On December 24th, Zhou Qifeng, President of Peking University, became the focus of media attention after he criticized the United States education system during a speech in Changsha, Hunan Province. At one point during the speech, Zhou Qifeng had criticized the education system in USA and every US Presidents. This presentation is to criticize Zhou’s statements & reveals Zhou’s wild ambition. The presentation consists of the following parts: (1)Why was Zhou Qifeng misunderstood like "a mess"?
(2) Reveal Zhou’s Wild Ambition from What he Said
(3) Zhou Qifeng, you are unworthy of the sacrifice of U.S. soldiers in World War II battlefield in China and other key strategic battleground
(4) Zhou Qifeng, you still repent to Jesus or Chairman Mao!
(5) Zhou Qifeng, why you hate the Allied commander in chief??
(6) Zhou Qifeng, do you have their like wisdom?
(7) The Rapid Development of China do not Prove the Success of Zhou’s Education
Among Those Contributed to the Success of Chinese Economics Growth
(8) Zhou Qifeng,?you are?a?Zhongshan wolf in sheep's clothing!
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Why do we say that Zhou Qifeng is a Zhongshan wolf in sheep's clothing?
1. Why do we say that Zhou Qifeng is a Zhongshan wolf 1 in sheep's clothing 2 ? Jin Lu, Ph.D. in OptoMechaTronics (UGent, 1994) Founder & Director EXUPOLI.net, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Learning Committee ( 1978.2~1984.12) Class 771, Mechanical Eng. Dept. Central South Institute of Mining & Metallurgy Class Two, Graduate School, Central South University of Technology
2. Background On December 24th, Zhou Qifeng, President of Peking University, became the focus of media attention after he criticized the United States education system during a speech in Changsha, Hunan Province. At one point during the speech, Zhou Qifeng had criticized the education system in USA and every US Presidents. This presentation is to c riticize Zhou’s statements & reveals Zhou’s wild ambition. English version is from P.1 to P. 12
3. Contents People.com.cn: Why was Zhou Qifeng misunderstood like "a mess"? Reveal Zhou’s Wild Ambition from What he Said Zhou Qifeng, you are unworthy of the sacrifice of U.S. soldiers in World War II battlefield in China and other key strategic battleground Zhou Qifeng, you still repent to Jesus or Chairman Mao! Zhou Qifeng, why you hate the Allied commander in chief? ? Zhou Qifeng, do you have their like wisdom? The Rapid Development of China do not Prove the Success of Zhou’s Education Among Those Contributed to the Success of Chinese Economics Growth Zhou Qifeng,?you are?a?Zhongshan wolf in sheep's clothing !
4. Why was Zhou Qifeng misunderstood like "a mess"? From the point of view of educating outstanding US citizen, the US education system is absolutely the best one. However from the point of view of educating the global citizen, I think that the U.S. education system is a complete mess. None of the U.S. presidents understand how to respect people. They’re always forcing their own desires on other people. In this way, it seems that their educational system is a complete mess."
5. Reveal Zhou’s Wild Ambition from What he Said “ From the point of view of educating outstanding US citizen, the US education system is absolutely the best one. However from the point of view of educating the global citizen, I think that the U.S. education system is a complete mess. ” ( December 27, 2012, People.com.cn, Screen Capture on P.4 ) Zhou Qifeng is alluding to : there is a huge conflict between U.S. interests and the interests of the world and two interests are irreconcilable contradictions. Zhou is intended to confuse people's audiovisual. As we all know, from the outbreak of World War II, USA has been the world leader of the peace forces. In some important historical occasions, China is also a beneficiary of U.S. policy. Zhou is the scavenger to support on the wild ambition of the hardliners of the Chinese Communist Party
6. Zhou Qifeng, you are unworthy of the sacrifice of U.S. soldiers in World War II battlefield in China and other key strategic battleground U.S. Army troops wade ashore on Omaha Beach on the morning of 6 June 1944. For the dead lie peacefully, and the living continues to remember the horror of war, and the pain of brothers lost . Lieutenant General Claire Lee Chennault & the Flying Tigers These American flyers encountered many Japanese aircraft heading to raid Chinese Cities, such as Kunming & Chungking, successfully shot down (accumulatively) lots of the raiders (Flying Tigers:JPs =1:20).
7. “ I think that the U.S. education system is a complete mess. None of the U.S. presidents understand how to respect people. They’re always forcing their own desires on other people. In this way, it seems that their educational system is a complete mess." Zhou Qifeng, you still repent to Jesus or Chairman Mao!
