Loan Officers and Real Estate Agents can earn free advertising via our referral advertising program. If you are seeking free real estate leads or free mortgage leads, then Home Sweet Home can help. Our referral marketing program, Referrals-In-Exchange-for-Advertising Program is the best of programs. Contact us to learn more: 636-209-HOME
2. HSH
We put this video together to
explain why you should be sending
your turndowns to Home Sweet
Home AboutUs
We help first time home buyers qualify for
home loan financing.
5. HSH
One of following
(1) Decline Borrower
Tell them to return when their
credit gets better (which almost
never happens)
(2) Use Credit Repair Co
Usually too expensive
Limited Results
No Credit Re-establishment
(3) Fix Issues Themselves
Bad credit
No credit
Insufficient credit
8. HSH 8
You'll be able to earn free advertising up to
For every customer you send Home Sweet Home
to get loan ready, we will reward you with a 20%
credit towards your advertising.
20% of whatever payment they make to Home
Sweet Home goes towards your free advertising.
(Referrals-In-Exchange-for-Advertising Program)
9. HSH
The Home Ownership Program FREES up your time to
focus on other areas of your business.
11. HSH
We have MORE resources.
We also use a progress checklist. Its a real-time tracking system which is phenomenal. The loan officer, the real
estate agent, the customer and Home Sweet Home all have access to it to track progress DAILY.
13. HSH
Check out our Dare to Compare It speaks for itself. It's a no-brainer. The Dare to Compare Chart can be found on our
website (a big red banner) on our home page. Check that out.
Typical Credit Repair Company
Higher costs
Limited results (disputation only)
No credit re-establishment
The Home Sweet Home Approach
Credit education, assistance, guidance
Assistance with credit re-establishment
Home ownership counseling (and limited search
Down payment planning
Debt management guidance
ID theft mitigation
14. HSH
To get started just look below this video, and you'll see an enrollment form. Enrolling in our network is free.
So enroll now and we look forward to working with you.
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