This document summarizes Sundae, a photography consultancy that works with brands to develop strong visual identities through custom photography. It discusses how stock photography is often inappropriate and costs more in the long run than commissioning custom photos tailored to a brand's values. The document provides examples of Sundae's work for clients, outlining their needs and how Sundae created custom photography styles to meet those needs. It positions Sundae as a way for brands to consolidate photo costs and ensure a consistent visual identity across all touchpoints through an online library of custom photos.
2. A thought..
Would you ever send out for stock
product copy or a stock pack design or a
stock endline...?
3. Another thought..
In these economically challenging times,
which sounds most shrewd;
... pay someone else to go to the shops for
you, 鍖nd a frock that will just about 鍖t,
get you to pay for it, you wear it once, and
then 鍖nd you have to pay again if you
wanted to wear it next year?
Or better to order something made to
measure, that is delivered to you & yours
4. Food for thought ...
Sundae is a photography consultancy, working with
brands to develop and support strong brand
Founded by brand management experts with years
of blue chip client & agency experience, Sundae
understands both the operational and strategic
demands of photography for brand
communications, and how the two often clash.
The philosophy and visual identity of your brand
should de鍖ne all your imagery, always. It should
always be at your 鍖ngertips, and not cost an arm &
a leg...
Easier said than done?..
5. Business as usual
Company wide, people want pictures, all the time,
a lea鍖et, a sales stand, a website, a promotion,
annual report, internal comms
At best they all use the same tired image that they
know is approved, even though its out of context &
dated, (not to mention out of usage licence
agreement) or at worst they go off and spend a
fortune on completely average & inappropriate
stock stocks.
Wouldnt it be easier for everyone to have a bank of
bespoke images, that were designed speci鍖cally to
encapsulate your brand identity and tone of voice,
available online and copyright bought out?
6. Imagery - challenges for brands
Consistency - all touchpoints
Integrity - with brand values
Internal /external credibility
Cohesion with core offering and ATL activity
Operational demands
Freshness/ regular updates
10. Brand realities
Tone of Voice
How a brand expresses itself, the manifestation
of its core philosophy, its personality. The words
and pictures it uses must have integrity with that
Perception is reality
Brands only truly exist in the minds of the
Brand communications and brand behaviours
create a perception in the heart of your customer.
Everything they see, everything you do, not just
the TV stuff.
3 dimensional branding
To be convincing - you have to be convinced
Internal branding is vital. Staff must believe the
brand is as slick and as meaningful as your
customers - or it will show
11. Hierarchy?
Every brand marketeer knows this inside out and
back to front...
words & pictures
communications Communications
Design elements
Brand values
Brand Philosophy
12. Hierarchy?
words & pictures We believe that it is more like this ...
Communications From a brand management point of view, the 鍖nal
touches, the topping, the actual words and pictures
strategy used to communicate with customers are maybe
not so strictly governed, but make up the largest
volume, most diverse and most frequent touch
Design elements points.
Brand If they are not balanced with the apex, the crux of
communications the brand - the philosophy - the brand architecture
Logo can topple.
Often guidelines stop at Design Elements
guidelines, sometimes even with the Logo
Brand values
Brand Philosophy
13. Good things about Sundae imagery
Bespoke & unique to you
Relevant to your business
Consistent and meaningful brand building - across
everything you produce
Operational ef鍖ciency whilst maintaining brand
Reliable resource - there when/where you need it
Controllable - cross market / dept access
Peace of mind re copyright buyout
Cost - smart agency model; minimal overheads, in-
house level costs for specialist resource.
14. Consolidate - get more out of your cash
Cumulative cost of individual, uncoordinated activities Cost of bespoke, relevant & recognisable brand shoot
1 weeks shoot & production management
Lea鍖et - 4 stock shots, one off use ! 贈800
Research & guidelines development
Annual report & accounts - designer sourced
imagery! ! ! 贈10000 Buyout in perpetuity of c.50 shots
Website refresh - R.F. stock used ! 贈500 Delivered, scanned, styled & retouched, low and high res.
Captioned and documented.
