The document is an email forwarding a note from a satisfied customer, Erin Whigham, of Nationwide Insurance. Erin thanked Bill Knight and Nationwide for resolving her hospital bills from a hit and run accident. She praised Bill Knight for his friendly, expedient, and thorough service. Bill Knight's manager, Albert Miller, then forwarded Erin's note of appreciation to Bill, congratulating him on taking care of the customer.
Bill Knight received praise from his supervisor, Albert Miller, for providing good customer service to Mr. Wetherell and his family regarding an insurance claim. Mr. Wetherell had emailed Miller directly to commend Knight for his prompt, professional, and courteous responses over several months as he handled claims for Mr. Wetherell, his sons, wife, and the settlement process. Wetherell noted that Knight was an asset to Nationwide Insurance and represented the company well.
- Connor Canty received positive feedback from a customer, Robert Nunn, for providing excellent customer service by sending a replacement door seal.
- Connor's manager, Nick Fisher, praised Connor for his great job and perfect service in an email to other managers.
- Linda Bush also sent an email praising Connor for the feedback from the delighted customer.
- The managing director of Britannia Living, Chris Honer, responded to say "Well done Connor!" in recognition of his good work.
This document summarizes home sales in South Orange, NJ from January 2012. It lists 8 homes that sold, showing the sales price, assessed value, final list price, original list price, number of bedrooms, number of bathrooms, and days on the market. The homes sold between $203,500 to $970,000. On average, the homes spent around 80 days on the market. This summary provides an overview of residential home sale prices and time on market in South Orange, NJ for January 2012.
Great 2 bedroom 3 bath bungalow in Seagrove Beach Florida, this home is in the heart of 30A, and easy walk to the beach.
Close to Seaside, Watercolor and Rosemary Beach. All this for under 250,000.00 Call Me to see this home 850-650-6985
El concejal Jos辿 Luis G叩mez Mart鱈n, del Grupo Municipal Andalucista en el Ayuntamiento de V辿lez M叩laga, expone que los an叩lisis realizados muestran que el agua usada para regar parques y jardines es agua potable. Solicita que cese el uso de agua potable para riego y que se establezca una red de riego con agua no potable, adem叩s de cambiar los horarios y especies de plantas para un uso m叩s eficiente del agua.
El documento describe la sociedad colonial en Colombia, donde la religi坦n cat坦lica y la iglesia ejerc鱈an un fuerte control sobre la vida de las personas. A pesar de las divisiones sociales, la gente buscaba mayor autonom鱈a sobre sus vidas y el gobierno. La independencia de Espa単a en 1810 trajo cambios pol鱈ticos y econ坦micos al pa鱈s, pero tambi辿n periodos de conflicto mientras Colombia organizaba su nuevo gobierno independiente.
The history of film began in the 1860s with the development of early animation devices like the zoetrope. In the 1880s, motion picture cameras and projectors were invented, allowing films to capture and show movements in real time. Through the late 19th century and early 20th century, films evolved to include basic narratives and camera techniques to tell stories, though they remained silent. In the 1920s, talking pictures were developed, synchronizing sound with images and leading to the rise of the Hollywood studio system. Gradual developments like natural color film and digital technology continued to advance cinematic techniques through the 20th century.
This document contains a list of items including Santa, an iPod Nano, an Xbox 360, a Sony PSP, coal, and numbers from 1 to 25 in no apparent order. It does not provide any context or narrative to explain the purpose or meaning of including these various words and numbers together in a single list.
El documento describe las acciones tomadas por estudiantes de Ciencias Sociales para mejorar la seguridad vial en las carreteras cercanas a su universidad. Los estudiantes formaron un comit辿 y grupos para regular el tr叩fico, y tambi辿n colocaron letreros para advertir a los conductores. M叩s adelante, presentaron una propuesta a las autoridades de tr叩nsito para instalar sem叩foros, la cual fue aprobada y ahora ha reducido los riesgos de accidentes en la zona.
