Going outside and being immersed in nature can have many positive influences on your mental health. Studies show that being in nature is essential for mental wellbeing.
2. We’re all faced with stress, some have
more than others, but one truth is that
being outside will help us deal with it
3. A recent study by Stanford
University shows that spending
time in nature can help people
deal with depression and a
person’s tendency to ruminate
about negative thoughts.
Rumination is when you focus on
something that’s bothering you
that is difficult for you to stop
thinking about, such as a
breakup or fight with a loved
4. Those of us who live in an urban
setting may find it a little difficult to
get away to the forest, but just
walking around your neighborhood or
at a local can give you as much energy
as a cup of coffee. Whenever possible,
walk somewhere green like a park or
open field because nature has a
calming effect to our psyche.
5. Regardless of where you’re
from or how old you are,
nature is appealing to every
human being. Being immersed
in a forest, walking through a
park, or even looking at a
landscape helps us cope with
the stress of our days.
6. While most of us need to rely on our phones
and computers for work and staying in
contact with people, getting some time away
from the screens and getting back to nature is
crucial for the health of our mental wellbeing.
7. Whenever possible, try to get out of the house or
office and into a natural setting; your mind will
thank you for it.