DM campaign - agency speci鍖c shoot ! 贈7000
Brochure - graduate recruitment ! 贈5000
! ONE OFF cost c.贈3,000
3 product lea鍖ets ! ! 贈3000
3rd party promotion ! ! 贈500
Exhibition stand - stock licensed 1yr ! 贈1500
Product launch comms! ! 贈10000
Internal magazine! ! 贈2000
Customer magazine ! ! 贈5000
materials! ! ! 贈5000
interiors! ! ! 贈10000
All costings are approximate and subject to brief scope
! ANNUAL cost c.贈60,300
15. What will Sundae bring
Specialist expertise, brand identity, photography
and brand delivery in a unique and ef鍖cient unit.
Bespoke imagery creation to your existing or our
developed style guidelines. Creating, refreshing, or
evolving your brand image library.
Analysis and development of brand imagery style,
content and properties
Creation and publication of imagery usage
Partnership & integration with existing comms
Digital/online library solutions and hosting.
Retained partnership in general imagery
consultation and brand guardianship.
16. Practicalities
Images can be provided on CD or direct to an
online library hosted by you, or us.
We provide buyout agreements for all our bespoke
brand imagery - one cost - usage for life.
All documentation and copyright agreements are
Model & location release permissions are
Categorisation and key wording of library for
maximum ef鍖ciency
High and low res 鍖les for ease of working.
Master 鍖les held in case of disaster!
17. Who are we?
Our founders are commercial photographers and
artists who have a background in Brand and or
communications, including major brands such as
bmi, Hilton, and Orange.
This unique position gave rise to Sundae.
A core group of Photographers work regularly for
Sundae, under our creative and strategic direction.
However we operate a smart virtual agency, and
are always expanding our international network.
This allows us to research and commission speci鍖c
to brand needs and sector expertise.
18. Case study - Osh Kosh
Rough & tumble; real kids in real mess, having
fun wearing real, robust & cool clothes by Osh
Developed style de鍖nition
Grainy, earthy, rich saturated colours, low depth
of 鍖eld to throw the attention on to the clothes.
Close in crop - a childs eye view.
21. Case study - Eurostar
Needs - Brand
Consistency, with brand values and offering
Cohesion with ATL and current design style
Recognisable and ownable style within imagery
Needs - Operational
Flexible for use in range of applications / layouts
Differentiated from Stock shot wallpaper
Starter pack for an ongoing library of general
destination images
Provide breath and depth to visual description of
Needs - Content
Graphic and design conscious but not gratuitous
Evocative elements of a place; Descriptive, not just
Create desire, interest, a taster
A new angle / intrigue from overshot destinations.
22. Case study - Eurostar
Distilled brand elements
Close / Near
Style de鍖nitions
High contrast
Dynamic strong perspectives, indicative of speed/
Dramatic wide angle
Graphic composition
High depth of 鍖eld.
28. Case study - Wysing Arts
Needs - Brand
Visual representation of the centres unique offering
Recognisable and ownable style to take through all
new corporate comms
Needs - Operational
Create a sense of latent potential to encourage
Create a sense of the centres ambience & qualities
Needs - Content
Activities, atmosphere, physical space, context,
facilities, areas needing funding
29. Case study - Wysing Arts
Distilled brand elements
Grass roots
Hands on
Rural/ rustic
Style de鍖nitions
Hazy, sunny light
Yellow/ warm tonality
Graphic, close in (inviting) compositions
33. Case study - Guest Invest
Needs - Brand
Design conscious
Re鍖ective of the target market trends but with an
individual edge
Needs - Operational
Create atmosphere
Re鍖ect 鍖nishes & quality
Needs - Content
Speci鍖c and generic illustration of the offering
34. Case study - GuestInvest
Distilled brand elements
Style de鍖nitions
High key
Low depth of 鍖eld
Abstract details
Cumulative / grid image use
38. Case study - Network Rail
Needs - Brand
Credible, design led imagery - move away from poor
operationally led comms of past
Speci鍖c styling - recognisable and consistent
Brand essence & assets - de鍖ned and aligned across
activity/ depts
Needs - Operational
Bank of fully owned imagery for general use - evolved
from the RUS imagery
Flexible multi purpose imagery - b/w , col/ cropped
39. Case study - Network Rail
Distilled brand elements
Speed/ Dynamism
Style de鍖nitions
High key
Acute perspectives
Strong graphic lines and blocks of colour
Extreme highlights
42. Case study - Cable & Wireless
Needs - Brand
Total re-brand of international business
Stand out in sector
Warm, fresh, vibrant, uplifting, humorous
Needs - Operational
Bold cut-outs for entire customer experience usage
Full bleed with iconic details on corners / edges to
accommodate typography style
43. Case study - Cable & Wireless
Brand elements
Fresh / vibrant
Green/ environmental
Communications/ infrastructure
Style de鍖nitions
High key
High colour
Details / icons off centre
48. Case study - Ultissimo
Needs - Brand
Authentic Italianness
Selling a lifestyle , not just property
Needs - Operational
Create pull & desire for the dream
Demonstrate the properties, the approach and
鍖nishes / quality that differentiates them
Needs - Content
Italy, Umbria, the developments, and the individual
properties, their feel and style in one branded coherent
49. Case study - Ultissimo
Authentically captured moments.
