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Why Most IT Projects Fail
How Projects Really Work
How the customer explained it
How the project leader understood it
How the analyst designed it
How the programmer wrote it
How the business consultant described it
How the project was documented
How much the project cost
What the customer really needed
1995  The CHAOS Report
First comprehensive study on success and
  failure of software projects
   Conducted by The Standish Group
   Updated roughly every two years
Survey of IT executive managers
   large and small businesses
   various industries
      inc. banking, securities, manufacturing, retail,
       wholeale, health care, insurance, services and
   On time, on budget, all features
   Completed but over-budget, over time estimate,
    missing features
Result of first study - 1994 data

          16%        Canceled

Reasons for Challenged/Canceled, 1994
Lack of User               Unrealistic Time Frames
                           Lack of Planning
  Requirements             Project No Longer
Changing Requirements
                           Lack of Resources
Lack of Executive
  Support                  Lack of Competence with
                             Technology Used
Unrealistic Expectations
Reasons for Success, 1994

    User Involvement         
                                 Smaller Project

    Executive                    Milestones
    Management Support       
                                 Competent Staff

    Clear Statement of       
                                 Clear Vision &

    Proper Planning              Objectives

    Realistic Expectations   
                                 Focused Staff
How Are Big IT Projects Run?
IT is left to IT
   Lack of involvement by stakeholders

Matrix organizations
   People not dedicated & focused
   Accountability is to department head, not project
   Poor communication
               No co-location
               Simple issues take a long time to resolve
How Are Big IT Projects Run?
Big, upfront requirements
  Stakeholders will ask for the moon
  Documentation so voluminous that often inconsistent &
              Thick documentation = false sense of confidence

Business outcomes poorly/not defined
  Lack of measurable, observable criteria for success
    despite voluminous requirements documentation
              Ex. cost reduction targets, customer satisfaction,
               market share, process handling time
The Problem with Waterfall

Mistakes are hard to
 find in early stages

Change becomes
 more expensive in
 later stages
CHAOS Results, '94 - '08
                         1994          1996    1998   2000    2002      2004      2006   2008

   Successful            16%           27%      26%   28%     34%       29%       35%    32%

   Challenged            53%           33%      46%   49%     51%       53%       46%    44%

       Canceled          31%           40%      28%   23%     15%       18%       19%    24%







   1994           1996          1998          2000     2002      2004          2006      2008
Reasons for Success, '04 - '08

 User involvement        Project manager
 Executive management     expertise
  support                 Financial management
 Clear business          Skilled resources
  objectives              Formal methodology
 Optimizing scope        Standard tools and
 Agile process            methodology
What is Agile?
Family of methodologies that
  advocate lightweight and
  human software development
   Extreme Programming (XP), Scrum,
    Kanban, Lean, Crystal, Agile Unified
Coined in 2001 by the creators of
 similar methodologies reacting to
 heavyweight methodologies
   heavyweight: too much work that does
    not contribute to successful software
What is Agile?
Emphasis on
  Customer satisfaction
  Job satisfaction
  Removal of things that do not contribute to above
What is Agile?
  Values and attitude of people involved are just as
   important as processes

Automation for Quick Feedback
  Automated tests, code quality metrics, acceptance
   criteria, automated build & deployment...
Agile Adoption, Forrester 2009

        35%          Iterative

         No Formal Process
Aspects of Software Development
 Project             - No one
  Management            methodology covers
 Engineering           all aspects
 Business Analysis   - No one
                        methodology covers
 Quality Assurance     all situations
 User Experience
Some Agile Practices
Interdisciplinary, co-located teams
  Ex. Qwest Communications project
Short iterations
  Deliver working systems for customer feedback
Test-Driven Development
  Define success before you build, down to the
   smallest unit
Some Agile Practices
Continuous Integration
  Automatically build and deploy entire system
   multiple times a day, running automated tests
   and other quality tools
  Constantly improving code design to make it easy
   to accommodate change
  Integrate development and operations into a
    seamless, automated practice
Are Agile Practices the Answer?


Many organizations have adopted Agile
      practices with poor results
Are Agile Practices the Answer?

 Beware of the hype surrounding Agile
Why Agile Fails
 Culture of mistrust
 Performance measures not aligned towards
 Capability of personnel
 Agile authors and consultants that preach
  silver bullets & snake oil
   Example... leaderless teams... what?
Improving the Success Rate
 No silver bullets
   Slow and steady changes
   Each company is different
 Changing not just practices, but also culture
  and performance measures
   Align towards collaboration
      Ex: Reward overall project success, not just specific
       department deliverables
 Smaller project scopes, measurable
Improving the Success Rate
 Focused, multidisciplinary, co-located teams
   Avoid matrix organization
   IT is too important to leave to IT!
 Teams with end-to-end responsibility
   Requirements definition, design, development,
    testing, deployment, and business results
 Did I say no silver bullets?
   Experienced, pragmatic coaches can help
The Agile Manifesto
We are uncovering better ways of developing software
  by doing it and helping others do it. Through this
  work we have come to value:
Individuals and interactions over processes and
Working software over comprehensive
Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
Responding to change over following a plan
That is, while there is value in the items on the right,
  we value the items on the left more.
Agile at Orange & Bronze
Been doing Agile since its foundation in 2005
  Before it became mainstream
We've tried different methodologies and practices
  XP, Scrum, Kanban, Lean...
  Not all practices work in all conditions
The first to offer training & coaching in Agile
 methodologies and practices
  Scrum, TDD, Agile Business Analysis, Agile QA, etc
  Trainers/coaches are seasoned practitioners
Officers & architects speak at Agile conferences
 here and abroad
Some of Our Clients
Software Development          Training & Coaching


