This is a presentation I have been giving on how/why NFP\’s should use the value of their Brand to maximise their chances of success in seeking corporate philanthroic support
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Why NFP’s and Foundations should value their Brand
#3: Government funding is cyclical, volatile and subject to the swings and roundabouts of policyQuestion is : “How do we differentiate ourselves in a crowded philanthropic market”?Corporate support is a potential source of significant philanthropic support - but you need to speak the language of business to differentiate yourself- everyone has a worthy cause!Not-For Profit’s can differentiate themselves in this environment when seeking philanthropic support by clearly articulating both the social and business benefit(s) that derive from supporting your cause.Major commercial organisations expend considerable strategic effort and spend considerable capital in developing, building and defending their Brand – they ‘get’ a Brand based business proposition.You can differentiate your requests for Philanthropic by offering your brand in support of theirs – in exchange for philanthropic supportYou can provide ROI (Return On Investment) through:Growth in Brand ValueCommercial opportunities
#4: Strong Brands establish long-term and power balanced partnerships. This helps both parties to make decisions that are commercial and more strategic in nature. By valuing your Brand, you are, in effect, saying to potential partners: “We have invested 20 years and $2,000,000 (sic) to get where we are today.That investment has built a powerful Brand that occupies a position of respect and credibility in the community as well as a Brand that speaks to considerable intellectual property around the operation of our market place. When considering your Philanthropic support you should know that you are ‘buying’ access to the attributes that make up our Brand for your benefit. Given that you are being offered the opportunity to leverage off the investment we have made to build our brand and given that access to our Brand helps you to achieve your own business goals, we believe that you will understand that a commercially viable and balanced level of philanthropic support starts at $500,000. (for instance)”