Pakistan has abundant water resources from glaciers and rivers, supporting the world's largest irrigation system. However, over 10 million people still need food assistance and livelihood support. The constitution guarantees food security, but Pakistan remains underdeveloped and malnourished. This is largely due to blame games between politicians and the persistent feudal system. Feudal lords illegally divert canal water and exploit poor farmers through low wages and land grabs. They also prevent education to maintain control. Urgent action is needed to address these major problems of feudalism and political inaction in order to support farmers and improve food security.
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Why we are in crisis
Alhumdullilah Allah Almighty has blessed Pakistan with abandoned water resources, with water
flowing down the Himalayas and karakuram heights, from the worlds largest glaciers. Today
Pakistan has worlds largest and the marvelous irrigation system that irrigates over 16 million
hectors of land approximately 3 times more than Russia.
Pakistan is agro based country and Agriculture contributes about 26% in GDP and approximately
63% people of rural areas are linked with Agriculture, Agriculture is also base for foreign trade.
According to different reports and sources Pakistan is exporting about 3 million tons of rice per
year. And 2 million tons of wheat is also being exported from Pakistan per year. About 25 % of
total area of Pakistan is under cultivation lets talk about world wide ranking Pakistan ranks 3rd
in Apricot production, 3rd in chickpea production, 4th in cotton lint production , 5th in date
production 10th in wheat production,4th in rice paddy , 4th in milk production, 6th in livestock
production. But still more than 10 million people are in need of livelihood assistance food aid
and shelter.
Food security exists when all people have physical, economic access to food
Ahhhhh. But we are quite far from the food security I often think although Pakistan is blessed
country with all kind of resources but it is being included in under developed and mal nourished
countries WHY?
My brain often tells me that blame game and feudalism are the 2 major problems lets take a
example of flood, flood is the repeated action in Pakistan. Flood always come where there is
excess of water but still we cry upon shortage of water.. There is no shortage of water in
Pakistan, there is shortage of management, there is shortage of reservoirs and maintained
reservoirs, and there is shortage of literate irrigation agents and there is negligence of
Government just because of Blame Game of our politicians. They often commit promises but
after getting their seats, posts they dont full fill it in spite of taking steps for betterment of nation
they waste their time in blaming each other .They find out mistakes of previous government
.They keep on doing this till next election comes. Our high profile personalities it is being
requested to you stop blaming each other, just look and care about your acts use your reservoirs
wisely, save our countrys people and land from further losses. Another problem from which our
nation has been suffering since independence is Feudalism. This is very painful we live in 21st
century but the word feudalism is still alive in our country.
Feudalism is the major interance in the success of small and marginal farmers they often stops
and dont allow to pass canal water to go into the farms of ordinary farmers inorder to complete
2. their water requirements which is a crime it comes under robbery but nobody asks them to avoid
It feels to me like that our written laws are like spider weds which only intagle and holds poor
and weak people while rich and strong can easily break them.
Feudalism system takes a lot of work on very small amount from innocent farmhands sometimes
they dont give anything to farmhands except threats.
They often take over on the land of poor and weak people, I feel very pity for those people who
cant do anything except crying upon their luck. Feudalism system doesnt allow poor people to
get education because they scare if they get education they will not spare them and they will not
be able to make them fool, they dont pay attention towards health of people of rural areas
specially farmhands specially during threshing many of farmhands are suffering from asthma etc
there are many more problems words will be completed but list of problems will not be
Its time to aware Pakistani nation from these two major problems, its time to compel our
leaders to do something for the betterment of farmers and save our rural nation from further
losses it is their kindness that we are being included in 1st top 10 ranks in production of many