The Gemstone representing the positive powers of Venus as per Vedic Astrology is Diamond. The first preferred alternative to Diamond is White Sapphire followed by White Zircon Gemstone.
Your Gem therapy should be absolutely error free with no guess work .
Navratna and Upratna gems as prescribed in the ancient Vedic texts and of Jyotish quality and most effective to obtain 100 % error free gem therapy.
Always consult certified experts and obtain natural treatment free astrology gems .
1. There is a big difference between stones and Jyotish Gemstones when the results needed are for Gem therapy.
We always urge our patrons and audience to always check credentials of the vendor and only use certified Navratnas and Upratna s
for Planetary gemology benefits .
Vedic astrology is very clear and precise on how a user can derive 100 % error free Gem therapy using astrology gemstones that
are natural and devoid of any treatment.
About the White Zircon Jyotish gem:
The Gemstone representing the positive powers of Venus as per Vedic Astrology is Diamond. The first preferred alternative to
Diamond is White Sapphire followed by White Zircon Gemstone.
The Misunderstood White Zircon
Natural White Zircon is the most misunderstood gemstone and many even in the trade sell Tourmaline and American Diamonds as
White Zircons. A major problem is that even Astrologers especially in the northeast of India call White Zircon as Vikrant Mani,
however Vikrant Mani is Tourmaline and not White Zircon.
White Zircon Chemical Properties
White Zircon is a mineral belonging to the group of nesosilicates. The chemical name is zirconium silicate and its corresponding
chemical formula is ZrSiO4.The crystal structure of zircon is tetragonal crystal system. The natural color of zircon varies between
colorless, yellow-golden, red, brown, blue, and green. Colorless specimens that show gem quality are a popular substitute for
diamond and are also known as Matura diamond
White Zircon as Uparatna
We have observed that White Zircon is easily the best substitute for as a Venus Gemstone after Diamond and White Sapphire and
as an Upratna gives excellent results.
Salient Features of Jyotish Zircons for gem therapy are:
All Natural certified White Zircons that are radiation free and earth Mined.
Just as Venus signifies luxury, beauty and wealth these have these essential qualities.
Exceptional 95% and above clarity. Rare for a Natural Gemstone.
Excellent cut that makes them glitter like Diamonds.
Free from any flaws as listed in the sacred texts.
Are full of Venus energies and shall deliver excellent results.
While picking gems for use in planetary gem therapy, Gemstoneuniverse makes sure that these gems are top of the line, displaying
enviable clarity and great lustre! There are no compromises made on quality and even great looking natural gems are rejected, if
they carry internal flaws (doshas) that could interfere with your gem therapy.
Your Gem therapy should be absolutely error free with no guess work .
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