The document discusses the importance of having a strong financial plan. It explains that a financial plan can help people be prepared for unexpected events and market fluctuations. It also provides peace of mind. Creating a budget is a key part of financial planning as it allows people to track their income, expenses and spending. The document recommends including as many details as possible when creating a budget to understand where money is coming from and going.
3. A strong financial plan will make sure that you are
financially prepared to deal with unexpected events
and a stormy market.
I have told you
already that you
should have a strong
financial plan!
4. Regular financial planning can help give
us peace of mind and protect us from
unforeseen, unfavorable situations.
5. Financial planning covers a wide variety of money
topics including :
Getting Out
of Debt
Saving for
More details
6. Since time is limited, I
just focus on the
budget topic in this
7. Creating a budget
may not sound like
the most exciting
thing in the world
to do, but it is vital
in keeping your
financial house in
8. Before you begin
to create your
budget it is
important to
realize that in
order to be
successful you
have to provide as
much detailed
information as
9. The end result will
be able to show
where your money
is coming from,
how much is there
and where it is all
13. MORE Tips to IMPROVE your
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14. No. Words Definitions
1 fi¡¤nan¡¤cial adj. relating to money or how money is managed
2 man¡¤da¡¤to¡¤ry adj. describes something that must be done, or is
demanded by law
3 in¡¤sur¡¤ance n. a contract where you pay a little money at a time so
you can be compensated later, especially in the case of
a disaster
4 un¡¤ex¡¤pect¡¤ed adj. without warning or announcement
5 ex¡¤pense n. something that makes you spend money
15. No. Words Definitions
6 re¡¤tire¡¤ment n. the period in someone's life after they have stopped
working because they reached a particular age
7 de¡¤tailed adj. giving a lot of information with many details
8 pos¡¤si¡¤ble adj. able to be done or achieved, or able to exist
9 sound adj. secure, restful and uninterrupted
10 un¡¤fa¡¤vor¡¤a¡¤ble adj. negative and showing that you do not like
16. adj. relating to money or how money is
managed financial
If you are
short on cash,
you might say
you have
a financial
17. adj. describes something that must be
done, or is demanded by law mandatory
A mandatory
action is
something that is
obligatory, or
compulsory. Like
letting your Great
Aunt Edna pinch
your cheeks.
18. n. a contract where you pay a little money
at a time so you can be compensated later,
especially in the case of a disaster
Many people
consider insurance
to be making a
kind of bet that
bad things will
happen: that's a
good bet to make,
because nobody is
lucky forever.
19. unexpected adj. without warning or announcement
Well, a fancy
love story! This
really is an
20. expense n. something that makes you spend money
We went on
holiday at my
It is me
who paid
for it!
21. n. the period in someone's life after they have
stopped working because they reached a
particular age
No way, I'm still full
of energy. I want to
keep working. If I
didn't love what I
do, I'd stay busy
doing something
Have you ever
taking a
22. adj. giving a lot of information with many
details detailed
A witness gave a
detailed description
of the man.
23. You can use possible to talk about anything that
might happen. possible
If you work
really hard for a
test, and you
show you know
the material, it¡¯s
possible that
you¡¯ll get an A.
24. Sound can also mean "solid or good."
Sound advice is good advice. sound
investments are
25. adj. negative and showing that you do not
like something unfavorable
He always talks
about her in an
26. Sources
Explanations of the words :
Longman dictionary
Pictures : from webs
Edit: Thanh
Contact Informations:
*Skype: iotantt (Thanh)
27. The End
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