The document discusses the need for lower-cost endoscopy solutions to improve access to procedures in developing countries, where current equipment is too expensive. It then introduces the EVOCAM system created by EVOTECH, which is a portable, battery-powered endoscopy solution that sells for a fraction of the price of existing products. The EVOCAM aims to expand access to minimally invasive surgeries and training through its lower costs and connectivity features.
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Why Evotech - problem & solution
1. Problem
Millions of patients in developing countries
In health care, as in are deprived of common procedures
life, there is need for relating to respiratory, gynecological,
both Ferraris and Tata gastrointestinal and others due to the high
Nanos cost of endoscopy equipment
- Dr. Yock, Stanford on frugal Even in the US; rising prices of medical
equipment caused health expenditures to
be 8 times what it was in the 80s
Current endoscopy products are made with
developed markets in mind, requiring high
levels of maintenance, cumbersome
equipment, and reliable energy supply
The first company to come to market with
low cost endoscopy solution will attain a
Blue Ocean of unmet demand
Above: EVOCAM demonstrated on an anatomical model and displayed on a laptop
2. EVOCAM Solution
Using bottom-up innovation
techniques EVOTECH created
an endoscopy system that is
especially suited for the needs
of developing markets at a
fraction of the current market
price. The EVOCAM is a
portable system with visual
EVOCAM Stryker Endoscopy display, battery power, and
data storage and transmittal.
Retail Price: $2,500 vs. $70,000
The EVOCAMs patent pending
Weight: 5 Kg vs. 100 Kg light source eliminates the
Energy used: 30W vs. 300W need for inefficient and
cumbersome endoscopy light
Stryker is used just an example for existing alternatives
Source 2
A product to service continuum
MIS has a challenging learning
The EVOCLOUD securely connects curve, requiring between 10-
physician champions in the United states 75 supervised procedures to
with trainees in developing regions perfect the art.
Utilizing reliable and low cost
Time constrained physicians are now able 3G connectivity the EVOCLOUD
to participate with NGO medical missions securely connects physician
from their home, no longer needing to champions via a live video feed
travel to distant countries to provide training and surgical
Demand for the EVOCAM will increase as
more physicians are trained in MIS
The EVOCLOUD is a user subscription
based service
4. Social Impact
Vesico vaginal fistula (VVF) is a devastating pregnancy
related disability affecting over 2 Million Women in Sub-
Saharan Africa. Minimally Invasive Surgery is an efficient
treatment with a recovery of a few hours instead of a
week long recovery from surgery. However most women
do not get treatment due to lack of awareness, lack of
physician training, high cost of endoscopy equipment and
Source: <>
no means of reaching a medical facility.
In March 2011 Medicine for Humanity physicians used the EVOCAM to perform
minimally invasive surgeries for Ugandan VVF patients.
EVOCAMs lightweight and low energy consumption is ideal for working in remote
Ugandan villages.
As EVOTECH progresses with R&D, it plans to sell 60 of its earlier EVOCAMs to NGOs
operating in Sub-Sahara Africa. The NGOs will train local physicians and provide
EVOCAM equipment.
EVOTECH could provide a solution to thousands of women improving standard of
living and saving lives.
5. India Market Potential
World class Number of Health Facilities in India
medical centers
are located in the Tertiary 500
big cities. Solutions
Unfortunately 2,000
secondary cities: Secondary
Jaipur (.7M) ,
Madurai (1M), Primary 20,000
Jodhpur (1M) ...
are far behind.
EXP: ICIC, Apollo, Bajaj, Tata, etc. Government
EXP: Apollo, Aravind Hospitals,
Distributor Hospitals Sankara Nethralava,
Rajiv Gandhi PPP, Sahara Group
EXP: SPARROWS Inc, India Medical 5
Devices Inc
6. Endoscopy Competitors in India
% India Endoscopy Market India Endoscopy Projected Annual Sales (M$)
17% 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
4VET Olympus, Stryker, Storz,
Gyrus ACMI
(veterinary) Richard Wolf
Price (K$)
0 10 50 100
Others include: Stryker, Fujinon, Hoya-Pentex
Estimates based on the average retail price of a complete device
Sources: ICON group international 6
Editor's Notes
#4: EVOCLOUD - product service continuumTelemedicine platform broadcasting EVOCAM images in real-timeAddress lack of physician training by allowing remote physician guidanceAn added source of revenue stream
#6: Hospitals Groups, Aravind Hospitals, and SankaraNethralava.By 2012, 30 tertiary care and 115 secondary care hospitals are expected to be built in the government sector. In addition, large private hospital groups are likely to build 37 tertiary care and 36 secondary care hospitals during the same period.