The document outlines 50 potential solutions to help students transition from school to work. Some key solutions proposed include: creating internship opportunities for students to learn about different career possibilities; inviting professionals to speak to students about their jobs; providing psychological support and career counseling to help students identify their interests and strengths; and developing partnerships between the school, parents, and local businesses. The goal is to better prepare students for the working world and help them choose a career path after finishing their education.
2. • Below will be announced 50 ideas that were part of
what will be the solution for a student who is in his
last year of school at 17 years old, and wants to enter
the work.
• This will take intoaccount the interview and the map
of empathy.
which way to go, after school.
3. 50 ideas
1. Make inductions into the workplace.
2. Create a file where students can make known their interests.
3. Internships to students of the possibilities after school.
4. Having psychological preparation to address problems of students.
5. Teach them how to work in groups of students.
6. Use school uniforms for all technical colleges.
7. Create links with parents.
8. Create pleasant environments in schools.
9. Teach them to make best use of their time.
10. Create videos in different occupations.
11. Start performing inductive the labor talks
12. Introduce income for each occupation.
13. Teachers leadership workshops
14. Make rotations with students about working groups.
15. Perform role plays.
16. Performing outputs to enterprises.
17. Invite professionals and workers to the classroom.
18. Teaching of labor laws and regulations.
19. Let them know about public training institutions.
20. Assays university selection tests once a week.
4. 21. Taking readings youth recreational activities.
22. Invite university educators.
23. Innovate with educators.
24. Talk about family life.
25. That teachers are prepared psychologically.
26. Teachers must be prepared to encourage students.
27. Evaluate students psychologically.
28. Opening a forum for students of senior year.
29. Making social work with people.
30. Working together with parents.
31. That parents are informed of what they really want their children.
32. Have a news bulletin board.
33. Perform tasks within the school (computer class manager, secretary, etc..).
34. Perform tasks in groups committees.
35. Hire a psychologist to conduct tests to students.
36. Hire a psychologist to make presentations to the students.
37. Create posters within the college of phrases of encouragement to work.
38. Teachers work with or Psychologists.
39. Create logs of adult experiences of entrepreneurs.
40. Inquire about the training and lectures from government.
41. Knowing their skills.
42. Let them know about the laws in favor of the worker.
43. The options granted to them by the government (subsidies)
44. Academic scholarships can have on universities.
45. Create an extra class for lectures.
46. Create an online forum for students so they can present ideas.
47. Give exhibits experiences of adults.
48. Talks Family Life.
49. Place a box of vocations to those who want to know.
50. Develop a list of professions that want to have a guest from the field.
5. which way
to go, after
Adding a Psychologist
He works in
conjunction with
students, teachers and
parents of the school, to
answer your questions
and problems. Teach
them how to live their
crises and empathize
with each other.
That achieves gain
confidence with whom
you are working and be
part of the talks that
have students.
Create conversations with
adults who are laboring
So they tell their experiences
within their craft and the
roles both as workers and in
their family life.
Besides creating discussions
with students and have direct
Create a mural.
Where students
can express their
ideas and
knowledge of the
experiences that
are made with
(Photographs of
drawings, letters,
Be participants in
what is being