8. “ The U.S. education system is a complete mess. None of the U.S. presidents understand how to respect people…” Zhou Qifeng, why you hate the Allied commander in chief?
10. As for China’s educational system, Zhou Qifeng noted that the country’s recent years of rapid economic development have shown that it has been very successful: "Our country is progressing, and this progress has relied on the education and training of talented people.“ Zhou obtained Ph.D. from UMass Amherst and many The blood & life of U.S. soldiers against terrorism save the world peace The Bush administration's weakness and inaction to China's violations of many international laws and orders The Rapid Development of China do not Prove the Success of Zhou’s Education President Zhou Qifeng and Peking University alumni @ San Diego gatherings Oct. 27, 2009 Clockwise from top left: Aftermath of the September 11 attacks; US infantry in Afghanistan; a US soldier and Afghan interpreter in Zabul Province, Afghanistan; explosion of an Iraqi car bomb
11. Among Those Contributed to the Success of Chinese Economics Growth Time Person of the Year 2009 Chinese Workers Over 300 employees at a Foxconn plan in Wuhan, China threatened to throw themselves off a building in a mass suicide Explosion at Hunan coal mine claims 29, leaves six in hospital Life of the village after Infected HIV through Selling Blood
12. Zhou Qifeng,?you are?a? Zhongshan wolf in sheep's clothing Why Zhou Qifeng denies U.S. President’s contribution to the world peace since World War II and their wisdom of leadership? Villain is obvious: Zhou is a militant of the wolf in sheep's clothing! Dept. of Polymer Science and Engineering, UMass Amherst
22. 周其凤认为中国的教育很成功,理由是中国这些年都在飞速发展,“我们的国家在进步,靠的就是我们的教育培养的人才。” 他自己( 1982 获美国麻大高分子科学与工程博士)和许多北大校友都是在美国受教育 是反恐美军士兵的血和生命才保住世界和平的大环境 美国布什政府对中国许多的违规的软弱 中国飞速发展并不能证明周办的教育成功 周其凤校长和圣地亚哥北大校友聚会 2010 年 10 月 27 日 Clockwise from top left: Aftermath of the September 11 attacks; US infantry in Afghanistan; a US soldier and Afghan interpreter in Zabul Province, Afghanistan; explosion of an Iraqi car bomb
25. References The Wolf of Zhongshan ( 1/9/2012 retrieve from http:// en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Wolf_of_Zhongshan ) A wolf in sheep's clothing (1/9/2012 retrieve from http://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/wolf-in-sheeps-clothing.html (P.4.) Netizens React to Peking University President Criticising U.S. Education (1/9/2012 retrieve from http://www.echinacities.com/china-media/netizens-react-to-peking-university-president-criticising.html ) (P.5.) same as (P.4.) (P.6) Flying Tigers (1/11/2012 retrieve from (1) (2) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_zntg-eFF0&feature=related 4 ) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:1944_NormandyLST.jpg (P.7) http://www.dongboshuyuan.com/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=1178 (P.8 Top picture) http://www.cnr.cn/newstop/201112/t20111227_508984632.shtml (P.10) (Top Photo) http://www.pkusd.org/main/?action-viewnews-itemid-17 (other) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:War_on_Terror_montage1.png (P.11) http://www.time.com/time/specials/packages/article/0,28804,1946375_1947252_1947256,00.html (Top Left) http://kotaku.com/5874706/report-mass-suicide-threats-at-xbox-360-plant (Top Right) http://www.sdmec.com/topics/%E9%9C%9E%E6%B5%81%E5%86%B2%E7%85%A4%E7%9F%BF (Bottom Right) http:// news./photon/tpyk/aids.htm (Bottom Left) http://www.chinapost.com.tw/china/national-news/2011/10/31/321395/Explosion-at.htm (Bottom Right) (P.12) (Left) http://art-illustration.diandian.com/post/2011-06-24/2331633
Editor's Notes
Netizens React to Peking University President Criticising U.S. Education http://www.echinacities.com/china-media/netizens-react-to-peking-university-president-criticising.html
Netizens React to Peking University President Criticising U.S. Education http://www.echinacities.com/china-media/netizens-react-to-peking-university-president-criticising.html
http:// www.youtube.com/watch?v =L_zntg-eFF0&feature=related U.S. Army troops wade ashore on Omaha Beach on the morning of 6 June 1944. http://zhidao./question/9158718
http:// www.youtube.com/watch?v =L_zntg-eFF0&feature=related U.S. Army troops wade ashore on Omaha Beach on the morning of 6 June 1944. http://zhidao./question/9158718