Sometimes the check engine light in the dashboard starts to blink. But what are the reasons? Do you have any idea? And if it suddenly starts to blink while youre in a long journey, it may scare you! Isnt it? At that time you may think that will it be okay to ignore or not? Check the slides here to learn about the reasons that lead to check engine light blinking. Also know what are the consequences you will face if not repaired?
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Why Check Engine Light Blinks
5. Lets know more about the reasons that lead to check
engine light blinking.
11. Loosed or damaged or missing Gas cap :-
The gas cap seals the fuel system to maintain a
fuel pressure for combustion.
12. The sealing is also helpful in preventing the
release of hydrocarbon fumes into
environment when the vehicle is idle.
13. If the gas cap is broken or damaged, make sure
to replace it a.s.a.p.
14. Replacement of catalytic converter :-
Catalytic converter coverts the harmful carbon monoxide into
carbon dioxide before it makes the way to environment.
15. The reasons that can damage the converter :-
if the regular maintenance of converter is ignored or
problem with spark plug and ignition coil..
16. Problematic spark plugand ignitioncoil:-
The sparkpluggetselectricityfrombatterythroughignition
coilto producespark for combustion.
17. Both the coil and spark plug can fail due to several
reasons like ;-
Due to high under-hood temperature
A regular wear and tear or
irregular maintenance etc.
19. Faulty spark plug wires :-
Spark plug wires send energy in the form of electricityto engine. But
when they become eroded; that disturbs the free flow of energy and
makes the vehicle to stall while idling.
22. Problematic Mass Airflow Sensor (MAF)
Mass air flow sensor measures the pressure and
humidity in the air that enters to engine..
24. The symptoms of mass air flow sensor failure
are :-
Rough idle
Trouble starting etc.