1. Whizz Travels is seeking "Business Associates" in each sub-district to help expand its operations through partnerships with NGOs, banks, and companies in line with government objectives of improving livelihoods, financial inclusion, and access to banking and financial services.
2. Applicants should be aged 22-30, know computers and internet, be motivated, and aim to earn 20,000-50,000 BDT monthly. Interested individuals should submit documents for initial screening.
3. Protective Life Insurance offers various insurance products including term life insurance, education insurance, and health insurance to protect individuals and families financially at all times.
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gv: gvRv‖ぢj nK
Rve`v wfjv, 4_息 Zjv, 67/4-G, cvBIwbqvi ivW, KvKivBj XvKv|
gvevBj : +88 01196 191 621-4
E-mail: mmhaque@agni.com, Website: www.whizztravels.com
Rental Car & Tour OperatorRental Car & Tour Operator
Ultimate Transport Solutions
3. W a n t e d as Business Associates
WHIZZ (A Social Business Network) nvmcvZvj, e即vsK Ges exgv Kv造cvbxi m‖ m造側b側qi gva即g Gi Kvh息袖g cwiPvjbv
KiQ| miKvii j耽即 Abyhvqx Avcvgi RbmvaviYK m側v俗即, Z_即 c捉hyw続, e即vsK Ges exgvi mevi AvIZvq wbq Avmvi D|k即
Ges e即vsK (agent banking) I exgv (Financial Associates) wk| e即vcK Kg息ms俗vb mw坦i gva即g Gi Kvh息袖g ew
Kivi Rb即 cwZ DcRjvq GKRb Ki Business Associates wnmve wbqvM Kivi Rb即 Ave`b MnY KiQ|
Avcwb hw`-
- eqm 22 nBZ 30 Gi ga即 nq _vKb;
- Kw造cDUvi I BUvibU vb _vK;
- MvRzqU nDb;
- Kv歎gvi AvKγ Kivi m其gZv nIb Ges
- gvm 20,000/- nBZ 50,000/= UvKv Avq Kivi BQv cvlY Kib;
Zvnj, cv_wgK evQvBqi Rb即 4 Kwc Qwe, RvZxq cwiPq c/cvmcvU息/R邸則mb`, kl wk其vc|i mb`c|i dUvKwc I Avcbvi
GjvKvi cwiwPZ 6 Rb e即w続i idvi mnKvi Rxeb ev邸 wb造 wVKvbvq A_ev scan copy mmhaque@agni.com G
cvVvbvi Rb即 Abyiva KiQ|
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WHIZZ (A Social Business Network)
Rve`v wfjv (4_息 Zjv), 67/4-G, cvBIwbqvi ivW, KvKivBj, XvKv|
gvevBj : 011 961 916 21 - 22 - 23 - 24
Micro Credit A_ev Sales ckvi m‖ RwoZ`i AMvwaKvi `Iqv ne|