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SLL : S竪te  Lorient  London
Why and what ?
            Sharing in an eco-responsible and unique experience
             over the project duration : 6 months and around

            Donating horses to centres for disabled children and

            Making people aware of the Camargue horses  a
             great breed and great for the job

            Helping young British and French disadvantaged
             people participate by riding white horses so that :
               They gain in self-confidence and self-esteem
               Learn to respect nature and go back to basics
               Build solid foundations and learn concrete skills
                towards a future professional and personal
Jakki CunninghamFounder of the
       SLL Charity
                      Born of a French mother and an English father who were
                      journalists, Jakki , Jakki makes the link between the two countries
                      - so loved by her parents - in the form of a 束 Franco-British
                      crusade 損.

                      Mother of a hearing-impaired daughter whom she taught to
                      speak orally over six years and involved with her nephew who
                      has Downs Syndrome and who enjoys the benefits gained from
                      horse riding, she derives her strength and motivation from her 1st
                      and 2nd projects (2005 and 2008) and, of course, from her life
The 2005 and 2008 rides and the  Troph辿e dInitiative she was awarded at the 16th
Festival of the EPONA Troph辿es at Cabourg have led her to a new challenge for

Many partners have helped towards the realization of the immutable object: 束 horses
for the benefit of disabled and/or disadvantaged young people and adults 損.
Support and donations will help this new adventure to take place
SLL 2008 in numbers

              3 years of planning

              5 months on the road

              1800 km and 85 stop-overs

              10 white horses, whose useful life will last
               at least15 years helping and giving
               pleasure to dozens of people with

              Up to 20 people took part
White Horses Charity (SLL) - What We Do
SLL 2008 in the press
SLL 2008 on TV
         TO SEE PART II

SLL - Association S竪te Lorient Londres / S竪te Lorient London Charity
      Registered with Charity Commission: n属 1112469
         Registered Office: 31E Regents Park Road, LONDON NW17TL
      Association Loi 1901 n属 W5610001040
         Si竪ge social: 4 rue du Calvaire, 56250 ELVEN

Contacts UK:
    Jakki Cunningham: 31E Regents Park Road, London NW1 7TL
       0044 (0) 207 482 5673 / 0044 (0) 7946 098 442 / jakki@sllassoc.com

Contacts France:
    Isabelle Segura: 4 rue Bellevue 31150 Brugui竪res
    0033 (0)5 61 82 55 31 / 0033 (0)6 08 02 56 45 / isegura@free.fr
    Jakki Cunningham: Port du Kern辿vel, BP60, 56260 Larmor Plage
    0033 (0)6 21 63 00 35
    Jacqueline Le Tallec: letallecjacqueline@yahoo.fr

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White Horses Charity (SLL) - What We Do

  • 2. SLL : S竪te Lorient London Why and what ? Sharing in an eco-responsible and unique experience over the project duration : 6 months and around 1800kms Donating horses to centres for disabled children and adults Making people aware of the Camargue horses a great breed and great for the job Helping young British and French disadvantaged people participate by riding white horses so that : They gain in self-confidence and self-esteem Learn to respect nature and go back to basics Build solid foundations and learn concrete skills towards a future professional and personal integration
  • 3. Jakki CunninghamFounder of the SLL Charity Born of a French mother and an English father who were journalists, Jakki , Jakki makes the link between the two countries - so loved by her parents - in the form of a 束 Franco-British crusade 損. Mother of a hearing-impaired daughter whom she taught to speak orally over six years and involved with her nephew who has Downs Syndrome and who enjoys the benefits gained from horse riding, she derives her strength and motivation from her 1st and 2nd projects (2005 and 2008) and, of course, from her life experiences. The 2005 and 2008 rides and the Troph辿e dInitiative she was awarded at the 16th Festival of the EPONA Troph辿es at Cabourg have led her to a new challenge for 2012. Many partners have helped towards the realization of the immutable object: 束 horses for the benefit of disabled and/or disadvantaged young people and adults 損. Support and donations will help this new adventure to take place
  • 4. SLL 2008 in numbers 3 years of planning 5 months on the road 1800 km and 85 stop-overs 10 white horses, whose useful life will last at least15 years helping and giving pleasure to dozens of people with disabilities Up to 20 people took part
  • 6. SLL 2008 in the press
  • 8. END OF PART I OPEN THE NEXT POWERPOINT TO SEE PART II SLL - Association S竪te Lorient Londres / S竪te Lorient London Charity Registered with Charity Commission: n属 1112469 Registered Office: 31E Regents Park Road, LONDON NW17TL Association Loi 1901 n属 W5610001040 Si竪ge social: 4 rue du Calvaire, 56250 ELVEN Contacts UK: Jakki Cunningham: 31E Regents Park Road, London NW1 7TL 0044 (0) 207 482 5673 / 0044 (0) 7946 098 442 / jakki@sllassoc.com Contacts France: Isabelle Segura: 4 rue Bellevue 31150 Brugui竪res 0033 (0)5 61 82 55 31 / 0033 (0)6 08 02 56 45 / isegura@free.fr Jakki Cunningham: Port du Kern辿vel, BP60, 56260 Larmor Plage 0033 (0)6 21 63 00 35 Jacqueline Le Tallec: letallecjacqueline@yahoo.fr