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Q4:Who would be the audience for your media product?<br />-918210262064555740301460555206901226185-107061014605-10706101226185My target audience for the film Thanatos is primarily based on 15 year olds both male and female. The reason why its a15 is simply because with the film containing violence, strong graphic and strong language I thought it was essential to target people in the region of 15 years and above. Personally I felt it would not meet the film certification if the film was to be rated a 12 for instance, due to; dark, strong graphic which is persistent over a period of time for e.g. The cellar scene, hence why it is subject to a 15 film rating. Moreover the Abney Hall scene contains blood which is inappropriate for viewers below the age of 15 due to blood appearing quite deeply on a characters face. All in all we decided in the end a 15 will not make the film certification so inevitably we had to move it a notch up which would then make the film an 18 film rating. Our initial plan was then compromised due to the group specifically targeting mid teenagers 15 years and above. However this was not to be as we noticed the cellar scene was to dark and horrific emotionally for any one of the age of 15 to view. <br />56045106985We felt with the film being a 15 we would attract a much larger audience as oppose to an 18, however this was not to be and we had the choice of either downgrading the graphic and violent scene or moving it to an 18 rating. However, ultimately time proved too costly and we were unable as a group to downgrade the film to make it suitable to a 15 rating due to it being time consuming.  <br />Typical target audience would be a middle class male of a white ethnic origin. His first name is Adam surname Johnson. Single child. A college student who is an under graduate in Sussex, currently studying Media and part time Law at Gilford University. He currently works part-time at Tesco on the tills. Adam enjoys watching films whether it be horror, thriller, comedy etc all genres. However he would be keener to watch his favourite films which are thrillers but at a low documentary level... not as popular i.e. wont be shown in the cinemas. Hobbies are to chill out and enjoy having a laugh with mates socialising. Likes to skate and regularly enters competition across the U.k for Skating competitions. Enjoys organising trips, mostly enjoys camping and rowing. Enjoys the regular visits to theme parks but prefers to camp. Influences mates to come out. His dream career would be: Formula one racing driver, Pilot or to travel around the world as a journalist and then to eventually right his own book about his experiences in life when travelling around the world. <br />My niche target audience would be Moshers. This is because Mashers stereotypically are seen to watch movies related to our thriller. As their niche group Moshersenjoy something different from the mainstream media. Moshers are seen as people who are not so serious, and are seen as friendly people who enjoy their way of life through numerous ways, for e.g. skating. Norms and values are different from the mainstream, Moshers form their own sub-cultures and have their own set of norms and values. Some Moshers may break and go against the mainstream Norms and values while the majority are people who are perceived to have a high percentage of social life and like to party always active.<br />4396740251777514744701774825163830913765<br />

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  • 1. Q4:Who would be the audience for your media product?<br />-918210262064555740301460555206901226185-107061014605-10706101226185My target audience for the film Thanatos is primarily based on 15 year olds both male and female. The reason why its a15 is simply because with the film containing violence, strong graphic and strong language I thought it was essential to target people in the region of 15 years and above. Personally I felt it would not meet the film certification if the film was to be rated a 12 for instance, due to; dark, strong graphic which is persistent over a period of time for e.g. The cellar scene, hence why it is subject to a 15 film rating. Moreover the Abney Hall scene contains blood which is inappropriate for viewers below the age of 15 due to blood appearing quite deeply on a characters face. All in all we decided in the end a 15 will not make the film certification so inevitably we had to move it a notch up which would then make the film an 18 film rating. Our initial plan was then compromised due to the group specifically targeting mid teenagers 15 years and above. However this was not to be as we noticed the cellar scene was to dark and horrific emotionally for any one of the age of 15 to view. <br />56045106985We felt with the film being a 15 we would attract a much larger audience as oppose to an 18, however this was not to be and we had the choice of either downgrading the graphic and violent scene or moving it to an 18 rating. However, ultimately time proved too costly and we were unable as a group to downgrade the film to make it suitable to a 15 rating due to it being time consuming. <br />Typical target audience would be a middle class male of a white ethnic origin. His first name is Adam surname Johnson. Single child. A college student who is an under graduate in Sussex, currently studying Media and part time Law at Gilford University. He currently works part-time at Tesco on the tills. Adam enjoys watching films whether it be horror, thriller, comedy etc all genres. However he would be keener to watch his favourite films which are thrillers but at a low documentary level... not as popular i.e. wont be shown in the cinemas. Hobbies are to chill out and enjoy having a laugh with mates socialising. Likes to skate and regularly enters competition across the U.k for Skating competitions. Enjoys organising trips, mostly enjoys camping and rowing. Enjoys the regular visits to theme parks but prefers to camp. Influences mates to come out. His dream career would be: Formula one racing driver, Pilot or to travel around the world as a journalist and then to eventually right his own book about his experiences in life when travelling around the world. <br />My niche target audience would be Moshers. This is because Mashers stereotypically are seen to watch movies related to our thriller. As their niche group Moshersenjoy something different from the mainstream media. Moshers are seen as people who are not so serious, and are seen as friendly people who enjoy their way of life through numerous ways, for e.g. skating. Norms and values are different from the mainstream, Moshers form their own sub-cultures and have their own set of norms and values. Some Moshers may break and go against the mainstream Norms and values while the majority are people who are perceived to have a high percentage of social life and like to party always active.<br />4396740251777514744701774825163830913765<br />