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Why Most IT Projects Fail

  • 1. Why Most IT Projects Fail
  • 3. How the customer explained it
  • 4. How the project leader understood it
  • 5. How the analyst designed it
  • 7. How the business consultant described it
  • 8. How the project was documented
  • 9. How much the project cost
  • 10. What the customer really needed
  • 11. 1995 The CHAOS Report First comprehensive study on success and failure of software projects Conducted by The Standish Group Updated roughly every two years Survey of IT executive managers large and small businesses various industries inc. banking, securities, manufacturing, retail, wholeale, health care, insurance, services and government
  • 12. Classifications Successful On time, on budget, all features Challenged Completed but over-budget, over time estimate, missing features Impaired Canceled
  • 13. Result of first study - 1994 data Successful 16% Canceled 31% Challenged 53%
  • 14. Reasons for Challenged/Canceled, 1994 Lack of User Unrealistic Time Frames Involvement Lack of Planning Incomplete Requirements Project No Longer Needed Changing Requirements Lack of Resources Lack of Executive Support Lack of Competence with Technology Used Unrealistic Expectations
  • 15. Reasons for Success, 1994 User Involvement Smaller Project Executive Milestones Management Support Competent Staff Clear Statement of Ownership Requirements Clear Vision & Proper Planning Objectives Realistic Expectations Hard-Working, Focused Staff
  • 16. How Are Big IT Projects Run? IT is left to IT Lack of involvement by stakeholders Matrix organizations People not dedicated & focused Accountability is to department head, not project lead Poor communication No co-location Simple issues take a long time to resolve
  • 17. How Are Big IT Projects Run? Big, upfront requirements Stakeholders will ask for the moon Documentation so voluminous that often inconsistent & conflicting Thick documentation = false sense of confidence Business outcomes poorly/not defined Lack of measurable, observable criteria for success despite voluminous requirements documentation Ex. cost reduction targets, customer satisfaction, market share, process handling time
  • 18. The Problem with Waterfall Mistakes are hard to find in early stages Change becomes more expensive in later stages
  • 19. CHAOS Results, '94 - '08 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 Successful 16% 27% 26% 28% 34% 29% 35% 32% Challenged 53% 33% 46% 49% 51% 53% 46% 44% Canceled 31% 40% 28% 23% 15% 18% 19% 24% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008
  • 20. Reasons for Success, '04 - '08 User involvement Project manager Executive management expertise support Financial management Clear business Skilled resources objectives Formal methodology Optimizing scope Standard tools and Agile process methodology
  • 21. What is Agile? Family of methodologies that advocate lightweight and human software development processes Extreme Programming (XP), Scrum, Kanban, Lean, Crystal, Agile Unified Process... Coined in 2001 by the creators of similar methodologies reacting to heavyweight methodologies heavyweight: too much work that does not contribute to successful software project
  • 22. What is Agile? Emphasis on Customer satisfaction Job satisfaction Removal of things that do not contribute to above
  • 23. What is Agile? Culture Values and attitude of people involved are just as important as processes Automation for Quick Feedback Automated tests, code quality metrics, acceptance criteria, automated build & deployment...
  • 24. Agile Adoption, Forrester 2009 Waterfall 13% Agile 35% Iterative 21% No Formal Process 31%
  • 25. Aspects of Software Development Project - No one Management methodology covers Engineering all aspects Business Analysis - No one methodology covers Quality Assurance all situations User Experience Others...
  • 26. Some Agile Practices Interdisciplinary, co-located teams Ex. Qwest Communications project Short iterations Deliver working systems for customer feedback Test-Driven Development Define success before you build, down to the smallest unit
  • 27. Some Agile Practices Continuous Integration Automatically build and deploy entire system multiple times a day, running automated tests and other quality tools Refactoring Constantly improving code design to make it easy to accommodate change DevOps Integrate development and operations into a seamless, automated practice
  • 28. Are Agile Practices the Answer? NO Many organizations have adopted Agile practices with poor results
  • 29. Are Agile Practices the Answer? Beware of the hype surrounding Agile
  • 30. Why Agile Fails Culture of mistrust Performance measures not aligned towards collaboration Capability of personnel Agile authors and consultants that preach silver bullets & snake oil Example... leaderless teams... what?
  • 31. Improving the Success Rate No silver bullets Slow and steady changes Each company is different Changing not just practices, but also culture and performance measures Align towards collaboration Ex: Reward overall project success, not just specific department deliverables Smaller project scopes, measurable outcomes
  • 32. Improving the Success Rate Focused, multidisciplinary, co-located teams Avoid matrix organization IT is too important to leave to IT! Teams with end-to-end responsibility Requirements definition, design, development, testing, deployment, and business results Did I say no silver bullets? Experienced, pragmatic coaches can help
  • 33. The Agile Manifesto We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value: Individuals and interactions over processes and tools Working software over comprehensive documentation Customer collaboration over contract negotiation Responding to change over following a plan That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more.
  • 34. Agile at Orange & Bronze Been doing Agile since its foundation in 2005 Before it became mainstream We've tried different methodologies and practices XP, Scrum, Kanban, Lean... Not all practices work in all conditions The first to offer training & coaching in Agile methodologies and practices Scrum, TDD, Agile Business Analysis, Agile QA, etc Trainers/coaches are seasoned practitioners Officers & architects speak at Agile conferences here and abroad
  • 35. Some of Our Clients Software Development Training & Coaching Both