Stylistic rules
Close, textural.
Strong, atmospheric light
Strong use of identity colour palette
Low depth of 鍖eld
Evocative - mood, sound, smells
Traces of humanity - not literal
Experiential - being there , not viewing from afar
Authentic - not staged.
Warm Italian sunshine
57. Case study - Livewire
Needs - Brand
Selling a life of extreme style, not just the technology
which facilitates
Stand out from visually unsophisticated competitors
in the audio visual market
Needs - Operational
Describe very high end, quality products as well as a
bespoke service and attention to detail
Needs Content
Illustrate the products, but also the seamless,
unobtrusive integration of them into a home.
58. Case study - Livewire
Distilled brand elements
Style de鍖nitions
Close, textural, abstract.
Using the style and ergonomics of the products to
create striking graphics that are not literal or
Subtle colour palette
Low depth of 鍖eld (area of focus)
emphasising the subtlety and recessive
nature of the installation
drawing attention to the concept of being
heard, but not seen
62. Case study - Dine Asia
Needs - Brand
Not just a meal. An experience. An event, an
Capture an essence of venue , but also the cultures it
Differentiated & impactful within the sector
Avoid clich辿s in imagery - smiling waiters etc
Needs - Operational
Evocative, sensory.
Non literal & applicable across multi applications
Needs Content
Design, style & 鍖avour of the restaurant, food and
the service.
63. Case study - Dine Asia
Visual strategy - Inspiration
Dynamic, energetic
Stylistic rules
Macro, very low area of focus
Colour and light - creating be-jewelled atmospheric
abstract ambience
Strong, rich, deep - spice colours
Blur & movement
Very high highlights and very deep shadows
Acute attention on small detail - placing you IN the
Evocative - mood, sound, smells
Details that build a sense of place - rather than
literal documentation - that does not capture the
67. Case study - Decadence
Needs - Brand
Create a new and meaningful clubbing brand in a
jaded market place.
Exercise global brand credibility
Create instant stand out & a stylistic hook to own
ongoing, and grow
Needs - Operational
Above the line launch campaign with impact
Continued consistent imagery across all applications
Needs Content
Conceptual illustration of Decadence
A poster people would buy to put on the wall
68. Case study - Decadence
Distilled brand elements
Visual identity styling
Cacophony of texture and luxury /!pleasure!
richness /intensity
Muted deep tones or black&white with spot /
splash of intense colour.
Voyeuristic, edgy.
Strong , spacial, very graphic!composition!
non obvious framing using bed / furniture / mirrors
72. That Sundae feeling
Sundae is a brand image consultancy.
Providing cost effective bespoke brand
image libraries.
We create imagery that strengthens your
brand, and saves you time and money.
73. So,
Call us, and let us strengthen your brand &
save you some time, cash and aggravation
at the same time.
UK +44 (0)207 722 0712
SA +27 (0)79 913 5893
Sundae Brand Imagery 息 Nicky Willcock 2004- 2009