Happy Melly is an experimental business network created in November 2012 by three people who wanted to help knowledge workers be happier and live better lives. The business aims to bring inspiring content, games, courses, and other resources to workers through various activities like publishing, event planning, and sharing stories. Rather than a traditional hierarchy, Happy Melly operates as a democratic network where anyone can start their own legal entity or become a stakeholder involved in decision making. The goal is to practice creating a happier organization and then help others achieve happiness.
2. In November 2012, three guys
got together because they shared
a purpose.
3. We want to help people
become happy workers, and
live better lives.
4. They were inspired by the
famous photo of Melly Shum
who hates her job.
http://www.flickr.com/photos/bertwerk/623288901/ (c) 2007 Bert Werk, Creative Commons