This document analyzes who is the real monster in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein: Victor Frankenstein, the creature, or society. It discusses Victor's overambitious scientific experiment in creating life, the creature's ugly appearance and acts of revenge after being rejected by society. While Victor created the creature and abandoned him, the creature itself did not ask to be born and sought human compassion. Ultimately, the document concludes that it is difficult to blame only one party, as fault lies with Victor for creating and abandoning his creation, the creature for its violent acts, and society for rejecting the creature based on its appearance.
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Who is the real monster ?
1. Who is the real monster?
Prepared by Nishtha Makwana
Roll no. 15
Paper 5 - The Romantic literature
Submitted to Smt. S. B. Gardi department of
English, Bhavnagar.
Guided by Dr. Dilip Barad
3. Victor Frankenstein
- Over ambitious
- Delusions and Hallucinations
- Challenged God
- Wanted to break the law of
- Created a monster creature
and abandoned him in horror
4. Another view
Life and death appeared to me ideal bounds,
which I should first break through, and pour a
torrent of light into our dark world.
- How Victor sees the life and death
- Wanted to break the law of nature
- Did an experiment with science, Intention was
not bad
- What would have happened if he had not failed?
-What wrongs if someone challenging God?
-Does the novel support the religion idea?
5. The Creature himself
Why he is monster?
- Scientific experiment of
- Ugly looking
- Takes Revenge
- Kills innocent people
6. - Nobody is monster by birth
- Kind hearted
- need human interjection, friend and family
- Continuously rejected
- Get frustrated
7. Society
All men hate the wretched; how then,
must I be hated, who am miserable
beyond all living things
- Continuously rejecting him
- Judge people by their physical appearance
- Give him a name monster
- The concept of beauty in society
- The result was it creates many monsters in
the society
8. Why we are finding the monster in
Why do always we want someone to be
blamed ?
The quistion is remaining
9. conclusion
Fault of Victor Frankenstein
Fault of the creature
Fault of the society
We can not blame one person or thing for
entire situation
10. Work cited
Shalley, Mary. Frankenstein : The Modern
Prometheus . First ed., vol. 1,
Lackington,Hughes,Harding,Mavor and Jones,
The Real Monster of Frankenstein... - Issue
English 2600. Madmagz,
The Real Monster of Frankenstein... - Issue
English 2600. Madmagz,