Forward Progress Social Media Boot Camp Worksheets and HandoutsSocial Jack
This document provides a 30-day game plan for using social media to set sales appointments, including daily tasks and goals for LinkedIn and Facebook engagement such as status updates, adding connections, commenting, and setting a target of 8 appointments and 5 closed per week. The plan outlines time allotments, definitions of tasks, and levels for tracking progress.
This document discusses the threats posed by counterfeit medicines. It provides several examples of counterfeit medicines breaching the US supply chain and being distributed through "Canadian" websites and social media sites. The counterfeits have been found to contain no active ingredients, toxic ingredients, or incorrect doses of active ingredients. They are manufactured under unsafe conditions but can appear virtually indistinguishable from real medicines. The document emphasizes that counterfeit medicines pose a real threat to patient health and safety.
El documento describe las acciones tomadas por estudiantes de Ciencias Sociales para mejorar la seguridad vial en las carreteras cercanas a su universidad. Los estudiantes formaron un comit辿 y grupos para regular el tr叩fico, y tambi辿n colocaron letreros para advertir a los conductores. M叩s adelante, presentaron una propuesta a las autoridades de tr叩nsito para instalar sem叩foros, la cual fue aprobada y ahora ha reducido los riesgos de accidentes en la zona.
Forward Progress Social Media Boot Camp Worksheets and HandoutsSocial Jack
This document provides a 30-day game plan for using social media to set sales appointments, including daily tasks and goals for LinkedIn and Facebook engagement such as status updates, adding connections, commenting, and setting a target of 8 appointments and 5 closed per week. The plan outlines time allotments, definitions of tasks, and levels for tracking progress.
This document discusses the threats posed by counterfeit medicines. It provides several examples of counterfeit medicines breaching the US supply chain and being distributed through "Canadian" websites and social media sites. The counterfeits have been found to contain no active ingredients, toxic ingredients, or incorrect doses of active ingredients. They are manufactured under unsafe conditions but can appear virtually indistinguishable from real medicines. The document emphasizes that counterfeit medicines pose a real threat to patient health and safety.
1. Gmail - Fw: Note from a pleased customer
Bill Knight <>
Fw: Note from a pleased customer
2 messages <> Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 11:18 AM
Bill Knight
Nationwide Insurance
Post Office Box 100276
Columbia, SC 29202
Phone: 843/685-8292
Fax: 866/750-3407
----- Forwarded by William B Knight/Nationwide/NWIE on 12/18/2009 11:18 AM -----
From: Erin Whigham <>
Cc: knightw2 <>
Date: 04/25/2009 04:43 PM
Subject: Note from a pleased customer
Dear Mr. Miller,
I requested your email address from Bill Knight so that I could tell you how pleased I am with
the friendly, expedient, and thorough service I received from Mr. Knight. I'm thankful to him and
to Nationwide for finally clearing up the hospital bills that were the result of the hit and run
accident I was in. What a relief!
Thanks very much & keep up the good work, Nationwide team!
Erin Exum Whigham <> Fri, Dec 18, 2009 at 11:18 AM
1 of 2 9/16/2011 3:41 PM
2. Gmail - Fw: Note from a pleased customer
Bill Knight
Nationwide Insurance
Post Office Box 100276
Columbia, SC 29202
Phone: 843/685-8292
Fax: 866/750-3407
----- Forwarded by William B Knight/Nationwide/NWIE on 12/18/2009 11:18 AM -----
From: Albert C Miller Jr/Nationwide/NWIE
To: William B Knight/Nationwide/NWIE@NWIE
Date: 04/27/2009 08:58 AM
Subject: Fw: Note from a pleased customer
Great job taking care of this PH. She was very pleased with your service.
----- Forwarded by Albert C Miller Jr/Nationwide/NWIE on 04/27/2009 08:57 AM -----
Erin Whigham <> From Erin Whigham <>
cc knightw2 <>
Subject Note from a pleased customer
04/25/2009 04:43 PM
[Quoted text hidden]
2 of 2 9/16/2011 3:41 PM