Melissa Castino Reid is a teacher with 12 years of experience, a mother to a 5-year-old daughter named Rachel, and wife of 10 years. She is hearing impaired and wears a hearing aid. Reid is a writer who covers topics from her life including her daughter's recovery from strokes and E. coli, parenting, spirituality, and more. Her interests include teaching, parenting, developing community, sports like baseball, writing, music, and continuing her own education. Her teaching philosophy focuses on being student-centered, engaged, teaching process, coaching students, remaining open-minded and welcoming, and being firm but also gentle when needed.
3. I am…
• A teacher with 12 years of experience.
• A mother of a five year old girl named Rachel.
• A wife to Jim for ten years.
• A writer who covers topics from her life,
including, but not limited to…
▫ Her daughter’s recovery from strokes and E. Coli
â–« Parenting
â–« Spiritual life
▫ More…
4. I am also…
• Hearing impaired since birth, so I wear a
hearing aid and read lips. Please be patient and
kind in this…
• Training for my first race.
• Funny sometimes. Tough sometimes.
Enthusiastic almost always.
• Very, very hard working.
• Tenacious…(look it up. It’s a good word!)
5. My interests are…
• Teaching…I’m called to this job.
• Parenting…A full time gig, amen?
• Developing community…especially here!
• Sports…I love baseball the most!
• Writing…It’s a good thing I teach it and not
• Music…It’s almost as important as breathing.
• Learning…I’m back in school myself!
6. My teaching philosophy is…
• To be student centered.
• To be engaged and engaging.
• To teach process and follow through by setting
the example as a teacher AND student.
• To be a conduit for your writing process,
coaching you through good times and not-so…
• To remain open minded, open hearted, and
welcoming, with open arms.
• To be firm, but gentle when needed, too.
8. As we move forward,
• Let’s stay connected through good
• Let’s keep our eyes on the syllabus and schedule.
• Let’s create community in this classroom by
taking ownership of ourselves and each other.
That’s how and why you belong…
• And let’s have a little fun while we work.
• Dig?