a blueprint for sustainable growth and competitive advantage. In a world where change is the only constant, BPR stands as a transformative approach to achieving business excellence.
The financial technology landscape is evolving at an unprecedented pace, and 2025 promises to be a transformative year for the industry. From AI-driven banking to decentralized finance, the future of FinTech is brimming with innovation. In this carousel, we explore the five key trends that will shape the FinTech ecosystem in 2025. Stay ahead of the curve and discover how these advancements will redefine the way we manage, invest, and interact with money. Swipe through to dive into the future of finance! 叶